ANH News Beat (week 24/2023)

Jun 15, 2023

Date:15 June 2023

Content Sections

  • In Brief (click on the links to read more)
  • Natural News
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News

In Brief (click on the links to read more)

  • Behavioural science techniques trialled in US to increase HPV vaccine uptake
  • Questions asked over regulatory approval of Astrazeneca RSV drug after babies die during trials
  • UK doctor, Dr Jayne Donegan, faces GMC trial for questioning vaccine safety and efficacy
  • UN reports recognises importance of animal protein to human and soil health
  • US legislation proposes system to close loophole allowing approval of chemicals for food chain
  • Documentary peels back health issues linked to ultra-processed foods
  • Calls for World Health Organization to expand self-care guidelines
  • UK FSA proposes fast-track approval for lab-grown meat and fermed foods
  • Pressure put on European Commission to maintain regulatory control of ‘new’ GM techniques
  • Kenyan court blocks government plans to allow GM imports
  • Fluoridated water in pregnancy harms children’s ability to adapt to change
  • Oral health industry backs fluoridation of UK water supplies
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News inc:
    • Novak Djokovic vindicated
    • Australian government announces creation of its own Centre for Disease Control
    • Covid injections…
    • Peter Doshi on FDA’s refusal to add warnings to covid jab labels
    • The Times supports lab leak theory
    • Plus much more…

Natural News

  • Behavioural science techniques are being tested in the US to find out how to increase the uptake of HPV vaccine in kids. Rather than asking parents if they want their child to be jabbed, doctors will presume they do and announce the child will receive the injection as part of routine medical appointments! The use of such techniques will ride roughshod over parents’ rights and ability to make an informed decision about their children’s health and wellbeing
  • Questions are being asked over the potential approval by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of a new monoclonal antibody from AstraZeneca designed to protect babies against RSV. Trial data reveals an effectiveness rate of less than 50%, but more worryingly, 12 babies died during the trials. The deaths have been brushed off as unrelated to the shots despite significant concerns being expressed. The Defender has the detailed story
  • UK doctor, Dr Jayne Donegan, is being hauled before a tribunal by the UK’s General Medical Council (GMC) for daring to educate parents about the potential harms of childhood vaccines so they can make an informed decision about whether or not they wish their children to be vaccinated. The tribunal is going ahead even though she no longer has a licence to practice. Supporters are being asked to sign up to observe the hearing to show support for Dr Donegan. Link to register to observe proceedings
  • Animal protein is a key ingredient of healthy diets and sustainable food systems according to a new report, ‘Contribution of terrestrial animal source food to healthy diets for improved nutrition and health outcomes’, released by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The report also discusses the ability of animals to utilise land unsuitable for crops along with their vital contribution to improving and vitalising soil health.

>>> Article: The soil of life – is in deep trouble

  • New legislation has been reintroduced in the US to prevent chemicals used in processed foods to make it last longer, taste better and look more enticing, often with minimal safety data, from being brought into the food chain under the Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) process. The proposed law, which seeks to make food safer, requires the FDA to create an Office of Food Safety Reassessment to review the safety of chemicals introduced to the food chain through the GRAS system and re-establish a Food Advisory Council to advise the FDA on best practice in reviewing food chemical safety.

>>> Article: Peeling back Apeel

  • The links between ultra-processed foods that contain chemicals UK regulators say are safe and the explosion of chronic disease such as cancer, diabetes and stroke is explored in a new BBC Panorama documentary. The documentary follows two sisters, one eating a healthy diet, the other a diet consisting of UPFs. Within just two short weeks tests were able to evidence damage to the health of the sister eating UPF’s. Regulators continue to ignore the abundance of science showing the links between the consumption of UPFs and the exponential rise in chronic disease that’s threatening to sink healthcare systems.

>>> Article: ANH-Intl Feature: Are governments deliberately on the wrong anti-obesity track?

  • Calls have been made, as part of a launch event for a new coalition known as the United for Self-Care Coalition (USCC) at the 76th World Health Assembly, for the World Health Organization’s self-care guidelines to be expanded to empower people to take more care of their health and in turn reduce pressure on overburdened healthcare systems. Unfortunately, examples used of potential changes did not include regenerative and natural care, instead focusing on moving elements of the healthcare system into people’s homes!
  • Novel foods, such as those produced in labs, including fermed foods and lab-grown meat, could benefit from an accelerated approval process in the UK if they’ve been approved in other countries, under proposed changes to the current system. The proposals are included in the executive summary of a report prepared by Deloitte for the UK food Standards Agency (FSA). However, these processes are designed to protect the safety of consumers against such novel foods. Changes of this type to the Novel Food approval process could open the door to big food manufacturers to covertly protect certain vested interests, while denying others a level playing field.

