In Case you Missed it – May & June 2024

Jul 3, 2024

Date:3 July 2024





28 Jun 2024

US Supreme court refuses to hear pivotal online free speech case

Judges ruled 6-3 that there was insufficient evidence giving Murthy v Missouri plaintiffs standing – but it’s not over!

28 Jun 2024

Lifestyle Medicine: a new book by Anthony Armstrong

This book is indeed an “incredible journey” through the type of healthcare that can transform your health and life expectancy – that you’re unlikely to hear about from your doctor …

28 Jun 2024

ANH speaks out on freedom and free speech

Dive into recent interviews and campaigns featuring Rob Verkerk PhD and Meleni Aldridge speaking out over the dire need to defend free speech and natural health against a backdrop of increasing authoritarianism

13 Jun 2024

Profound health mavericks in Luton (Part 2 of 3)

This week, Rob Verkerk offers you Part 2 of 3 of insights from the Profound Health Summit, bringing together medical pioneers and mavericks from across the world

13 Jun 2024

Oestrogens — not just for women!

What everyone needs to know about the power of oestradiol for health, immune function and longevity from Dr Felice Gersh at IPM’s recent Advanced Practitioner Forum

13 Jun 2024

Internet censorship kills free speech and thought

Rob Verkerk PhD recently joined Andrija Klaric on the SLOBODNI podcast to discuss the insidious nature of shadowbans, why censorship is killing free speech and why the ANH launched the FreeSpeech4Health campaign

05 Jun 2024

Speaking freely on the WHO’s doorstep

ANH’s Rob Verkerk and Meleni Aldridge joined doctors, scientists and lawyers in Geneva on 31 May and 1 June for a summit and #TheGenevaProject rally while countries voted on pandemic plans at World Health Assembly meeting

30 May 2024

Profound health mavericks in Luton (Part 1 of 3)

This week, Rob Verkerk offers you Part 1 of 3 of insights from the Profound Health Summit, bringing together medical pioneers and mavericks from across the world

30 May 2024

Life-changing information from pioneering ADHD charity finds new home

We’re thrilled to announce that the valuable repository of information from 50+ years of the Hyperactive Children’s Support Group (HACSG), set up to help parents and children deal with hyperactivity disorder/ADHD, has now found a forever home on the ANH website!

23 May 2024

WHO’s in Geneva? 4 days to go

ANH and many other freedom fighters are soon to be on the #RoadtoGeneva to defend the freedom of the 8 billion of us who can’t vote on the WHO power grab

23 May 2024

Free speech on health matters: Hoffman and Verkerk discuss

Rob Verkerk PhD joins leading US integrative medicine physician Dr Ron Hoffman on his Intelligent Medicine podcast to talk about the fight for freedom of expression on health matters

16 May 2024

FEATURE: Dismantling the unsafe vaccine for fake news

It’s already out there, it’s misleading, and may cause harm to you and others

16 May 2024

Blatant censorship of health information

As the FreeSpeech4Health campaign gathers steam Rob Verkerk PhD spoke to Michael Nevradakis PhD on the CHD.TV Defender In-Depth show about the importance of protecting free speech

16 May 2024

What makes us sick: Our toxic environment

Part 2 of Rob Verkerk PhD’s discussion with Canadian health freedom leader Will Dove

02 May 2024

FEATURE: Landmark US lawsuit exposes US government coercion of Big Social

Gen up on Murthy v Missouri and learn why you should sign the FreeSpeech4Health petition

02 May 2024

Alzheimer’s Prevention Day pre-launch

World expert think tank declare a mental health meltdown as rates of mental illness soar

02 May 2024

A brand new, much-needed oncology charter for cancer care in 2024

We were thrilled to honour the UK’s only integrative oncology charity for 20 years of dedicated service and the launch of their game-changing new charter