ANH News Beat (week 34/2023)

Aug 23, 2023

Date:23 August 2023

Content Sections

  • In Brief (click on the links to read more)
  • Natural News
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News

In Brief (click on the links to read more)

  • Birth rates plummet in England and Wales
  • EU censorship bill comes into force
  • Be careful what you claim when it comes to being PFAS ‘free’
  • Secondary school children in UK to receive nasal flu vaccine
  • GM cotton harms beneficial insects
  • Glyphosate levels in urine and reduced cognitive function
  • Dietary antioxidants reduce risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
  • New UK-based project to figure out food behaviours to create new ‘foods’
  • Traditional Medicine Summit promotes ethnopiracy
  • New study pushes HPV vaccine for boys and men
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News inc:
    • Canadian fines for breaking covid restrictions quashed
    • New poll shows Americans are waking up to vaccine harms
    • Covid injections…
    • Excess mortality
    • Autoimmunity and covid jabs
    • Plus more…

Natural News

  • New data from the UK’s Office for National Statistics shows birth rates in England and Wales have dipped to their lowest level in more than 20 years. The reduction is being seen by some as a good thing, including World Economic Forum (WEF) advisor, Professor Sarah Harper
  • Censorship on a mass scale in the EU starts this week with the enactment of the Online Digital Services Act under the guise of keeping users ‘safe’. The latest platform to step into line to comply with the dictat is Tik Tok.

>>>  Big Tech censorship demands work-arounds

  • Companies making claims that their products and/or packaging are PFAS free need to be careful in what they say according to US attorney, John Villafranco of Kelley Drye LLP, which specialises in PFAS-related litigation. He said that given the widespread nature of PFAS contamination, companies need to be able to prove any claims, as it’s now nearly impossible to make these types of claim, unless a company has undertaken very specific testing to show their products are PFAS free.

>>> Download a copy of ANH-USA’s PFAS in kale study report

  • Secondary school age children (12-16 years) in the UK will be given the flu nasal spray when they return to school for the new term. Parents and caregivers haven’t been consulted and many won’t be aware until the programme rolls out. Informed Consent has launched a campaign to raise awareness of the issues related to the administration of a live vaccine across the whole school spectrum and the impact it can have on the elderly and immunocompromised populations.

>>>  Informed consent – is this fundamental right being respected?

  • A parasitic wasp used as a biological control against the fall armyworm, a major cotton pest, is falling foul of GMO cotton as the armyworm mutates to become resistant to the toxin in Bt cotton. A new study published in Crop Protection, found the Trastichus howardi (Olliff) (T. howardi) wasp’s larvae survival time has reduced and the wasp’s host-searching behaviour has been disrupted. The results show that claims that the Bt toxin doesn’t affect other species are untrue, adding to existing research showing harms to other insects, such as ladybirds, lacewings and caddisfly larvae
  • Researchers have found an association between the level of glyphosate in urine and reduced cognitive function in US adults. The study, published in Environmental Research, found higher glyphosate exposure led to lower cognitive function scores, greater odds of severe depressive symptoms, and increased risk of experiencing serious hearing difficulty
  • Higher intakes of dietary antioxidants improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). Researchers publishing in IOS Press found that the donated brains of those with AD had significantly lower levels of a range of antioxidants, while the brain tissue of people without AD were much richer in antioxidants.

>>> Alzheimer’s disease: cheap nutrients outperform latest drug

>>> Miracle molecules that reverse biological age

  • A New UK-based project, the Diet and Health Open Innovation Research Club (OIRC), seeks to help researchers, industry leaders and policymakers come together to investigate what makes us tick in terms of food, and how to create new “…healthier and more sustainable…” food products using biotechnology to reduce the epidemic of chronic disease. The project, which will be overseen by the British Nutrition Foundation (BNF), unsurprisingly, does not appear to be focusing on encouraging people to eat minimally processed wholefoods, which naturally reset our metabolism and promote vibrant health.

>>> Now’s the perfect time to buy your copy of our book Reset Eating and turn your food into powerful medicine

  • Delegates at the recent Traditional Medicine Summit have been urged to ‘share’ (hand over) traditional medicine knowledge with the pharmaceutical industry, by the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), in what amounts to a blatant act of ethnopiracy. Calls were also made for a stronger evidence base to be required to support the use of traditional medicines in order to facilitate the development of more stringent regulations around traditional, complementary and integrative medicine
  • A new study promoting HPV vaccine for men/boys has been published in The Lancet Global Health. The findings of the study are based on data between Jan 1995 and Jun 2022 and so includes data prior to the introduction of HPV vaccines. It fails to mention that the majority of HPV infections typically resolve naturally within 12 months. Checking the Declaration of Interests reveals heavy affiliations with Merck, which manufactures the most commonly used HPV vaccines.

