ANH News Beat (week 41/2023)

Oct 12, 2023

Date:12 October 2023

Content Sections

  • In Brief (click on the links to read more)
  • Join Dr Leo Pruimboom and Rob Verkerk PhD for a unique Masterclass
  • Natural News
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News

In Brief (click on the links to read more)

  • UK’s regulators deal CBD industry deadly blow
  • George Monbiot’s connections to ferming, carbon and biodiversity credits
  • Glyphosate linked to neurological harms
  • AI could soon taste and design new food ingredients
  • Scientists express reservations over AI use in research
  • Graphene oxide proposed to treat Alzheimer’s
  • Serious conflicts of interest in US Dietary Guidelines Committee revealed
  • HPV vaccine caused narcolepsy
  • Food companies learnt their art from the tobacco industry
  • UPFs should be categorised as being addictive
  • What do people really think about our food?
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News inc:
    • What’s Process 2?
    • Authorities try to rewrite covid mandate history
    • Covid injections…
    • Doctors resist disciplinary actions in the US
    • Google goes head to head with Canadian government
    • Hydroxychloroquine – effective covid treatment
    • Plus more…

Join Dr Leo Pruimboom and Rob Verkerk PhD for a unique Masterclass

We are delighted to announce a very special event for health professionals and health coaches — a unique opportunity to join Dr Leo Pruimboom, the founder of Clinical Psychoneuroimmunology, for a one-off, deep-dive, masterclass in Central London. Hosted by Rob Verkerk PhD, this is a rare opportunity to learn and interact with two of the most visionary thought leaders in the regenerative health field today. 

‘The case for drug-free medicine and 25 CPNI interventions’

Stress is only stress when it irritates long enough to produce a molecular pattern that activates the immune system. In this way it becomes logical that toxic emotions or toxic thoughts can make you ill. The conventional view of health and disease has forgotten that a disease is the consequence of a universal phenomenon called ‘Life’. So to unravel the film of every malady, it is necessary to identify the stressors and pathways by which ‘irritation’ causes inflammation. From here, we can learn how to change ‘Life’, along with our responses and behaviours, to reduce or eliminate inflammation and become robust, as nature intended.

Date: Friday 17th November

Time: 9am – 5.30pm

Venue: The China Exchange, London

Booking Link:

Natural News

  • The UK’s Food Standards Agency (FSA) has dealt the CBD industry a potentially deadly blow as it updates its guidelines on its advice for daily consumption of CBD oil. The agency has significantly reduced the daily recommended limit from 70 mg per day to a measly 10 mg – that’s approx 4-5 drops of 5% CBD oil. The FSA says changes to its guidance are based on new evidence from industry pointing to potential adverse impacts on the thyroid and liver and updated advice from its ‘independent’ scientific committee. The Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI) is bringing pressure to bear on the Home Office to set a THC limit for CBD oil in order to get the stalled Novel Foods process moving again

>>> ANH-Intl Special Report: Is safety the new gremlin for CBD regulation?

>>> Time to stop knee-capping of EU CBD market

>>> Carving a way forward for CBD and other cannabinoids

  • Environmental journalist, George Monbiot, has hit out at an article in The Land magazine commenting on his relationship with RePlanet, an organisation promoting ferming, along with selling carbon and biodiversity credits. The article also points out how RePlanet’s objectives perfectly serve industry interests. Ferming is a topic close to Monbiot’s heart, as his article, published in The Guardian, in December 2022, sets out — along with his support for RePlanet’s, ReBoot campaign. GM Watch delves into the murky waters of RePlanet and Monbiot’s relationship with the organisation

>>> Farm-free food and ferming: are these the only options for planetary health?

