BREAKING NEWS: New courses now available from ANH Health Creation Faculty online!

Aug 3, 2023

Date:3 August 2023

Content Sections

  • Rob Verkerk PhD: Life Medicine – a new paradigm for multi-system health regeneration
  • Dr Geert Vanden Bossche: The immune biology of natural and immune escape pandemics/ epidemics
  • Meleni Aldridge: Reset, Re-Tune and Re-Ignite Your Metabolic Pathways
  • Dian Shepperson-Mills & Zakia Mance: Having the foresight to plan for fertility up to the first year of life: Healthy Parents to Healthy Children
  • David Cordes: Stepping from where you are into who you are

The ANH Health Creation Faculty is thrilled to announce its partnership with Dr James Lyons-Weiler of IPAK, The Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge, to offer courses via IPAK-EDU, the online university he founded in 2020.

We will be bringing you more information in the coming weeks on each of these courses and welcoming our new facilitators to the fold so you can get to know them better too. You can read more about each course and our experts below.

This is only the beginning!

All of the courses can be found in the ANH Health Creation Faculty Curriculum area. Please direct any questions to [email protected].

Rob Verkerk PhD: Life Medicine – a new paradigm for multi-system health regeneration

Course leader:

Robert Verkerk PhD, founder, executive & scientific director Alliance for Natural Health International & Alliance for Natural Health USA

Course duration: 12 weeks, 75 mins per session

Start date: Tuesday 19th September 2023

Sessions: Tuesday at 4:30 pm BST/GMT / 11:30 am EST

Link to enrol: Life Medicine – a new paradigm for multi-system health regeneration

Course Outline:

This course is about the ‘medicine’ required for healthful, long lives and will show students how we can co-create and regenerate health by working with multiple systems as well as more closely with nature. The course begins by unpacking a state-of-the-science understanding of what ‘life’ is, including theories as to its most likely origins and its interdependence with the biotic and abiotic world. It will then move on to consider a refreshing view of humanity and its often neglected interdependence with nature. Using the multiple lenses of systems and evolutionary biology, ecology, epigenetics and energetic science, the course identifies the multiple systems that need to be in balance in order that optimum health and resilience are achieved, while identifying markers that allow the evaluation of each system’s function.

For most, medicine means consuming or ingesting a pill, capsule or herb, being injected, or being manipulated. This kind of medicine might be better described as ‘doctoring’ and there’s no doubt it’s sometimes needed. But decades of research now tells us it is the things we do in our daily lives, often for months, years or even decades, that are the strongest determinants both of health — and of disease.

With 4 decades of multidisciplinary science in the fields of health and environmental science behind him, the course facilitator, Rob Verkerk PhD, will take you on a unique journey that aims to help you to create and regenerate health using the understanding of what this incredibly complex phenomenon called life — and human life especially — actually is.

Dr Verkerk will invite you to open the door to your own multi-dimensional transformation — and if you’ve got there already — it will help you to start the transformation of those around you. This course is suitable both for health professionals (any modality) as well as laypeople with a keen interest in health.

Find out more and enrol.

Browse all the courses on offer – ANH Health Creation Faculty Curriculum

Dr Geert Vanden Bossche: The immune biology of natural and immune escape pandemics/ epidemics

Course Leader:

Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, vaccinologist, creative thinker, innovator, entrepreneur and visionary

Course Duration: 12 weeks, 90 mins a session

Start date: Wednesday 27th September

Sessions: Wednesday, 2:00 pm BST/GMT / 7:00 pm EST

Link to enrol: The immune biology of natural and immune escape pandemics/ epidemics

Course Outline:

This course aims to provide comprehensive insights into the intricate interplay between pathogens and the host immune system. It will illuminate how this interaction influences the evolutionary dynamics of viral immune evasion and the adaptive responses of the host immune system. Furthermore, the course will demonstrate how populations establish herd immunity to combat global pandemics caused by acute, self-limiting infections, consequently pushing the pathogen towards endemicity. By examining the evolution of natural immunity during a pandemic, students will comprehend the delicate balance between minimizing human loss and allowing pathogen survival. Moreover, students will gain knowledge about the distinctions between global pandemics (eg. SARS-CoV-2), multi-country epidemics (eg. SARS, MERS), and localized epidemics, along with their implications for public health interventions.

Above all, this course emphasizes that complex public and global health issues demand a holistic and multidisciplinary approach from scientists. It will guide students on effectively addressing intricate challenges posed by emerging infections by assembling valuable insights from various disciplines within the Life Sciences, including evolutionary biology, microbiology, immunology, biochemistry, biophysics, vaccinology, and related subjects. By delving into the immune pathogenesis and immune recovery of acute, self-limiting viral diseases, as well as recognizing the transient nature of the pandemics they trigger, students will be well-informed in this field.

Find out more and enrol.

