The Beljanski Foundation honours ANH-USA

Aug 3, 2023

Date:3 August 2023

Content Sections

  • Book: Winning the War on Cancer

We are delighted to share that Alliance for Natural Health USA (ANH-USA) is being honoured with an award, from the US-based Beljanski Foundation, for doing exceptional work in the field of integrative health. The award is being presented at the gala dinner of their forthcoming integrative cancer conference, ‘Winning the War on Cancer’, in Jacksonville, Florida, October 13th – 15th 2023. ANH-USA executive director, Rob Verkerk PhD, will be there in person, along with others from the Board and team, to accept this prestigious award and to also attend the conference. We hope to see many of you there, but the conference is also being livestreamed.

The Beljanski Foundation’s overarching mission is to study and share knowledge of effective non-toxic natural answers that work both alone and in synergy with traditional western medicine to cure cancer and other chronic diseases the natural way.

The upcoming integrative oncology conference is targeted at both health professionals and the lay public with the invitation to come and learn how to prevent and heal cancer using natural, holistic and integrative methods from 22 world-leading doctors and cancer conquerors. Out of this conference the Beljanski Foundation hopes to fund a research programme into natural stem cell treatment for breast cancer.

>>> Visit the ‘Winning the War on Cancer’ conference website for full details and to book your ticket.

Book: Winning the War on Cancer

Written by Silvie Beljanski, Winning The War On Cancer: The Epic Journey Towards A Natural Cure, reveals a true story, so dark and yet so compelling and critical to read if you know anyone with cancer.

It sheds light on an arena where profit is everything and human life is damned. It shows up corrupt governments, greedy pharmaceutical companies, and profiteers around the world. It illuminates how well-meaning men of science can be railroaded and their life’s work destroyed. It shows why we will not win the war on cancer until we recognize that there are entities that have a stake in our losing the war–and do something about it more effectively–both individually and collectively. It shows why so many of us don’t have to die of cancer, and yet we do, as our physicians remain blind to what can help us, beyond cut burn, and poison.

100% of the author’s proceeds from “Winning The War On Cancer” are being donated to The Beljanski Foundation to help fund anti-cancer research to cure cancer the natural way.

>>> Buy a copy of Winning the War on Cancer: The Epic Journey Towards a Nature Cure

>>> Buy the audiobook


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