  • As the European Commission considers renewing approval for the use of glyphosate in EU member states for a further 10 years, a new study published in Nature exposes the impact of glyphosate exposure on neurological health. Researchers analysed data from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), showing levels of glyphosate in the urine of US adults. They found that the higher an individual’s exposure to glyphosate, the more likely they were to suffer neurological issues
  • Our ‘food’ could soon be designed by AI. Researchers have developed an artificial tongue that paves the way for developing AI systems that can unpick human eating behaviour and food preferences. Details of the development of the system, using graphene-based sensors, is published in Nature Communications. Alongside news of the AI tongue, experts at the recent Future Food Tech event held in London, discussed the use of AI to create ‘ingredients’ with enhanced nutrient bioavailability. Needless to say we won’t be turning our back on nature’s perfectly packaged bounty of nutrients any time soon!
  • In the meantime, the use of AI in science is polarising scientists according to a recent article in Nature. Half of the scientists, that responded to a survey, expect AI tools to be a very important or essential part of research in the future, but many also expressed strong reservations about the rapid adoption of AI and how it’s changing the way research is now being carried out

>>> Explore RESET EATING to understand the power of food to reset your health, naturally

>>> Did you know the ANH-Intl Food4Health guidelines are available to download in six different languages?

  • Graphene oxide nanoflakes are being proposed as a treatment to combat Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers publishing in Advanced Functional Materials investigated the use of the nanoflakes to reduce the accumulation of amyloid peptides in the brain. However, the researchers haven’t trialled the treatment on human brain cells yet and don’t know how graphene oxide might react once in the human body, nor whether it might cause additional health issues
  • US Right to Know details the huge conflicts of interest found in the US Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, responsible for creating US eating guidelines. The new report, ‘Full disclosure: Assessing conflicts of interest (COIs) of the 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee’, reveals 9 out of the 20 members of the Committee are linked to the food, pharmaceutical or weight loss industry, as well as other industry groups, with a further 4 having possible COIs. The report shares six recommendations to improve the working and composition of the Committee
  • The HPV vaccine caused narcolepsy in a US teenager. Trey Cobb has won a major victory following a ruling by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program that he suffered an injury related to the HPV vaccine. Following his 3rd shot he developed autoimmune narcolepsy caused by molecular mimicry and cross reactivity. The level of compensation awarded hasn’t been revealed. The Defender has more.

>>> Molecular mimicry – the loaded gun for the autoimmune

  • A new study published in Addiction, confirms what’s been known for a long-time, that food manufacturers learnt their art very well from the tobacco companies that have exploited humans’ vulnerabilty to addictions for decades. The study charts the rise of hyper-palatable foods, now known as ultra-processed foods (UPFs), shining a light on how the manufacturers designed their ‘foods’ to be addictive through the development of the ‘bliss point’, along with the strategies developed to market them to an unsuspecting public
  • The addictive nature of UPFs is underscored by a new paper published in The BMJ. Unlike other addictive substances, UPF addiction is nearly as prevalent in children (12)%, as it is in adults (14%), in countries included in the research. The researchers argue that categorising UPFs as addictive could help efforts to reduce consumption of UPFs and in turn, improve individual health. The paper forms part of a collection of articles ‘Food for thought 2023: The science and politics of nutrition’, supported by The Swiss Re Institute to explore how good nutrition can lead to improved health outcomes and resilience against disease
  • But what do people really think about our food? The UK’s Food and Farming Alliance recently asked a cross-section of people what they want in terms of their food. The key points included restrictions on junk food advertising, better food in hospitals and schools and reduced availability of UPFs. Farms should be given more support to introduce regenerative farming techniques, Big Food needs to be held accountable for the environmental damage it causes, along with more help for people to eat in a healthier and more sustainable way. Amen!

News from ANH-USA

  • Dr Ron Hoffman discusses an upsurge in covid cases in the US, along with continued exhortations from the authorities for people to get further covid jabs as Americans shun the shots. The Authorities are becoming ever more desperate, commissioning expensive new studies to convince parents to jab their kids. Read more…
  • We live in a toxic soup of new-to-nature chemicals, microplastics and electromagnetic fields, yet despite continued warnings of the health harms from experts the world over, the authorities seem happy to let us be real-life guinea pigs. The ANH-USA team sound a warning about the very real harms posed to the human race and reveal the cover-ups and revolving doors between industry and governments allowing the continued exposures, that are undermining our resilience and ability to effectively resist diseases such as covid. Read more…

