VIDEO: Building resilience offers best chance for navigating the future successfully

Apr 5, 2023

Date:5 April 2023

Are we equipped for what lies ahead? Most of us – it seems – are not sufficiently resilient. We just don’t bounce back quickly or completely enough from the ever increasing number and amounts of stresses to which we’re exposed. As our focus is held on the challenges ahead, we also struggle to find the space or time to reflect on the values we need to move forward successfully.

These are just some of the concepts that ANH founder, Rob Verkerk PhD, shared as he took to the stage when he joined freedom fighters like Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Kat Lindley, Dr Maria Hubmer-Mogg, Del Bigtree, Mikki Willis and others from around the world as part of the recent #crowdresilience events in the USA.

Among the questions posed to the audience assembled at SKYBOX on 6th in Austin, TX, on April 1, Rob asked, “what the hell happened to dignity?”. Speaking to leaders in the freedom movement, he also urged that it’s time for humility — and to put egos aside. He went on to explain that key principles of medical ethics had been breached and that the scientific method is now deeply threatened courtesy of the current attacks on so-called ‘scientific misinformation’ by the scientific establishment and health authorities.

“I have not met a single person who has taken the genetic shot who had properly informed consent – not one single person” – Rob Verkerk PhD, at SKYBOX on 6th, #crowdresilience on tour, April 1, 2023


Rob ended his talk by reminding us that we must all learn to rebuild connection with each other – especially love. This is especially important at a time when individuals and communities have been ever more polarised and disconnected by recent events. The importance of love, he said, was increasingly on the research agenda such has been its recognition. But the research community has typically referred to by a different name: ‘unconditional positive regard’. 

Speakers at the event were punctuated with incredible performances from composers, performers and influencers, namely Brad James from Five Times August and DPAK.

We’ve included an excerpt of DPAK’s virtuoso, multi-instrumental performance in the video. You can follow DPAK’s work on his Instagram channel and via his website, while Brad’s work, including merchandise intended to open eyes, ears, minds and hearts, can be found at his Five Times August website.   

Over to Rob….

Watch Rob’s talk at #CrowdResilience on Tour

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Additional resources

>>> Read Rob’s recent article: FEATURE: Resilience and the values crisis – critical time for reappraisal

>>> Watch Rob’s recent video summary on why we need to build resilience and re-appraise values, skills and qualities so we can be ready for what’s ahead: VIDEO: Are we resilient enough for what’s ahead?



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