ANH News Beat (week 26/2023)

Jun 28, 2023

Date:28 June 2023

Content Sections

  • In Brief (click on the links to read more)
  • Natural News
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News

In Brief (click on the links to read more)

  • More than 1 billion people predicted to develop diabetes by 2050
  • Probiotics can help combat depression
  • Dissenting scientists cancelled and censored
  • 3M agrees $10.3 billion payout to combat PFAS in water supplies
  • UK’s NHS plans to introduce ‘robot receptionists’
  • Alarm raised over heart related death increase in UK
  • UK’s proposed BIll of Rights scrapped
  • Gene editing’s not so precise changes to tomatoes
  • French regulators launch online tool to highlight risks of herbal supplements
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News inc:
    • Council of EU promotes new WHO digital health certificate
    • Top US officials knew covid jabs didn’t stop transmission
    • Covid injections…
    • Serious concerns raised over FDA monitoring of adverse reactions
    • WEF report proposes slashing of car ownership
    • Plus more…


Natural News

  • More than 1 billion people globally will be living with diabetes (90% of which will be type 2 diabetes [T2D]) by 2050. This prediction comes courtesy of a new paper published in The Lancet, as part of the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD). The predictions may be manna to pharmaceutical companies looking for new blockbuster products, but do nothing to help people make the necessary diet and lifestyle changes to prevent the slide into obesity and its associated disease states, including T2D.

>>> Reverse Diabetes Naturally Campaign

  • Probiotics can help to reduce symptoms of depression. According to a new study published in JAMA Psychiatry, people suffering from serious depression, who took a probiotic supplement using 14 different strains of bacteria, experienced reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety.

>>> Article: Depression – more than a gut feeling

>>>Article: Is depression a mental or physical condition?

>>> Reduce your risk of developing diabetes with RESET EATING. Buy your copy today to turn your food into powerful medicine

  • Eminent scientists are finding themselves censored and cancelled by mainstream health systems and scientific publications because they dare to dissent scientifically, on issues such as covid and climate change. Prof Norman Fenton was cancelled by the Health and Care Analytics Conference due to his views on covid jabs, even though he was due to speak in his specialist area of Bayesian networks. Dr David Whitehouse was censored by the New Scientist, after he was asked to write a feature article, when the editorial team realised he’s on the Academic Advisory Board of the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), a think tank with opposing views on climate change to those of the mainstream narrative. His commission was withdrawn. The continued cancelling of scientists with differing views sets a dangerous precedent that could affect the advancement of science for years to come.

>>> FEATURE: How the Nobel Prize Summit sold out on real science

  • Chemical giant, 3M, has reached an agreement to contribute $10.3 billion, over a 13 year period, towards cleaning up PFAS contamination in water supplies in the US. The sum agreed is likely to be but a drop in the ocean when it comes to resolving PFAS contamination in water, which could potentially runs into trillions of dollars globally.

>>> Article: PFAS: The unfolding chemical disaster

  • The UK government is reportedly planning to introduce ‘robot receptionists’ as part of a new NHS workforce plan. The automated robotic processes, which would use systems similar to CHAT GPT, could be used to transcribe doctors notes, flag test results and analyse patient referrals. However, this does beg the question as to who will oversee all of this sensitive patient data, due to the very real risk of patient privacy being compromised by such systems. Whilst many may see this project as a positive move, in reality it further eradicates our right to privacy and erodes trust in the healthcare system. Even clearer ethical standards and guidance are needed for the use of AI in healthcare settings, as healthcare systems globally venture into technological regions hitherto unknown.

>>> Article: Your health data – exploitation of the most precious commodity

>>> FEATURE: Medical ethics – our best chance of restoring distorted health systems?

