ANH News Beat (week 32/2023)

Aug 9, 2023

Date:9 August 2023

Content Sections

  • In Brief (click on the links to read more)
  • Natural News
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News

In Brief (click on the links to read more)

  • Winning the War on Cancer conference
  • The ANH team invite you to join them as Dan Astin-Gregory co-hosts Campout Live 2023
  • Forget climate change, it’s ecosystem damage we should be concerned about
  • Israeli firm applies for approval of lab-based meat in Europe and UK
  • Calls for EU Commissioner to clarify claims new online regulation will be used to punish social media platforms
  • Conference showcases research supporting homeopathy
  • US approval of new RSV treatment questioned over safety concerns
  • UK regulators approve new medical cannabis trial
  • New book details vax vs unvaxxed studies
  • MIND diet study fails to show efficacy
  • Press release claims obesity injections reduce risk of heart disease
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News inc:
    • Pfizer executives face Australian Senate hearing
    • Turbo cancers
    • Covid injections…
    • Risks of myocarditis
    • Class action lawsuit file in Australia
    • Plus more…

Natural News

  • The Beljanski Foundation’s upcoming integrative oncology conference is targeted at both health professionals and the lay public with the invitation to come and learn how to prevent and heal cancer using natural, holistic and integrative methods from 22 world-leading doctors and cancer conquerors. Out of this conference the Beljanski Foundation hopes to fund a research programme into natural stem cell treatment for breast cancer. ANH-USA executive director, Rob Verkerk PhD, will be there in person, along with others from the Board and team, to accept a prestigious award and to also attend the conference.

>>> Visit the ‘Winning the War on Cancer’ conference website for full details and to book your ticket

  • The ANH team are excited to be joining Dan Astin-Gregory (Pandemic Podcast and Elevate Media) and team at Campout Live this coming weekend (10-13th August) where Rob will be speaking, and Meleni will be leading the closing meditation journey on Saturday 12th August. We know it’s late notice, but for the spontaneous amongst you, who would like to join this grassroots, family-friendly, gathering focused on personal awakening and systems change there’re still a few tickets left. Campout offers you a rare opportunity to put your phone away and immerse yourself in nature to share ideas and explore new models for living in a rapidly changing world. We’re so looking forward to meeting you in person if you’re able to make it – or are already going! Click here for more information and to book your ticket
  • Josh Mittledorf PhD, writing in The Defender, takes a deep dive into the issues damaging planetary health. He warns against the excessive focus on CO2 levels and brings the discussion back the pressing issues of ecosystem destruction due to human activities and clandestine geoengineering of weather patterns.

>>> ANH Feature: Planet in crisis – looking beyond climate change

  • Israel-based business, Aleph Farms, has made the first submission to UK regulators seeking approval to make it’s lab-grown beef available to restaurants in the UK. This follows a similar submission made to Swiss regulators at the end of July.

>>> Feature: The red meat witch-hunt exposed

>>> Lab-grown meat versus agro-ecological farming

  • Human rights and free speech advocacy groups from around the world have called on EU Internal Commissioner, Thierry Breton, to clarify his recent comments suggesting the EU’s new Digital Services Act (DSA) will be used as a weapon to punish online platforms that don’t remove “hateful content”.

>>> The corruption of science through the suppression of dissent

>>> Dissent in the ranks

>>> VIDEO: Scientific misinformation – saviour or weapon?

  • The Homeopathy Research Institute’s 5th international research conference took place once again in June of this year, with representatives from 27 countries attending. The aim of the conference was to demonstrate the high quality evidence for the effectiveness of homeopathy, contrary to many skeptic claims. Read the Conference Report. Click here for the Conference Programme, which contains both oral and poster presentation abstracts. The individual conference presentations wil be free to view from September.

>>> In defence of homeopathy

>>> ANH-Intl Feature: Will homeopathy be saved – before it’s too late?

>>> It’s World Homeopathy Awareness Week!

  • Concerns are being expressed over the approval of a monoclonal antibody treatment to protect babies against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Questions are being asked over the safety of the treatment, which takes the form of an injection, after 12 deaths of babies were reported as part of the trial. The Defender has the full story. Read Daniel Horowitz’s op-ed on the recent rash of approvals for RSV treatments in the US and why this is a problem
  • Celadon Pharmaceuticals has been given approval by the UK’s NHS Research Ethics Committee to launch a clinical trial into the safety and efficacy of medical cannabis for the management of non-cancer chronic pain. In 2019, it was predicted that the global market for recreational and medical cannabis would hit nearly $60 billion USD. The new trial further strengthens Big Pharma’s hold on cannabis use as regulatory authorities continue to tighten the noose on CBD supplements and foods.

>>>  Time to stop knee-capping of EU CBD market

>>>  Carving a way forward for CBD and other cannabinoids

>>> ANH-Intl Special Report: Is safety the new gremlin for CBD regulation?

