Rob Verkerk joins the Politically Incorrect team on TNT Radio

Rob Verkerk joins the Politically Incorrect team on TNT Radio

Date:1 February 2023 Rob Verkerk PhD, our founder, executive and scientific director, joined Mike Tennessee and Richard Carsson again of the Politically Incorrect team on Australian TNT Radio again earlier this month. As you would expect from a radio station that...
Frequency Medicine (Part 1) – the video

Frequency Medicine (Part 1) – the video

Date:1 February 2023 Following on from Rob Verkerk PhD’s 6,000 word article on the relationship between frequencies and life itself, Rob’s recorded a  30 minute video for those of who that would like to imbibe the information through audio or audiovisual...
Truth be Told

Truth be Told

Date:1 February 2023 The plight of those who’ve been injured by covid vaccines was pulled into sharp focus on Saturday 21st January in London. Thousands upon thousands of people gathered together to share their experiences and draw attention to the ongoing...
ANH News Beat (week 5/2023)

ANH News Beat (week 5/2023)

Date:1 February 2023 Natural News The 39th annual report from the American Association of Poison Control Centers shows, yet again, there were zero deaths from vitamins or mineral supplements in the US during 2021 Supplementing the bacteria Akkermansia muciniphila,...
FEATURE: Frequencies (Part 1) – unearthing the mysteries of life

FEATURE: Frequencies (Part 1) – unearthing the mysteries of life

Date:11 January 2023 Content Sections ● Einstein’s vision of medicine ● You discover what you look for, and remain ignorant of what you ignore ● We know it’s there, but we choose not to see it ● Frequencies are fundamental to all living systems ● Music to your ears ●...
The illusion of separation — by app

The illusion of separation — by app

Date:11 January 2023 Content Sections ● Apps – innocent support or fast track to dystopia? ● The illusion of separation By Meleni Aldridge, executive coordinator Spoiler alert. It’s unusual to start an article with the punchline. But, to me, this one is so important...