Learn & Journey: ANH events (week 34/2023)

Aug 23, 2023

Date:23 August 2023



EventPathfinder member webinars and events

Pathfinder Health Professional Masterclass: The Great Menopause Supplement Myth

Presenter: Charlotte Hunter BA BSc MSc BANT CNHC IFM, Registered Nutritionist & Functional Medicine Practitioner

Synopsis: In this insightful and evidence-based talk, Charlotte will shed light on the prevailing confusion surrounding menopause supplements. Menopause is a significant phase in a woman’s life, and many women seek guidance on the best nutritional approach.

However, both women and professionals often fall prey to the misconception that menopausal women require specific “menopause products” to cope with their changing needs. Charlotte will debunk this myth, review the latest research, and question the marketing gimmicks.

Do menopausal women have unique nutritional requirements compared to other life stages? Are there significant differences that necessitate specific supplements, or can a well-balanced diet cater to their needs?

By the end of the talk, you will be armed with evidence-based knowledge and practical insights to navigate the often-overwhelming world of menopause supplements.

Date: Tuesday 29th August 2023

Time: 10am – 12pm (BST)

Member’s link to join webinar, click here

The webinar is free to all Pathfinder Health Professional members, but if you have any colleagues who you think would be interested in Charlotte’s presentation, who aren’t Pathfinder members, they can still join the webinar at a cost of £9.95. Non-member tickets can be booked via Eventzilla by clicking here. So please feel free to share the booking link.

ANH is wholly funded on donations. All proceeds go to support our non-profit work.

No Member’s Briefing and Q&A in August

Happy holidays everyone!

ANH Intention Circle – September 2023

Date: Thursday 7th September 2023

Time: 19:00 (7:00 pm) – 20:15 (8:15 pm) BST

Location: Online via Zoom

Open to all Pathfinder Members

Click here for the Zoom link

ANH Member’s Briefing and Q&A – September 2023

Date: Thursday 21st September 2023

Time: 18:00 (6:00 pm) – 19:30 (7:30 pm) BST

Location: Online via Zoom

Open to all Pathfinder Members

Click here for the Zoom link

ANH Intention Circle – October 2023

Date: Thursday 5th October 2023

Time: 19:00 (7:00 pm) – 20:15 (8:15 pm) BST

Location: Online via Zoom

Open to all Pathfinder Members

Click here for the Zoom link

ANH Member’s Briefing and Q&A – October 2023

Date: Thursday 26th October 2023

Time: 14:00 (2:00 pm) – 15:30 (3:30 pm) BST

Location: Online via Zoom

Open to all Pathfinder Members

Click here for the Zoom link

ANH Intention Circle – November 2023

Date: Thursday 9th November 2023

Time: 19:00 (7:00 pm) – 20:15 (8:15 pm) GMT

Location: Online via Zoom

Open to all Pathfinder Members

Click here for the Zoom link

ANH Member’s Briefing and Q&A – November 2023

Date: Thursday 23rd November 2023

Time: 14:00 (2:00 pm) – 15:30 (3:30 pm) GMT

Location: Online via Zoom

Open to all Pathfinder Members

Click here for the Zoom link

ANH Member’s Briefing and Q&A – December 2023

Date: Thursday 14th December 2023

Time: 14:00 (2:00 pm) – 15:30 (3:30 pm) GMT

Location: Online via Zoom

Open to all Pathfinder Members

Click here for the Zoom link

ANH Intention Circle – December (Solstice) 2023

Date: Thursday 21st December 2023

Time: 19:00 (7:00 pm) – 20:15 (8:15 pm) GMT

Location: Online via Zoom

Open to all Pathfinder Members

Click here for the Zoom link


Links to Member event recordings

Members’ Briefing and Q&A

As an ANH Pathfinder member you can access the recordings for all of our monthly Members’ Briefing and Q&A’s.

Click here to find out more and to join the ANH-Intl tribe!

ANH Intention Circle

We welcome ANH Pathfinder members to join Meleni as part of our Intention Circle each month. These intimate Pathfinder community events allow us to come together as a collective to make conscious change at this time when change is so acutely needed.

To access the live monthly sessions and full member recordings we invite you to become a part of the ANH-Intl Tribe!

To listen to just the journey, meditative, part of of the session, please visit our Soundcloud library here, where you’ll find the whole series since the beginning with a short description. You can listen to any of them just once or repeatedly.

ANH Intention Circle – May 2023

Open to all Pathfinder Members

To access the recording please click here

Members’ Briefing and Q&A – May 2023

Open to all Pathfinder Members

Click here to access the recording and Q&A chat

ANH Intention Circle – June 2023

Open to all Pathfinder Members

To access the recording please click here

Members’ Briefing and Q&A – June 2023

Open to all Pathfinder Members

Click here to access the recording and Q&A chat

ANH Intention Circle – July 2023

Open to all Pathfinder Members

To access the recording please click here

Members’ Briefing and Q&A – July 2023

Open to all Pathfinder Members

Click here to access the recording and Q&A chat

ANH Intention Circle – August 2023

Open to all Pathfinder Members

To access the recording please click here

Recording of Peptide webinar

Presenter: Phil Micans MS PharmB, biochemist and pharmacist, founder of International Antiaging Systems Ltd and Antiaging Nutrition, part of the IAS Group

Title: What are peptide bioregulators and how might they impact health and longevity?

