ANH News Beat (week 28/2024)

Jul 11, 2024

Date:11 July 2024

Content Sections

  • In Brief (click on the links to read more)
  • Natural News
  • ANH-USA Update
  • Covid Update

In Brief (click on the links to read more)

  • Autism symptoms reversed with natural health interventions
  • Gut dysbiosis test used to diagnose autism
  • Health Canada brings damaging regulations in through back door
  • Nature-based social prescribing
  • Vitamin D guidelines a step backwards
  • New framework to increase obesity diagnosis
  • Semaglutide weight loss injections may cause blindness
  • Dangers of gene editing
  • EU’s nature restoration law overcomes final hurdle
  • Permaculture benefits
  • Acupuncture reduces opioid cravings
  • Vaccines to target chronic disease and old age
  • ANH-USA Update
  • Covid News
    • Covid vaccines
    • No evidence to support efficacy of lockdowns
    • Disbarred lawyer sues Canadian government
    • plus more…

Natural News

  • A recent case study shows just how effective environmental and lifestyle interventions can be to reduce and reverse symptoms of autism. Published in the Journal of Personalized Medicine, a case study details the use of a range of therapeutic interventions including a diet free from gluten, dairy, glutamate, low in sugar with no artificial dyes or colours or ultra-processed foods plus a range of supplements for fraternal twin girls diagnosed with severe autism. The use of DNA testing helped to tailor the interventions to each twin as they had different needs. After 18 months one twin’s Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist score (ATEC) dropped from 76 to 32 whilst the other saw a dramatic drop from 43 to 4. Both are now stable and continuing with the dietary and lifestyle changes
  • In the above case study it was noted that both twins had digestive issues, which have been linked to the development of autism in natural health circles for many years. An asociation first noticed and raised by Dr Andrew Wakefield. A new paper published in Nature Microbiology exploring the use of a stool test to diagnose autism, confirms there’s a strong link between gut dysbiosis and autism symptoms. The study underpins the multifactorial nature of autism and the need for a holistic approach that uses robust root cause analysis to support therapeutic interventions such as those detailed in the case study above
  • Substantial regulatory amendments, quietly snuck into the Canadian 2024 Budget Bill, have been pushed through, after the Bill become law in June. The changes pose a huge threat to Canadian’s ability to access natural health options. Find out more from the Natural Health Product Protection Association as they work to combat the threats to natural health options in Canada
  • The benefits of being in nature is widely recognised and is increasingly being recommended in place of drug-based interventions through Social Prescribing. A new paper published in Environmental International explores the health benefits of nature-based social prescribing (NBSP), which promotes the benefits of nature-based activities such as walking and gardening.

>>> Find out more about nature’s potent healing ability with Meleni Aldridge and Gary Evans from the Forest Bathing Institute

  • New guidelines on vitamin D, issued by the US Endocrine Society, are a backwards step. “Vitamin D for the Prevention of Disease: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guidelines” rubbishes the use of vitamin D supplementation and testing for vitamin D levels. Those behind the guidelines say that there’s no evidence to show that taking more than the recommended daily allowance is of benefit, apart from in very specific circumstances, and that levels of 20 ng/mL (50 nmol/L) is “generally adequate” for the general population. Although in its 2011 guidance, a level of 30 ng/mL (75 nmol/L) was considered necessary. James Lyons Weiler wades in to counter the Endocrine Society’s claims.

>>> Why we should all be testing our vitamin D levels and supplementing where necessary

  • The European Association for the Study of Obesity has published a new framework for diagnosing people with obesity, which is now considered to be a complex non-communicable, chronic disease. The framework will help to diagnose people who might otherwise not receive a diagnosis under current guidelines, allowing treatments to be prescribed. On the plus side recommended treatment options include behaviour modifications, nutritional therapy, movement, stress reduction and sleep improvement before moving to more invasive medical and drug based treatments. Although in reality it’s much more likely that patients will guided down a pharmaceutical route rather than one of lifestyle modification
  • Weight loss drugs such as Ozempic may cause serious eye problems. A new study published in JAMA Ophthalmology, suggests there’s an increased risk of semaglutide users developing a rare eye condition known as Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (NAION), which can result in permanent loss of vision. Those with diabetes had a four times risk, while overweight patients were found to have a sevenfold increase risk of losing their sight.

>>> Is your fat trapped? A new paper offers a fresh view on obesity as a disease condition: how fat becomes ‘trapped’ as a result of a disordered metabolism

>>> Are you up for taking Big Pharma’s new ‘skinny’ jab?

