ANH News Beat (week 14/2023)

Apr 5, 2023

Date:5 April 2023

In Brief (click on the links to read more)

  • Skinny jab maker funding NHS obesity services to sell more products
  • Rob Verkerk PhD chats with Conell Loggenberg in an upbeat FB live
  • Kraft ‘Lunchables’ to become part of US kids school lunches
  • EAT-Lancet Planetary Health Diet too low in essential nutrients
  • EFSA opinion labels common preservatives as ‘carcinogenic’
  • UK plans field trials of GM crops with animal and human genes
  • WHO publishes training standards for Anthrosophic Medicine
  • ANH-USA defends homeopathy against FDA attacks
  • Including traditional medicine in mainstream healthcare
  • WHO Traditional Medicine global summit
  • One is six people globally affected by infertility
  • Falling birth rates in Europe and beyond
  • Maternal mortality jumps markedly in US
  • Covid News inc:
    • Long covid
    • Covid injections mortality, injury, contamination…
    • Pregnancy related issues following covid jabs
    • Court rules US government can’t mandate jabs for federal workers
    • Italian doctor suspended after calling for autopsies to investigate sudden deaths
    • Plus much more…


Natural News

  • Investigations have revealed not only has the maker of skinny jab ‘WeGovy’©, Novo Nordisk, engaged in a multi-million pound campaign to push its new weight loss jab, it’s also providing funding for weight-loss services in England as it pursues ways to increase sales of its obesity drugs.

>>> Are you up for taking Big Pharma’s new ‘skinny’ jab?

  • ANH founder, Rob Verkerk PhD, recently joined Conell Loggenberg for an upbeat Facebook live on his Wake Up page after they met and connected at last year’s Better Way Conference. The full live session can be viewed here.


  • Ultra-processed kids snack, ‘Lunchables’, could soon be seen in US school canteens after Kraft Heinz reformulated the product to meet federal nutritional guidelines as part of the National School Lunch Program. Making such ‘foods’ readily available will do nothing to control surging rates of childhood obesity in the US and will create further negative impact to childrens’ health.

>>> Food4Health guidelines

>>> Foods4Kids (aged 1-7 years) guidelines

>>> Buy your copy of RESET EATING today to futureproof both yours and your children’s health

  • The EAT Lancet Planetary Diet caused major waves when it was first published in 2019 due to its slashing of animal product consumption. A new paper, led by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) published in The Lancet Planetary Health, criticises the Planetary Diet for its lack of essential nutrients due to the low levels of animal-based foods, which generally have higher quantities of certain nutrients that are more bioavailable. Rather than turning to supplementation the researchers recommend eating a diet high in minimally processed, nutrient-dense whole foods including a modest increase in animal proteins.

>>> Read Rob Verkerk PhD’s Special Report: Analysis of the EAT-Lancet report on the original EAT Lancet report

  • A new opinion from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has deemed the group of preservatives called nitrosamines that are commonly used in processed foods, particularly meats, to be carcinogenic.
  • The UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) is considering an application by Rothamsted Research to conduct field trials of GM Camelina plants containing human and animal genes. There are significant ethical issues attached to the proposal along with potential harms to insects that may feed from the plants. DEFRA is currently inviting comments on the proposals. GM Freeze has more details and suggestions on how to respond to the DEFRA consultation, which closes on the 17th April.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) has published new training standards for Anthroposophic Medicine, a century-old system of medicine developed by Rudolf Steiner which is focused on health creation (salutogensis) rather than disease-management. Anthroposophic medicine takes account of the whole person, mind, body and spirit in equal proportion.

>>> The ANH Regen Health Project focuses on health creation rather than treating or managing disease

  • ANH-USA is calling for grassroots support to help it protect homeopathy in the US after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published a new policy that would allow it to remove homeopathic medicines from the market at will. ANH-USA is working alongside allies to add language to an appropriations bill to prevent the FDA from threatening consumers’ access to homeopathic medicines.
  • A new article published in the Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine discusses how Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Healthcare (TCIH) systems can be included in healthcare systems to improve health globally.
  • For many across the world, traditional medicines are their first port of call for healthcare. In August 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO), along with the Indian Government, will hold the first Traditional Medicine Global Summit to promote the continued use of traditional medicines across the world. The announcement follows the establishment of the WHO Global Centre for Traditional Medicine in 2022.
  • A new report from the WHO estimates that one in six people globally will be affected by infertility in their lifetime. However, the report, which uses data between 1990-2021, doesn’t explore the causes of infertility or recommend ways in which to combat the rising problem.
  • Data from the UK Health Security Agency shows a sharp reduction in live births in 2022 compared to 2021. The issues of falling birth rates has also been tackled by HART in a recent article considering data from a multitude of European countries as well as the UK.
  • In related news – new data from the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) shows that the number of women in the US dying due to pregnancy related issues jumped markedly in 2021. Up from 23.8 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2020 to 32.9 deaths 2021. Potential causes for the increase aren’t discussed in the report.