  • UK charity, The British Heart Foundation (BHF), has finally raised an alarm over the continued increase in excess deaths due to cardiovascular issues over the past three years. However, the charity blames the rise in 2020 on covid, and appears to be at loss to explain the continued rise as covid deaths fall away
  • The UK’s proposed Bill of Rights has been scrapped. The removal of the proposed Bill, which was supposed to replace the existing Human Rights Bill, is a huge win for those from across the spectrum of parliamentarians, lawyers, human rights organisations and ordinary citizens who recognised its very real threat to existing, hard won, human rights
  • Gene editing has resulted in multiple, unplanned genetic changes in tomatoes. The chromothripsis-like effects (many hundreds of genetic changes that can occur at the same time), which are already recognised in animal and human cells, is now known to affect plants as well, which are routinely edited. The new study calls the alleged precision of such techniques into serious question and raises further question marks over the safety of the continued use of the technology
  • The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) has created an online tool to help healthcare professionals provide information to their patients about the potential risks of herbal ingredients used in food supplements. ANSES has also published a 542 page opinion to accompany the new online tool.

News from ANH-USA

  • The US government doesn’t seem to think PFAS contamination of the food supply is a concern, but independent testing from ANH-USA tells a different story. ANH-USA tested random samples of organic and non-organic, supermarket-bought, kale from 4 different states and found PFAS contamination in all but one sample. Read more and download the report
  • The US Environmental protection Agency (EPA) is refusing to take action to regulate the use of pesticide coated seeds used to produce ethanol and grow food, most likely because it doesn’t want to antagonise big agribusiness. Read more
  • The ANH-USA team shares an update on their recent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) as independent media picks up and supports the issue. Read more

Covid News

  • Twitter Files journalists, Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi joined Russell Brand in London last week to explore and expose the Censorship Industrial Complex (CIC). The CIC term encompasses the complex web of government, big tech, intelligence and media that’s colluding to suppress free speech in the UK, America and beyond. Watch out for a more detailed report of the event in next week’s newsletter
  • The Council of the European Union has given its blessing to the transition of the EU covid vaccine certificate system to a global digital health certification system under the World Health Organization (WHO). Whilst member states are under no obligation to adopt the WHO’s system, the Council of the EU is strongly encouraging states to use the system as its use is expanded to cover a wide range of health issues
  • An email obtained by the Epoch Times shows that top health officials in the US knew early in 2021 that covid jabs didn’t stop the spread of covid. The email, which links to an editorial in JAMA regarding the issue, reveals Dr Rochelle Walensky, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), spoke to Dr Anthony Fauci about the problem. A few months after she sent the email to Fauci, she publicly claimed that vaccinated people don’t carry the virus or get sick, despite a multitude of voices calling for caution. The Epoch Times has the full story
  • A new preprint study calls for stringent controls to be put in place for future mRNA vaccines developed outside of a pandemic situation, given the huge question marks raised over the safety of covid jabs
  • The Swedish Security Service (SÄPO) has published a report, ‘Rotten democracy – Conspiracy propaganda, racism and violence’, in which it calls out organisations and networks that promote “anti-democratic extremist environments”. One of the targets is a Swedish-based organisation, The Doctors’ Appeal/Läkaruppropet, which ran the ‘Pandemic Strategies: Lessons and Consequences’ conference in January 2023, during which Dr Arne Burkhardt spoke about the impact of covid jabs on fertility.

>>> Article: Tribute to a luminary of scientific integrity

  • Serious concerns over the apparent lack of robust monitoring of covid ‘vaccines’ have been raised in a new Letter to the Editor, published in Vaccines. The lead author of the letter is Peter Doshi, Editor of The BMJ. The authors pillory the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) over the shortcomings of its recently published surveillance study that failed to identify safety signals for known adverse reactions and call for the FDA to share the data used to allow for independent analysis
  • Car ownership should be slashed by 2050, according to a new report, ‘The Urban Mobility Scorecard Tool: Benchmarking the Transition to Sustainable Urban Mobility’ from the World Economic Forum (WEF). The report calls for car ownership to be reduced by three quarters from 2.1 billion vehicles to 0.5 billion by 2050. The report also calls for most travel to be via public transport and envisages the majority of people to be living in compact cities, where ‘micromobility’, aka. walking and cycling, will replace driving. Clearly, any environment designed to slash car usage and force people into walking, cycling or taking public transport is also going to have a huge impact freedom of movement.

>>> Article: Is Oxford planning the UK’s first climate lockdown?


>>> Visit for our complete curated covid content of the coronavirus crisis