In case you missed it – June 2023

Jul 12, 2023

Date:12 July 2023




12 June 2023

Tribute to a luminary of scientific integrity

We pay tribute to a renowned pathologist who raised many questions about the impact of covid ‘vaccines’ on people’s health and wellbeing

12 June 2023

EU continues to tighten noose on vitamin and mineral limits

European regulator, EFSA, continues its assualt on individual nutrient tolerable upper limits, ANH responds to its latest consultation on vitamin D to protect consumer freedom of choice

12 June 2023

FEATURE: How the Nobel Prize Summit sold out on real science

Despite noble ambitions, the Washington DC Nobel summit looked more like a breeding ground for AI-infused dogma and big corporate backed pseudoscience

21 June 2023

Tribute to Michael Stroka – a powerhouse of the nutrition ecosystem

It’s with great sadness that we say goodbye to yet another good friend and announce the untimely passing of Michael Stroka, CEO of the American Nutrition Association.

21 June 2023

Stomach on fire? Living on PPIs or antacids?

It might not be because you have too much stomach acid… Find out why controlling heartburn and acid reflux with drugs may be putting your health at risk – and what you can do about it

21 June 2023

PFAS: The unfolding chemical disaster

Why PFAS may be the single biggest chemical threat to human health that so few have even heard about – courtesy of tobacco tactics

28 June 2023

ANH-USA study finds ‘forever chemicals’ in kale

Our US team at Alliance for Natural Health USA tested the US FDA’s claim that the majority of the US food supply was free from PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ – and guess what we found?