  • Worldwide Big Biotech is targeting governments in a concerted effort to remove stringent regulations governing genetically altered organisms, designed to protect the environment and people. The potential for unintended changes to take place as a result of gene editing are highlighted in a new paper published in Frontiers in Genome Editing. The authors explore the wide-range and diversity of organisms now being genetically engineered and the potential risks of such manipulation. They caution that robust regulatory oversight is essential to ensure the “safe and responsible use of GMOs in the environment”
  • Further concerns about random mutations caused by gene editing are shared in a recent study published in Nature Genetics, which reveals how frequently ‘unintentional’ changes take place. According to the EU Commission and European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) such changes are no different to random mutations, however the study, which uses a new way to evaluate data, shows otherwise
  • In Nigeria, the head of the Biosafety agency, the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), has said GMO crops can’t be declared safe for human consumption due to a lack of safety studies
  • The International Genetic Charter spells out in a few sentences the safeguards necessary to protect human life from genetic degradation along with the measures necessary to “protect the integrity of our cellular genetics, in order to preserve the happiness, health, intelligence and peace of the family of mankind”
  • The European Union has finally given the green light for the implementation of its Nature Restoration Law, passed in February 2020. The law requires member states to restore 20% of a wide-range of environments in land and sea areas by 2030
  • Permaculture significantly increases biodiversity, soil quality and carbon storage. A new study published in Communications Earth & Environment investigates the benefits of this well-established farming system finding it to be a more “ecologically sustainable alternative to industrial agriculture”, which is causing huge damage to the environment
  • Acupuncture helps opioid users reduce cravings and medication. A new study published in Annals of Internal Medicine found that using acupuncture, over an 8 week period, reduced 62% of the treatment group’s opioid cravings allowing them to reduce their dose of methadone. The control group, which received sham acupuncture saw a 29% drop in cravings
  • Plans are afoot to create vaccines that target proteins created by our body to prevent the development of chronic disease rather than tackling the plethora of environmental and lifestyle factors that lead to the development of such conditions in the first place. The risk of triggering autoimmune disease is already understood, but development is continuing unheeded by such potentially serious details, as the payoff in terms of profits is likely huge, especially given that those developing such treatments envisage that ongoing regular ‘boosters’ will be required
  • Not only are pharma companies targeting chronic disease with vaccines, they’re also turning their attention to the development of vaccines to target aging and age-related disease.

>>> RESET EATING gives you all the information you need for vibrant health now and in the future

ANH-USA Update

  • The US Supreme Court has pulled the rug out from under the feet of Federal Agencies by overturning the 40 year old Chevron deference that directed Courts to accept interpretations of the law by federal agencies where there was ambiguity in statutes. The ruling is potentially hugely beneficial for access to natural health options. Find out what the ruling means for natural health…

Covid Update

  • The Hope Accord is calling for the suspension and investigation of covid mRNA genetic vaccines due to serious concerns about their supposed safety and efficacy and recognition for those who’ve been injured by these ‘vaccines’. The Accord calls for healthcare professionals, scientists and concerned members of the public to sign the accord

>>> Sign the Hope Accord

  • The US FDA has dialled up the war on ‘misinformation’ a notch with new guidance (enforcement policy) to help third party companies (pharma) tailor responses to combat ‘misinformation’ about their products whether it be a drug or biologic (vaccine)
  • The EU is urging member countries to increase efforts to push digital IDs and electronic health records on their citizens in a new report as part of its Digital Decade Policy Program (DDPP). The report justifies the ‘need’ for such a system in order to combat disinformation and mitigate online risks
  • A preprint study from April 2024 looking at covid vaccine effectiveness, using Italian data, has now been published in the journal Microorganisms. The study, which uses an extremely robust methodology to analyse the data, reveals that covid shots increase the risk of death. Profs Martin Neil and Norman Fenton analyse the study and its conclusions
  • A preprint study published earlier in the year, using German data, echoes the findings from the Italian study as it links excess deaths in the second and third years of the pandemic with the introduction and continued use of covid shots
  • Data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and a letter published in JAMA show the rapid waning of covid vaccine protection when given to children. Meryl Nass explains more
  • Wouter Aukema created a unique computer tool to download the entire database from the European Medicines Agency EudraVigilance database, which holds reports of suspected adverse drug reactions including covid shots. The data held a shocking secret, which revealed a three fold increase in safety reports for covid shots. The most reported adverse effect was covid. Aukema discusses the extraordinary data trove as part of a recent interview with Sonia Elijah. Also part of the discussion was Anne Merel Kloosterman representing covid vaccine injured people from The Netherlands, who revealed excess death data was covered up by the Dutch government using privacy legislation, which made it legally impossible to retrieve the data
  • Claims that highly restrictive government interventions to combat the spread of covid such as school closures, lockdowns or testing were highly effective have been found to lack suitable evidence to support such claims by a new paper published in Science Advances
  • A Canadian lawyer who was disbarred for speaking out against covid shots has launched a class-action lawsuit against many former and current high-level politicians and healthcare officials, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Lifesite News has the full story
  • A joint open letter, from the UK Medical Freedom Alliance (UKMFA), Children’s Covid Vaccines Advisory Council (CCVAC), Doctors for Patients UK (DfPUK) and the Heart Advisory and Recovery Team (HART), urges the GMC to protect doctors speaking out about covid vaccine harms by giving them the same protections as those afforded to whistleblowers.


>>> Visit for our complete curated covid content of the coronavirus crisis