Description: Peptide bioregulators, (short chains of amino acids found in food) were discovered by the Soviet Union to act as gene switches. 

They remained a military secret for many years used by elite troops, cosmonauts and Olympic teams and today they along with over 40-years of published research are now on the Russian OTC marketplace. 

The interested attendee will learn about their history, their method of action, how they are utilised and some of the remarkable clinical evidence of their benefits.

The recording includes the full Q&A.

Click here to access the recording. The presentation is open to ALL ANH Pathfinder members


EventUpcoming Conferences & events

Save the Date for the ANH Health Creation Faculty day with Dr Leo Pruimboom

Dr Pruimboom is the founder of clinical psychoneuroimmunology (CPNI) and the Pruimboom Institute. He is also Research Director of PNI Europe, based in The Netherlands. CPNI is a translational medical discipline that studies the interaction between the neurological, endocrine, immune and metabolic systems, and their profound role in our health and wellbeing. This is a unique and rare opportunity to spend a day with Dr Pruimboom.

Please register your interest by emailing [email protected].

Date: Friday 17th November

Venue: London TBC

Booking link and full details to follow

Laurence Society of Holistic Medicine Annual Conference

Robert Verkerk, Mohini Frankel-Hutton and Dr Andrew Sikorski discuss health & healing at the Laurence Society Holistic Medicine Conference

Date: Saturday 7th October

Venue: Rudolf Steiner House in Central London

Link to book

Inflam-aging Conference

Date: 22 – 24 February 2024

Venue: New Orleans, Louisiana

This event will focus on “inflammaging,” because so much of what we encounter in clinical practice can be viewed through this lens. Rob Verkerk PhD will be joining an international list of speakers to present a talk entitled: Natural nanos – inching towards the anti-ageing Holy Grail

Find out more and book your place click here. Please note this is an in-person event.

Health Creation FacultyCourse Details

Rob Verkerk PhD: Life Medicine – a new paradigm for multi-system health regeneration

Course duration: 12 weeks, 75 mins per session

Start date: Tuesday 19th September 2023

Sessions: Tuesday at 4:30 pm BST/GMT / 11:30 am EST

Link to enrol: Life Medicine – a new paradigm for multi-system health regeneration

This course is about the ‘medicine’ required for healthful, long lives and will show students how we can co-create and regenerate health by working with multiple systems as well as more closely with nature.

Dr Geert Vanden Bossche: The immune biology of natural and immune escape pandemics/ epidemics

Course Duration: 12 weeks, 90 mins a session

Start date: Wednesday 27th September

Sessions: Wednesday, 2:00 pm BST/GMT / 7:00 pm EST

Link to enrol: The immune biology of natural and immune escape pandemics/ epidemics

This course aims to provide comprehensive insights into the intricate interplay between pathogens and the host immune system. It will illuminate how this interaction influences the evolutionary dynamics of viral immune evasion and the adaptive responses of the host immune system.

Meleni Aldridge: Reset, Re-Tune and Re-Ignite Your Metabolic Pathways

Course duration: 12 weeks, 75 mins per session

Start date: Tuesday 19th September 2023

Sessions: Tuesday at 6:00 pm BST/GMT / 1:00 pm EST

Link to enrol: Reset, Re-Tune and Re-Ignite Your Metabolic Pathways

You’ll learn how you can reset your metabolism and health by changing the way you eat and think and feel and love, share and experience with others.

Dian Shepperson-Mills & Zakia Mance: Having the foresight to plan for fertility up to the first year of life: Healthy Parents to Healthy Children

Course Duration: 15 weeks, 90 mins per session

Start date: Wednesday 13th September 2023

Sessions: Wednesday at 6:30 pm BST/GMT / 1:30 pm EST

Link to enrol: Having the foresight to plan for fertility up to the first year of life:  Healthy Parents to Healthy Children

From conception to nurture, good physiological and mental health of the couple should be considered and cared for. This course makes the wellbeing of the body systems a priority, from healthy eating-to-exercise, mindfulness, and understanding how our bodies work empowers confidence.

David Cordes: Stepping from where you are into who you are

Course Duration: 12 weeks, 90 mins a session 

Start date: Monday 18th September 2023

Sessions: Monday 7:00 pm BST/GMT / 2:00 pm EST 

Link to enrol: Stepping from where you are into who you are

The Journey Home is a twelve-week online course designed to provide participants with an intimate knowledge of their unique and individual inner operating systems.


Recordings from Biolab’s Long Covid Day
A workshop for practitioners, providing a better understanding of Long COVID and sharing experiences of treatment strategies.

Recordings from Biolab’s Mitochondria Day
Discover how mitochondria dysfunction is implicated in all chronic disease and how treatment can improve patient outcomes.

Cost: £50 each or purchase access to both days for £75

Target group
Health Care Professionals, Psychotherapists, Counsellors, Therapists, Healers