>>> Article: Feature: The red meat witch-hunt exposed

>>> Article: Lab-grown meat versus agro-ecological farming

>>> Article: Log cabin chat: Post-Brexit novel food rules

  • Three hundred organisations are calling on the European Commission (EC) to maintain robust regulation of ‘new GM’ technologies, such as gene editing, in a letter sent to Frans Timmerman, Vice President of the European Commission. The letter warns of the potential damage to the environment and biodiversity should such technologies be deregulated due to increased pesticide use without any discernible increase in sustainability
  • In the ongoing fight to prevent the introduction of GMOs into Kenya after the new government reversed a ten-year ban on GMOs, a Kenyan Court has blocked the government’s plans to allow imports of GMO foods for human consumption by ruling it’s against the public interest. The government’s appeal has been turned down until all arguments have been heard. A second case brought by the Kenyan Peasant League, currently being heard, argues that allowing the cultivation and consumption of GMOs is unlawful and that such products pose health risks. If the Kenyan Peasants League wins the case, the government could be permanently banned from importing GMOs.

>>> Article: Bayer, Monsanto and GMO dumping

  • Children born to women exposed to fluoridated water in pregnancy are more likely to experience impaired self-control, which could potentially lead to addiction in later life and a reduced ability to adapt to changes in their environment. Researchers publishing in Science of The Total Environment found that, unlike other studies, IQ was not affected but girls were particularly impacted by their mother’s exposure to fluoride
  • Meanwhile in the UK, The Oral Health Foundation is backing calls made in a report from Frontier Economics, funded by the Wrigley Oral Healthcare Programme, for the immediate implementation of water fluoridation in the UK to improve oral health and reduce the costs of dentistry to the NHS. The report makes no attempt to evaluate the science showing the myriad harms posed by the wholescale fluoridation of water supplies while playing into the hands of the UK government, which wants to implement fluoridation of UK water supplies.

>>> Article: Coming to a tap near you

News from ANH-USA

  • The ANH-USA team shares a round-up of recent news stories on contamination by PFAS chemicals, known as ‘forever chemicals’ as they announce the imminent release of their own pilot study. Read more
  • ANH-USA has submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) as it seeks information on the FTC’s recent guidance that could limit consumer access to vital science about the benefits of dietary supplements and other natural products. Read more

Covid News

  • Novak Djokovic defied the authorities throughout the pandemic by consistently refusing to be covid jabbed resulting in him being barred from competing because he put his bodily autonomy first and foremost. His stance has now been vindicated as he won his 23rd Grand Slam title at the French Open. As the saying goes – good things come to those who wait!
  • The Australian government is preparing to set up its own Centre for Disease Control in the aftermath of the covid crisis to “…improve our response to public health emergencies” through improved pandemic preparedness
  • Has the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) committed a huge faux pas in regard to the effectiveness of ivermectin for treating covid? According to the Epoch Times and Daily Clout, an FDA webpage claiming, “data do not show ivermectin is effective”, uses multiple papers that show ivermectin is indeed an effective treatment for covid! Get the full story from the Daily Clout
  • Mark Zuckerberg has admitted during an interview on the Lex Friedman podcast, that some of the information FB was asked to censor during the covid crisis was more accurate than information it was asked to promote
  • Writing in The Hill, BMJ Senior editor, Peter Doshi, has co-authored an article outing the FDA’s response which basically amouted to, ‘we don’t care’, in response to a letter from current and former FDA advisors along with academics. The letter requested changes to the labelling of covid jabs to reflect potential adverse reactions and the lack of evidence to support claims that the jabs prevent transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The FDA rejected nearly all of the requested changes in direct opposition of legal labelling requirements. Read the full article in The Hill
  • Half of the women taking part in a recent study published in Women’s Health, experienced problems with their menstrual cycles following their first covid jabs. Nearly 30% suffered further problems following their second jab. The study provides further evidence of the ability of the mRNA, found in covid injections, to migrate to various organs around the body including the sexual organs, further driving concerns around the impact of covid jabs on fertility
  • A new investigation from journalists at The Times, confirms what hitherto has been labelled ‘conspiracy theory’ – that covid originated from ‘bioweapon’ research using gain of function testing to mutate bat coronaviruses found in a mineshaft in another area of China, at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, funded by the US Eco Health Alliance using grants from the NIH. The investigating team says researchers from the lab were admitted to hospital in November 2019 with covid-like symptoms and that the initial outbreak of covid was close to the lab rather than the wet market.


>>> Visit for our complete curated covid content of the coronavirus crisis