Frequency Medicine (Part 2): Devices – wacky or worthy? The video

Feb 9, 2023

Date:9 February 2023

Following on from Rob Verkerk PhD’s extensive and in-depth article on frequency medicine devices, Rob’s recorded a 30-minute video for those of who prefer to imbibe the information through audio or audiovisual means. To dive into the written content again, you can find the link below. We’ve also included a link to the Part 1 article, Frequencies (Part 1) – unearthing the mysteries of life and the accompanying video below.

Watch Part 2 video


Read Part 2 article

Frequency Medicine (Part 2) – Devices: Wacky or Worthy?

Rob Verkerk PhD’s second part of his evaluation of frequency medicine, this time diving deep into devices that measure or deliver frequencies to the body.

Watch Part 1 video

Read Part 1 article

Frequencies (Part 1) – unearthing the mysteries of life

The first in a two-part series on frequencies by ANH founder, Rob Verkerk PhD. Part 1 explains the intimate relationship between electromagnetism and life, Part 2 (to be published in 2 weeks) will address the benefits and potential risks of frequency based technologies.


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