Why we need to prevent the EU from removing health choice

Dec 13, 2023

Date:13 December 2023

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ANH founder, executive and scientific director, Rob Verkerk PhD, was interviewed on a recent trip to the Netherlands by the founder of Blckbx TV, ex-pro cyclist and seasoned sports presenter, now influencing on digital media, Flavio Pasquino. Flavio’s passion for delivering critical, honest and straight talking content for his audience has shone like a beacon through these past 3 years. Blckbx TV has gone from strength to strength, earning its well-deserved reputation for being a media outlet with democracy, freedom of the press and freedom of speech as its north star.

If you’ve been feeling the need for an update on the situation in Europe (and the UK) with regards access to nutrients that allow us to manage our health naturally, then this will be of much interest to you. Given the EU continues to doggedly pursue legislation set to limit or remove the kind of nutrients available to people who want to support their health naturally, Flavio and Rob dive straight into discussing what to do if the options to choose how we look after health are reduced through legislation.

We are not opposed to all regulation, but just legislation that is dispropportionate or discrimnatory. Particularly as we’re so keen to preserve freedom of choice and maintaining access to vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements that have been part of Nature’s medicine chest for so long.

>>> NB: The interview is English, with some Dutch TV clips.

Additional resources

>>> French anti-cult law proposes to criminalise natural health

>>> Therapeutic vitamins at risk from Brussels

>>> EU prepares for ban on therapeutic doses of B6

>>> No way, Norway, don’t dumb down your vitamins!


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