Learning how to communicate covid science effectively

Jul 1, 2022

Date:1 July 2022

Content Sections

  • Joining the conference via livestream
  • Questions considered by both experts

Despite the dystopian reality that has been thrust on us since SARS-CoV-2 was released on humanity around three years ago, it has also brought together so many who are passionate about creating a new and better reality. Many of us have been brought together for the 2nd World Congress of the World Council for Health and Médicos Pela Vida in Foz do Iguaço, Brazil. ANH’s founder Rob Verkerk PhD, and behaviour and communications expert, David Charalambous, are among the speakers. 

Q&A session on Friday morning 1st July with (left to right) Drs Kirk Milhoan (US), Richard Urso (US), Naseeba Kathrada (SA), Luciane Berti (Brazil), Ryan Cole (US) and moderator, Dr Katerina Lindley (US) .

Rob and David took some time out on Wednesday, after a trip to view the falls, to record a conversation to learn from each other about communicating covid science to others.

The upper aspect of the very impressive Foz do Iguaço. Photograph: Meleni Aldridge

The thrust of their conversation centred around how best to communicate to the public controversial aspects of covid science that go against the mainstream narrative, yet are well supported by available science and experience. This includes how we might learn to be more effective in sharing information with people with no science background, including those who may be hostile to the reality of the answers.

It’s a fascinating conversation — Rob, in his own inimitable way, provides a considered, science-based answer, which David then interprets and shows how the same information can be communicated simply, and also to the those who may have succumbed to group thinking/mass formation.

The conversation kicks off with a discussion on how mass formation causes critical thinking to be suspended and views that diverge from the mainstream ideology, however far it might deviate from the known science, to be ignored, rejected or aggressively challenged. Really worth your time investment as a lot of advanced communication and behaviour science is being so used against us right now.

>>> Prefer to listen to the audio? Access the audio podcast on Soundcloud.

Joining the conference via livestream

The conference in Brazil is a 4-day event, hosting medical doctors, scientists, health professionals and experts from around the world to review and discuss where we find ourselves currently in the Covid-19 response. If you’re interested in tuning in, you can get free access (or via this link) to days 3 and 4 of the Brazil conference which will be livestreamed (please note that you DO NOT need to enter your passport number, this is not a mandatory field!). ANH executive coordinator, Meleni Aldridge, is presenting tomorrow, Saturday 2nd July on or around 9:10am local Brazil time (1:10 pm BST; 8:10 am EST) in Panel 10: Covid-19 and Mental Health, with a talk entitled ‘Brain on Fire: Strategies for Managing the effects’.

Unfortunately, given local laws preventing medical doctors from sharing conference teachings with the public, days 1 and 2 have not been livestreamed. However, we will be releasing both Rob and Meleni’s presentations in our newsletter next week.

>>> Don’t miss your chance to learn directly from David Charalambous! Early bird registration is now open for our brand new, potentially life-changing, ANH Health Creation Faculty event – Behaviour and Communication Magic. Join us in person in Guildford, Surrey (UK) on Saturday 24th September, or virtually from anywhere in the world, for an experiential, information-packed, yet practical day with behaviour and communication dynamics expert, David Charalambous; ecological health scientist, Robert Verkerk PhD, and; clinical psychoneuroimmunologist, Meleni Aldridge.

Questions considered by both experts

  1. Is it really a “pandemic of the unvaccinated?”
  2. Blood clots are increasingly being reported in association with covid-19 and covid shots – what’s going on?
  3. What’s wrong or right about the recent decision of the FDA to authorise covid-19 injections for children aged 6 months to 5 years?
  4. Why have novel mRNA and adenoviral vector vaccines been the central plank of the global response to covid-19? Is this a science-based decision or something else?
  5. Does global vaccination increase or decrease the protection of humans to existing and newly evolved or zoonotic pathogens?
  6. Can we really win arguments with higher quality science that don’t rely on cherry-picked or paid-for science?


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>>> Early bird registration now open for a brand new, potentially life-changing, ANH Health Creation Faculty event – Behaviour and Communication Magic. 

>>> For more covid news and information, visit our Covid Zone microsite: covidzone.org

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Proudly affiliated with: Enough Movement                                        Coalition partner of: World Council for Health