ANH News Beat (week 25/2023)

Jun 21, 2023

Date:21 June 2023

Content Sections

  • Natural News
  • Covid News

In Brief (click on the links to read more)

  • UK Food Standards Agency releases new novel food application system
  • Taurine hailed as new anti-ageing supplement
  • UK government delays BOGOF ban – again
  • Danone boss calls for taxation of foods high in sugar, salt & fat
  • Western lunches dubbed ‘lunch of suffering’ by Chinese social media
  • European Commission’s leaked plans to deregulate ‘new genomic techniques’
  • European Council proposes new nature restoration law
  • Glyphosate damages Bumblebee health
  • Plant-based meat manufacturer goes into administration
  • Cultured meat poses greater environmental threat than animal production systems
  • Nordic Nutrition guidelines recommend eating less meat
  • Healthy gut = healthy brain, immune system and central nervous system!
  • Fermented foods are a must have for robust gut health
  • Vaginal seeding at birth improves babies’ development
  • Serious safety concerns raised over RSV vaccine
  • Covid News inc:
    • Experts raise serious concerns over study proclaiming covid jabs are safe for children
    • Barack Obama proposes introduction of ‘digital fingerprints’ to counter misinformation
    • Covid injections…
    • UN and Tony Blair Foundation push for introduction of digital IDs
    • Pfizer knew about wide-ranging adverse events
    • Plus much more…

Natural News

  • The UK Food Standards Agency has released a new Regulated Product application system, which will be used for novel food applications. The release has closely followed the publication of the Executive Summary of a Deloitte report assessing the existing novel food system. This introduction appears to have been done with little or no consultation with those affected by the change
  • Supplementing the semi-essential amino acid taurine, may be an effective anti-aging treatment. A new animal study published in Science, shows supplementing with taurine slows key markers of ageing including DNA damage, shortening of telomeres, reduced mitochondrial function and ageing of cells. Taurine is needed for a wide range of cell functions, which can be negatively affected by deficiency causing health issues. As the main food sources of taurine are animal products, the focus on plant-based diets and lab-grown foods is likely to drive taurine deficiency for many in the future.

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  • UK government plans to ban buy-one-get-one-free (BOGOF) offers on products high in fat, sugar or salt have been put on hold once again due to the prevailing economic situation. Defending the decision, the Prime Minister said the government should not be restricting people’s choice of what to buy as household budgets continue to be squeezed by current economic conditions. Rather than restricting offers on ultra-processed foods, it would make more sense to promote nutrient-dense wholefoods that nourish and support people’s health and help to tackle the tidal wave of chronic disease
  • Government ministers should consider taxing foods considered to be high in fat, sugar or salt to tackle obesity rates in the UK. The comment comes from the President of Danone UK during an interview with The Observer Food. His comments come after the UK Prime Minister praised the latest crop of obesity drugs as “gamechangers”. Such a policy would have to be carefully implemented so as not to affect healthy products that are naturally high in fat such as olive oil or nuts
  • A new trend has taken off on Chinese social media dubbed the ‘lunch of suffering’ as Chinese people mock western packed lunches devoid of colour and nutrients. One post describes “white people food” as having no spices because it doesn’t prioritise enjoyment. Tik Tok blogger Marcelo Wang explains the fascination with these ‘meals’ is down to the fact that Chinese cuisine uses many different ingredients making them flavourful and nutrient rich, while Western lunches often lack both flavour and nutrients
  • Details of the European Commission’s DG Sante unit’s proposal to deregulate products created using ‘new genomic techniques’ (NGT) has been leaked by ARC2020, “In the interests of transparency…”. If the proposals are approved, it would mean such GMOs would no longer be subject to current risk assessment procedures, traceability or labelling. It would also erode farmers’ rights and freedom of choice as NGT seeds will be patented. GM Watch has more…
  • In direct contrast to the proposed deregulation of NGTs, the European Council, has announced the agreement of a nature restoration law. If approved it would set legally binding targets for nature restoration across a wide range of ecosystems, including agricultural, forest and marine environments
  • Two new studies (here and here) add to the plethora of research showing the damage being done to wild bumblebees by the weedkiller glyphosate. The first study found that glyphosate impairs bumblebees’ ability to regulate colony temperature potentially reducing colony growth. The second shows the impact of glyphosate on bees’ microbiomes, along with the ecosystems surrounding them
  • UK based Meatless Farms, which manufactures plant-based meat, has gone into administration after the demand for meat alternatives continues to fall off a cliff. The brand has now been bought by vegan food company VFC Foods as a way to diversify its business
  • A ground-breaking study from food scientists at the University of California poses a serious issue for the continued production of lab-based meat. The preprint study details a major problem in the process used to create cultured meat that significantly increases its environmental impact as it scales up production. The problem comes from the need to highly purify the growth mediums used to remove endotoxins, which are known to reduce the success of IVF treatments. Touted as a way to feed growing populations, it’s looking more and more unlikely that such processes will prove either economically or environmentally viable
  • New Nordic Nutrition guidelines recommend reducing the amount of meat we eat to improve both human and environmental health. The report advises people should eat more plant foods, such as legumes, and fish from sustainably managed sources. The Swedish minister of rural affairs has been swift to reject the guidelines in an opinion piece published in the Swedish outlet Aftonbladet.