Covid News

  • What’s Process 2? Daily Clout investigators reveal a ‘trial within a trial’ discovered as they trawled through tens of thousands of Pfizer documents released by the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Participants in Process 2 received a shot contaminated with high levels of DNA plasmids resulting in significantly higher levels of adverse reactions than Process 1 participants. The Pfizer documents reveal Pfizer knew full well, it was administering two different types of shot, however participants in the trial weren’t notified. The Daily Clout has the full story
  • Authorities around the globe are actively trying to rewrite covid history by denying that masks and covid jabs were mandated. New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Chris Hipkins, claimed at a recent press conference that covid vaccines hadn’t been mandated and that, “… people made their own choices”. The heads of both the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) in the US, claimed there were no jab mandates and that mask wearing for two-year-olds wasn’t mandated during the pandemic. Luckily we all have very good memories and can see through the smokescreen of propaganda
  • Vaccines are safe in pregnancy according to a new preprint paper. However, digging into the detail of the paper raises a number of serious questions. A higher percentage of women who were given covid shots during pregnancy developed covid, than those who remained unvaccinated. More concerning are what appear to be higher numbers of neonatal deaths in the vaccinated cohort compared to those who were unvaccinated. The supplementary material shows that data related to neonatal and stillbirths were removed from the analysis. Brian Mowrey has contacted the authors of the paper to request additional information to shed more light on the levels of neonatal deaths shown in the paper
  • Dr Kulvinder Kaur Gill’s tweets, criticising government and public health responses to covid, were dubbed unprofessional, irresponsible and positively dangerous by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) in Canada. As a result, the CPSO launched an investigation with a view to starting a disciplinary process against her. However, the CPSO has backed down, conceding there was no case to answer. The National Post has the full story
  • A Canadian preacher and her church have had fines of $80,000, levied against them for preventing public health officers from entering the church during covid, dismissed by an appeal court
  • Google has gone head-to-head with the Canadian government over its Online News Act, as Google states its intention to block Canadian access to news content, rather than pay the $172 million, required under the new law
  • Dr Richard Eglleston, a retired US ophthalmologist who questioned covid narratives, is facing disciplinary action by the Washington Medical Commission (WMC). Following a court hearing he’s been given permission to appeal the action and maintain an injunction against WMC to prevent it continuing with the disciplinary process, until his appeal has been heard
  • Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is effective in combatting covid infection. A new study published in New Microbes and New Infections found that patients that didn’t receive HCQ had a 57% greater chance of dying from covid, when all other factors were taken into consideration. Igor Chudov dives into the study
  • As the covid crisis begins to fade in people’s minds, they’re being prepared for the introduction of ‘convenient’ digital IDs, which in turn, will allow the introduction of personal carbon allowances. A new report from Intrepid Travel says such schemes would make people comply with global carbon budgets by restricting their ability to travel freely
  • Yet more evidence has emerged of the impact of covid shots on women’s menstrual cycles. Published in the Egyptian Journal of Health Care, a new study analysed data from an online survey of Saudi Arabian women aged between 18-45. Nearly 45% of those surveyed (n=500) reported problems with their menstrual cycle following receipt of covid jabs
  • US politicians, last week, voted to cut funding to the World Health Organization (WHO) for the 2023/24 fiscal year. Bill HR 4665 also includes a provision requiring the Senate to ratify “any international convention, agreement, protocol, legal instrument, or agreed outcome with legal force drafted by the intergovernmental negotiating body of the World Health Assembly or any other United Nations body”. Find out more from The Defender
  • Facial recognition technologies are being deployed in multiple countries around the world as efforts to control people ramp up. In Sweden the excuse for the increased use of surveillance cameras is gang violence. A recent article in Comparitech reveals the shocking proliferation of surveillance cameras around the world in recent years. While in the UK Big Brother Watch is leading the charge against the use of facial recognition cameras.


>>> Visit for our complete curated covid content of the coronavirus crisis