Natural News Roundup (week 36/2022)

Natural News Roundup (week 36/2022)

Date:7 September 2022 New nutritional medicine journal launches A brand new peer-reviewed journal has launched. The Nutritional Medicine Journal is the brainchild of Dr Benjamin Brown ND, who’s passionate about high quality peer-reviewed research and countering...
Learn & Journey: ANH events (week 36/2022)

Learn & Journey: ANH events (week 36/2022)

Date:7 September 2022 Event Event details Behaviour and Communication Magic Please join us for this remarkable, brand-new event – Behaviour and Communication Magic, an experiential, practical, information-packed day with behaviour and communication dynamics...
Guest article: The Next Step to Transhumanism

Guest article: The Next Step to Transhumanism

Date:31 August 2022 This week we’re sharing a recent article from Christof Plothe, DO (co-author on Rob Verkerk PhD’s latest paper analysing the 18.5K strong cohort of unvaccinated members of the Control Group Cooperative) who is sounding the alarm as the World...
Covid News Unwrapped (week 35/2022)

Covid News Unwrapped (week 35/2022)

Date:31 August 2022 This week’s covid roundup sees the focus move to excess deaths and false narratives as the level to which we’ve been deceived by those in authority continues to be exposed. Reports from around the world express concern over rises above...
Natural News Roundup (week 35/2022)

Natural News Roundup (week 35/2022)

Date:31 August 2022 The LDL/cholesterol hypothesis does not explain the risk of developing cardiovascular disease In a new review published in Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity Dr Malcolm Kendrick posits raised levels of LDL cholesterol are not a...