Igniting a new, much brighter future at Campout 2023

Aug 16, 2023

Date:16 August 2023

Last week (10-13 August) saw the passage of Campout 2023, a family-friendly event that aimed to help people reconnect with each other, as well as with nature, with a view to furthering thinking, discussion and, ultimately, action, to encourage “personal awakening and systems change”. The event took place in the grounds of Braziers Park, deep in the South Oxfordshire (UK) countryside, a site that was an important English centre of the ’60s and ’70s counter-culture, which in that era included hippies and heroin addicts. The site was frequented by celebrities of the likes of Marianne Faithful and her sister, whose father came to own the estate.

Among the many remarkable things about this year’s event is that nearly all the 300 or so participants camped out; our team, comprising Rob, Meleni, Melissa and Para, included. Heroin was out, and wholesome organic food in. For those who felt the need, there was a little local cider and ale available – and any who were seeking psylocybin from magic mushrooms could only find them in virtual form. The main hub was a marquee in the middle of the park, so, with no cement or brickwork separating feet from soil, connection with nature was in no doubt. Particularly given that so many of us chose to also ditch our shoes to optimise our grounding! 

This collaborative event was the brainchild of Pete Lawrence, concept creator of the Big Chill in the 90s and founder of the Campfire Convention Network, and ANH friend, Dan Astin-Gregory, who has come to prominence with his Pandemic Podcast and Elevate Media initiative. It was a rare opportunity for 300 change makers to put their phones away for 4 days and immerse themselves in nature while sharing ideas. All the while, exploring new models for better ways of living in a rapidly changing world.

>>> Read about the history of Campout. Watch Pete and Dan talk about Campout.

Video share link: https://odysee.com/@ANHInternational:5/Walk_and_Talk_Campout_2023:0

Hot topics included community building, decentralisation, health transformation, sovereignty and personal empowerment, and political and financial transformation. A vibrant menu of workshops, wellbeing activities and speakers made sure there was something for everyone, from personal awakening, transforming trauma, through to the financial reset and crypto, political discussions and music, dancing and singing as everyone celebrated being together.

Over 90 minutes on Saturday afternoon, ANH founder Rob Verkerk PhD showcased his views on the potential of ‘Life Medicine’, a new paradigm for grassroots health transformation, the topic of his new course that he will teaching starting September 19th over 12 weeks. The course is part of the collaboration between the ANH Health Creation Faculty and IPAK EDU in the USA. Meleni Aldridge led a powerful, site-wide, closing meditation on Saturday, incorporating her beautiful singing crystal bowl.

It was wonderful to connect deeply with so many ANH supporters in-person and make many new friends over the course of the event.

With heartfelt thanks to Pete and Dan and their incredible team of volunteers who did a stellar job throughout. We’re already looking forward to joining Campout 2024 to build on the successes of this year and to continue the work of the natural health and freedom communities in building the many systems needed for those of us who are no longer enamoured by the fading systems of the old guard.

Enjoy our Campout 2023 collage below!


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