Browse all the courses on offer – ANH Health Creation Faculty Curriculum

Meleni Aldridge: Reset, Re-Tune and Re-Ignite Your Metabolic Pathways

Course Leader:
Meleni Aldridge, executive coordinator, Alliance for Natural Health International, Integrative & Regenerative Medicine Practitioner, Coach & Mentor, Speaker & Educator, Author

Course duration: 12 weeks, 75 mins per session

Start date: Tuesday 19th September 2023

Sessions: Tuesday at 6:00 pm BST/GMT / 1:00 pm EST

Link to enrol: Reset, Re-Tune and Re-Ignite Your Metabolic Pathways

Course Outline:

Meleni brings her 30+ years of experience as a multi-faceted health practitioner into this course. You’ll learn how you can reset your metabolism and health by changing the way you eat and think and feel and love, share and experience with others. Whilst the course is underpinned by the fundamental prerequisite of metabolic flexibility, it’s so much more than just another diet programme because the health of our metabolic fire has far-reaching effects for every system in the body — for our energy levels, our ability to think clearly and also our emotional balance. Weight management is a natural consequence of metabolic balance. Where this balance has been lost, restoring metabolic flexibility and putting our signalling systems and nutrient-sensing pathways back on course again, as evolution intended, is the only sustainable way of managing weight.

We are born into these exquisitely complex and intelligent organisms – our bodies – yet we are taught precious little about how they function and even less about what to do when they don’t work properly. Resetting our metabolism, engaging our evolutionary and protective pathways and speaking to our genetic blueprint in a food and lifestyle language that are in tune with our evolutionary heritage, allows the body to engage inherent self-healing mechanisms and restore balance, because health and survival is so hardwired into our bodies. It also allows for multi-system flexibility and resilience, key markers of real health, to flourish across our body systems because all are interconnected.

When you have a body that works, you’ll find cells and systems that sing with harmony, vitality and energy in abundance. When you have a clear head, more inner peace and balanced emotions, you are so much more poised to experience the freedom and flow that comes with physical health. Meleni’s experience of triumphing over deep and life changing ill health and autoimmune disease, as well as extreme weight gain, brings a deeper dimension to this course.

This course is both experiential and practical and suitable for health professionals as well as laypeople. You will get the most from what you learn by embarking on your own journey as you progress through the sessions.

Find out more and enrol.

Browse all the courses on offer – ANH Health Creation Faculty Curriculum

Dian Shepperson-Mills & Zakia Mance: Having the foresight to plan for fertility up to the first year of life: Healthy Parents to Healthy Children

Course Leaders:

Dian Shepperson-Mills, Cert Ed BSc BA Dip ION MA Health Education, Nutrition & Health professional, Fertility and Endometriosis Expert

Zakia Mance, naturopath and Hypnobirthing teacher, Mother

Course Duration: 15 weeks, 90 mins per session

Start date: Wednesday 13th September 2023

Sessions: Wednesday at 6:30 pm BST/GMT / 1:30 pm EST

Link to enrol: Having the foresight to plan for fertility up to the first year of life:  Healthy Parents to Healthy Children

Course Outline:

Creating, bearing and birthing a child is emotionally and physically demanding, no part of the journey should be overlooked. From conception to nurture, good physiological and mental health of the couple should be considered and cared for. This course makes the wellbeing of the body systems a priority, from healthy eating-to-exercise, mindfulness, and understanding how our bodies work empowers confidence.

Beginning with achieving successful conception, we follow chronologically from preconceptional-care, the gestation period, preparation for birth through hypno-birthing techniques, successful births, and raising newborns to six-months old, through to toddlers. Studying knowledge and research drawn from conventional and nutritional medicine and naturopathy. This program offers a considered, holistic approach, taking away fear and apprehension, replacing it with informed, practical, inspirational knowledge.

Globally millions of babies are affected by birth defects annually, many are miscarried or stillborn. One-in-six couples struggle to conceive as fertility rates are falling. We will investigate nutrient deficiencies, environmental pollutants and lifestyle factors which we may tweak to support fertility. All children are unique, made from genes humankind have passed on for millennium. Research has looked into enhancing fertility to improve foetal development through eating nutrient-dense fresh-foods. The genes from healthy ova and sperm carry the blueprint that develop into these little people we love.

Find out more and enrol.

Browse all the courses on offer – ANH Health Creation Faculty Curriculum

David Cordes: Stepping from where you are into who you are

Course Leader:
David Cordes, Well-Being Facilitator, Soul Mechanic, Father, Community Builder, Student

Course Duration: 12 weeks, 90 mins a session 

Start date: Monday 18th September 2023

Sessions: Monday 7:00 pm BST/GMT / 2:00 pm EST 

Link to enrol: Stepping from where you are into who you are

Course Outline

The Journey Home is a twelve-week online course designed to provide participants with an intimate knowledge of their unique and individual inner operating systems. Participants are guided on a journey of deep self-discovery, from their earliest memories to the present, and learn how their current reality is connected and directly linked to subterranean belief systems and coping strategies developed in response to traumatic and adverse experiences from the past. With compassionate curiosity, participants begin to recognize their life as a truly heroic journey and discover that they themselves hold the key to breaking free of historic patterns and behaviors to stand powerfully in the truth of who they really are. The course provides guidance, instruction, and practical application on: understanding our shadow and golden aspects, automated response systems, triggers & projection, adapted personas, forgiveness, defining our life mission and so much more!

Find out more and enrol.

Browse all the courses on offer – ANH Health Creation Faculty Curriculum


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