In case you missed it – June 2023

In case you missed it – June 2023

Date:12 July 2023   Date Article 12 June 2023 Tribute to a luminary of scientific integrity We pay tribute to a renowned pathologist who raised many questions about the impact of covid ‘vaccines’ on people’s health and wellbeing 12 June 2023 EU continues to tighten...
Learn & Journey: ANH events (week 28/2023)

Learn & Journey: ANH events (week 28/2023)

Date:12 July 2023     Event Member events Members’ Briefing and Q&A As an ANH Pathfinder member you can access the recordings for all of our monthly Members’ Briefing and Q&A’s. Click here to find out more and to join the ANH-Intl tribe! ANH...
ANH PFAS campaign goes global

ANH PFAS campaign goes global

Content Sections ● New campaign video ● Rob Verkerk PhD joins Dr Ron Hoffman on his Intelligent Medicine podcast ● Selected media reports on ANH PFAS campaign By Rob Verkerk PhD, ANH founder, executive & scientific director, ANH-Intl and ANH-USA Some 10 days ago...
UK GP struck off for protecting children's health

UK GP struck off for protecting children's health

Content Sections ● Statement by Dr Jayne Donegan following GMC Hearing Every person needs to have the balanced, evidence-based information necessary to give fully informed consent for any medical intervention that is recommended to them, most especially ones that are...
ANH News Beat (week 27/2023)

ANH News Beat (week 27/2023)

Content Sections ● In Brief (click on the links to read more) ● Natural News ● Covid News In Brief (click on the links to read more) Canadian organisation, the NHPPA, fights back against threat to natural health industry Dr Jayne Donegan struck off by medical tribunal...
Learn & Journey: ANH events (week 28/2023)

Learn & Journey: ANH events (week 27/2023)

    Event Member events Members’ Briefing and Q&A As an ANH Pathfinder member you can access the recordings for all of our monthly Members’ Briefing and Q&A’s. Click here to find out more and to join the ANH-Intl tribe! ANH Intention Circle...