>>>  ANH-Intl Feature: HPV vaccine — the risk of uninformed consent?

>>> It’s official: HPV vaccine, the most dangerous vaccine yet

>>> ANH-Intl Feature: HPV vaccine – follow the money

News from ANH-USA

  • Great news from the ANH-USA team about homeopathic medicines in the US. Grassroots pressure has resulted in the inclusion of language aimed at protecting homeopathy, following the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) guidance, issued in December 2022, which declared all homeopathic medicines are illegal. Find out how you can support this important campaign…
  • A new hit piece in Scientific American puts fuel on the fire of those trying to stop people accessing food supplements to support their health as it calls for stringent regulations including third-party testing for safety and efficacy. Read more
  • Ron Hoffman, MD, shares 16 reasons why most scientific studies are wrong. Find out more

Covid News

  • Covid vaccines are pushing our immune systems toward immune tolerance. Increased levels of IgG4 antibodies are being seen in individuals that have received multiple jabs. Higher levels of IgG4 mean our immune systems are more likely to tolerate a viral infection such as covid than fight it, putting people at higher risk of developing a severe infection. The latest paper to discuss the issue has been published in Scientific Reports adding to concerns already raised in previous papers (here and here).

>>> C19 jabs as drivers of turbo cancers and autoimmune flare-ups

  • Nearly 300 fines imposed on 212 people for violating coronavirus restrictions in Canada have been dropped following legal action brought by The Democracy Fund (TDF). Rebel News has the full story
  • A new survey from KFF, an independent source for health policy research, polling, and news, designed to track misinformation in the US, has found a third of those surveyed believe covid jabs are responsible for the sudden deaths of thousands of otherwise healthy people and that ivermectin is an effective treatment for covid. The poll also found a quarter of those surveyed are now questioning the safety of childhood vaccines
  • Brown College Atlanta is reinstating covid restrictions including mask mandates, social distancing, self-isolation and tracking as new covid variants cause an increase in covid infections. Hollywood studio Lionsgate is also reported to have reinstated mask use for its employees as the fearmongering over new variants ramps up
  • There are many theories as to the cause of the rapid rise in excess mortality, particularly in young people, across the globe since 2021, yet many will not make the link to the mass rollout of covid injections. Pierre Kory and Mary Beth Pfeiffer discuss life insurance actuary data from the US, UK and Australia showing the increase in sudden deaths and the lack of attention paid to the possible impact of covid jabs
  • Higher than normal levels of mortality in Canada are baffling health experts who have been unable to explain the increase. Once again, the word vaccine is conspicuous by its absence from the discussions. Igor Chudov has more
  • YouTube has ditched its covid misinformation policy and replaced it with an expanded policy that prohibits any medical ‘misinformation’ that’s deemed to contradict messaging from the World Health Organization or local health authority guidance “…about specific health conditions and substances”
  • A new paper, published in eClinical Medicine concludes that covid injections reduce the likelihood of individuals developing autoimmune disease following covid infection. However, the authors note that there has been an increase in the diagnosis of autoimmune conditions following covid jabs. Given the propensity for the development of autoimmune conditions following covid infection it’s not unexpected that covid jabs could have the same effect
  • A second new study published in Autoimmunity, raises the issue of autoimmune activation following covid injections. The researchers found that mRNA ‘vaccines’ cause the production of antinuclear antibodies, which can promote the development of autoimmune conditions.

>>> Autoimmune disease – a hidden pandemic within a pandemic

  • Hospital admissions for heart attacks in England increased by more than 7,000 in 2021/22 compared to the previous year according to new data from the UK’s NHS. The data has led to a new campaign to educate people of the signs of a potential heart attack, urging them to seek medical help immediately
  • A vaccine transparency case is forcing the South African Department of Health to hand over documents relating to the procurement of covid vaccines, to the Health Justice Initiative (HJI). The HJI wants the documents in order to assess the legality and cost effectiveness of the deals struck by the government with pharma companies.

>>> The 10-point vaccine transparency approach

>>> Vaccine transparency – more needed now than ever

  • The reprogramming of human DNA using a process known as transfection, which can then be controlled using an external electromagnetic signal, has taken a step closer to reality. Igor Chudov dives into a recent study published in Nature Metabolism, which describes the transfection of human cells put into mice and how they were stimulated using EMFs to perform particular biological functions
  • A new study published in JAMA, accuses 52 physicians in the US of spreading misinformation during the covid situation. Vinay Prasad, MD, explores the paper refuting its claims one by one
  • No safety monitoring of pregnant women, who took part in an undeclared and unapproved clinical trial at Manchester University Hospital Trust, was carried out according to a new Freedom of Interest request. The hospital is reported to have received a £250,000 grant for the trial, the results of which have been suppressed.


>>> Visit for our complete curated covid content of the coronavirus crisis