  • Regulatory authorities globally have never compared the health of vaccinated children to unvaccinated children and won’t give independent researchers access to government data that would allow them to undertake such studies. In an effort to show the breadth of independent studies that already exist to show the difference in health outcomes between vaccinated and unvaccinated children, Brian Hooker PhD and Robert F Kennedy Jr have co-authored a book ‘Vax-Unvax: Let the science speak’. The book, which will be available from 29 August 2023, is designed to “…expose to the public the real science behind the vaccination schedule [US], including the COVID-19 vaccine”.

>>> US research finds injury link to vaccinated children

  • Media headlines trumpet the news that the results from the latest trial of the Mediterranean-DASH Diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay study, also known as the MIND diet, are not what was expected by the research team. Although the brain health of participants on the MIND diet improved, so did the control group. The MIND diet, using elements of the Mediterranean and DASH diets, focuses on foods known to be beneficial for brain health, including dark green leafy vegetables, berries, olive oil and fish. The researchers hypothesise that just being enrolled in the trial may have influenced control group participants to improve their diet. Science journalist, Gary Taubes, takes a deep dive into the study to find what lessons we can learn from its apparent failure.
  • How do you turn negative headlines into positive? In the case of Wegovy, you announce it can cut the risk of heart disease. The release of top-line results, by press release, of the Milestone Select study, follow hot on the heels of concerns that using anti-obesity injections such as Wegovy can promote suicidal thoughts. According to the release, Wegovy reduces the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACEs) by 20% in overweight and obesity compared to placebo (which hasn’t been revealed). Actual data won’t be released until later in 2023.

News from ANH-USA

  • The US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is doubling down on its efforts to ban nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), a key anti-ageing supplement, as it refuses a request for a public hearing to clarify the agency’s position on NMN. Read more…
  • Following the release of its pilot study report on PFAS levels in kale, the ANH-USA team look at the increasing amount of research being released into the problem and extent of PFAS contamination. Read more…
  • Ron Hoffman, MD explores the 18 most common nutritional deficiencies in the US in the first of a two part series. Read more…

Covid News

  • Covid ‘vaccines’ are associated with an increased risk of heart related deaths, according to a new meta-analysis of self-controlled cases series (SCCS) published in Human Vaccines & Immunotherapies
  • James Lyons-Weiler asks what indicators, used in combination with Troponin, might be useful in identifying “subclinical” or “not clinically significant” myocarditis and preventing sudden death in afflicted young adults, as he takes a deep dive into how to identify heart damage following covid jabs
  • Children who experienced heart issues following covid injections suffered scarring on their hearts up to a year after their diagnosis. According to a Research Letter published in Circulation 78% of the patients studied were affected. The Epoch Times has more…
  • Pfizer executives being grilled as part of an Australian Senate hearing repeatedly failed to answer a series of clear, detailed and pointed questions in regard to its covid jabs. The executives consistently repeated prepared statements, which didn’t answer the Senators’ questions, leading to very obvious frustration on the part of the Senators. As part of the hearing, the Pfizer executives admitted Pfizer employees in Australia were vaccinated using a separate, private batch. When asked by Senator Rennick about claims that the ‘vaccines’ were “unequivocally safe”, despite a lack of safety testing, the Pfizer representatives stated there had been a “very careful assessment of the benefits and risks”. The executives also claimed no-one was forced to take ‘the vaccine’ triggering anger in the Chair of the Senate. When questioned about his claim, the executive refused to retract his statement. The Defender has more
  • The UK government has announced the opening of a new vaccine development unit at the high-security facility, Porton Down, as it steps up preparations to combat ‘Disease X’. The Vaccine Development and Evaluation Centre (VDEC) will work on a range of vaccines in support of the ‘100 Days Mission’. The lab holds samples of and will work on a range of viruses known to harm humans including Ebola, Zika and covid
  • Joel Smalley continues his investigation of excess deaths by reviewing data from Japan, revealing a significant increase following the roll out of covid jabs. He also analyses death certificate data from Minnesota, which reveals covid interventions resulted, in at least, four times the amount of excess mortality than covid
  • A class action lawsuit has been filed against the Australian government seeking compensation for covid ‘vaccine’ injuries. There’s still time to join the class action as the solicitors involved are continuing to accept registrations of interest
  • A new article in the Epoch Times takes an in-depth look at the rise in ‘turbo cancers’ in people under the age of 50, which is being linked to covid ‘vaccines’
  • The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) 5 year, $154m behavioural insights project, called the Health Communication Programme by the NIH, to research and develop nudge and manipulation techniques for “health communications”, has been paused, following the filing of the Missouri vs Biden legal challenge and a “flurry of FOIAs”
  • Patients are now being enrolled in clinical trials to test long Covid treatments in the US. However, most of the $1 billion allocation for the work has already been spent by the NIH studying the symptoms of Long Covid, rather than testing treatments that would help patients directly. STAT has the full story.

>>> Long covid – a national health disaster?

>>> ‘Long covid’: what is it and what might be the best way back?


>>> Visit for our complete curated covid content of the coronavirus crisis