In case you missed it – July 2023

Aug 9, 2023

Date:9 August 2023





06 Jul 2023

UK GP struck off for protecting children’s health

British doctor, and naturopathic and homeopathic practitioner, Dr Jayne Donegan, is struck from the General Medical Council register after ‘show trial’ and covid era ‘witch hunt’ – find out why she’s relieved

06 Jul 2023

ANH PFAS campaign goes global

Media around the world report on the findings of our PFAS study in the USA that exposes the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – plus we release our extended campaign video.

20 Jul 2023

PFAS campaign airs Down Under

ANH founder, Rob Verkerk PhD joined Australian TNT Radio presenter, Dean Mackin, to discuss ANH-USA’s PFAS in kale report and why PFAS chemicals pose such a serious threat to humanity and the environment.

20 Jul 2023

LAUNCH – Ethics for health professionals

ANH launches the second pillar of its new health and ethics framework – this one relating to ethics for health professionals. It follows our first pillar on the therapeutic relationship.

20 Jul 2023

Natural health: one picture, a million threats and opportunities

ANH Matters infographic launched showing interconnectedness of humans with nature.

20 Jul 2023

Speaking Naturally with Dr Leo Pruimboom

Don’t miss Rob Verkerk PhD’s expansive conversation with Dr Leo Pruimboom, founder of clinical psychoneuroimmunology and Intermittent Living – and an announcement!

27 Jul 2023

OPINION: Cancer as a survival and healing mechanism

Medical researcher, Rachel Nicoll PhD, offers an additional perspective on the development and prevention of cancer following the publication of Mark Lintern’s new theory


>>> Don’t forget to check out our regular roundups of Natural and covid news from around the globe.