Covid News

  • Long covid type symptoms in young people, aged 12-25 years, aren’t connected to covid infection according to a new study published in JAMA Network Open. However, symptoms reported by participants are real and have multiple causes, many of which may benefit from non-pharmacological interventions
  • Levels of stroke, myocardial infarction and pulmonary embolism following bivalent covid shots tripled, compared to adverse events following monovalent covid injections. The data is revealed in a study from French researchers published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)
  • A Freedom of Information request to the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), elicited a document from 2021 evaluating Pfizer covid shots. The information revealed in the document shows just how much governments and their associated agencies knew about potential issues associated with the shots prior to their emergency use authorisation. UK-based nurse practitioner, PhD and educator, Dr John Campbell, takes viewers through key points in the document in his inimitable style, exposing the extent to which people have been hoodwinked over the supposed efficacy and safety of C-19 jabs
  • A peer-reviewed paper published in BMC Infectious Diseases in January 2023, is under threat of retraction following complaints about the robustness of its conclusion that covid jabs have killed over 200,000 people. UPDATE: the journal has now retracted the paper
  • Arkmedic addresses ongoing concerns over miscarriage rates following covid shots. Despite continued attempts to justify claims that the shots are safe in pregnancy, Arkmedic demonstrates just how easy it is to obfuscate data and hide what appear to be significant increases in early pregnancy miscarriages that should have raised a red flag and stopped the rollout of covid shots in pregnancy
  • Scottish Unity Edinburgh Group asks questions about Scottish data showing a significant jump in pregnancy terminations starting in 2021 and continuing through 2022
  • Legal action has been launched against AstraZeneca by dozens of people harmed by its covid shots along with families whose loved ones have died. Peter Todd of Scott-Moncrieff & Associates has plenty of experience with pandemic jab lawsuits having acted for people harmed by swine flu vaccines in 2009/10. Even though the claim is against AstraZeneca, any compensation awarded will be paid by the UK government due to the legal indemnity given to the company when its covid shot was approved
  • Class Action Covid UK (CACUK) is inviting people who’ve been harmed by covid jabs in England and Wales to contact them to be part of a test case, in order to establish legal rights or principles after being given a green light to proceed to court by a barrister who assessed its case
  • A 23 year-old man from Canada, who was left blind following his covid shot, has filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer of the jab, AstraZeneca, his employer at the time, the Attorney General of Canada and the medical authority that gave him the jab
  • A new Rasmussen Reports poll from the US has found almost the same percentage of Americans surveyed believe someone close to them died due to covid infection, as died from adverse reactions to covid jabs. Amongst those who said someone close to them died due to covid, 54% also believed a member of their family died due to covid shots
  • That studies supporting fantastical claims of covid jab effectiveness suffer from inherent flaws is well established by many in the science world who’ve been blocked from publishing their findings. A new peer-reviewed paper, co-authored by Peter Doshi PhD, published in the Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, highlights such issues as it discusses the way data has been manipulated to overstate jab effectiveness
  • US-based organisation, Feds for Medical Freedom, has won a court case against the Biden Administration challenging covid jab mandates with the federal court ruling the US government can’t mandate covid jabs for federal workers
  • The Freedom Alliance of South Africa is leading a legal action challenging the South African Government’s decision to authorise use of Pfizer’s covid jabs, because trial data doesn’t support claims that the jabs will protect against severe disease or death. The Notice of Motion names 23 different defendants, including Pfizer and the Ministry of Health. The Epoch Times has more
  • Healthy children and teenagers are unlikely to benefit from covid shots according to updated guidance from the World Health Organization (WHO) due to their low risk from covid
  • NPR reports that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is set to authorise another booster shot for older adults and those with weakened immune systems in order to use up shots that will otherwise be thrown away
  • Neurological problems following covid jabs and covid infection, present differently according to a recent research letter published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry. Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) following covid jabs was found to affect younger patients with acute onset, whereas post covid FND tended to be in older adults with a slower onset. Dr Robert Malone has more
  • An Italian doctor has been suspended for having the temerity to suggest autopsies should be carried out in order to understand the rise in excess mortality attributed to sudden adult death in Italy.


>>> Visit for our complete curated covid content of the coronavirus crisis