>>> Article:  Lab-grown meat versus agro-ecological farming

  • Disruption to the gut microbiome can impact the health of people’s immune systems causing problems with the central nervous system and brain health. A new literature review published in Nutrients found that a healthy gut microbiome is essential for maintaining homeostasis, along with the health of the central nervous system and brain
  • The benefits of good gut health are underpinned by a study published in The Journal of Nutrition, which recommends the inclusion of fermented foods in the diet. Using data from NHANES 2001-2018, the researchers found a positive association between the consumption of foods containing live bacteria and improved gut health
  • Babies born by caesarean section, that were seeded with their mother’s vaginal fluids after birth, reached developmental milestones more quickly than babies that weren’t, according to a new analysis published in Cell Host & Microbe.

>>> Article: The gut brain connection – a Down Under perspective!

>>> Article: ANH Feature: Eat a Rainbow for gut’s sake!

>>> Article: Depression: Mental condition or gut disorder?

  • Jessica Rose PhD raises serious concerns about the safety of the newly approved (in the US) RSV vaccine. She also notes that the vaccine is deemed unsuitable for children under the age of 2 years. Her analysis of adverse event death raises more questions than it answers. Amongst the deaths that were recorded, 12 were children. Due to the data presented by the manufacturers, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices has watered down its recommendations for the RSV vaccine, saying that people ‘may’ get the jab rather than should.

Covid News

  • The more covid injections you have, the higher your likelihood of contracting covid. A new preprint study from researchers at the Cleveland Clinic, cites one of the reasons for the results is due to natural immunity from previous infection
  • A new study published in Pediatrics, funded by the pharmaceutical industry, reassures parents that covid jabs are perfectly safe for children. However, the methodology of the study has been called into question by experts. Instead of comparing vaccinated children to an unvaccinated cohort, the study compared vaccinated children against vaccinated children based solely on their post-vaccination time intervals. The Epoch Times has the full story
  • Barack Obama has suggested ‘digital fingerprints’ that are used to mark digital creations are developed to combat ‘misinformation’ during a podcast with David Axelrod. His former White House senior adviser. His justification for the suggestion was that such technology would allow the tracking of anything dubbed ‘misinformation’ back to its original source and help people discern truth from fake news
  • The United Nations (UN) is jumping on the digital ID bandwagon with the publication of a new policy brief. ‘A global digital compact – an Open, free and secure digital future for all’ calls for the introduction of digital IDs, which should be linked to people’s bank accounts as part of its Common Agenda’s, “…vision for the future of global cooperation.”
  • More pressure to introduce digital IDs in the UK is being brought to bear by the Tony Blair Institute. The rationale  behind the move is shored up by the supposed need to streamline people’s access to their digital data and make it more secure. However, the report also notes it will provide an easy way for individuals to share their personal data for analysis. With people already used to using digital wallets it’s likely many will see this as a positive move, when in reality they will be submitting to further control by the authorities as part of a very slippery slope towards authoritarian or even totalitarian control of populations.

>>> Article: Have we lost control to the State?

  • Australia has seen an explosion in cardiac events since April 2021, which are seemingly related to covid jabs. Joel Smalley discusses data released via a freedom of information request, which shows that a disproportionate number of young people have been affected. Read more on Joel’s Substack
  • Comparisons of all-cause mortality data from Japan and Germany shows significant increases in excess mortality coinciding with the start of covid jab campaigns. Researchers publishing in Medicine & Clinical Science, conclude high vaccination rates in both countries has contributed the increase in all-cause mortality and that mortality data should be closely followed over the coming years
  • Confidential Pfizer documents, released recently, showing horrifying numbers of adverse events related to covid injections across a broad range of categories. The document, released by the European Medicines Agency, proves the pharma giant already knew about the appalling nature of adverse reactions to its covid jabs. Daniel Horowitz discusses the full scale of the ongoing cover up of damning data.

>>> PFAS article

  • Big Brother Watch is raising funds to launch a legal action against the UK government’s Counter Disinformation Unit (CDU), after it acquired evidence of the unit’s secret monitoring of MPs, journalists, academics, campaigners and members of the public. The lawsuit will seek to prevent the CDU from continuing to interfere with citizens’ freedom, rights and privacy  
  • N95 masks damage health. That’s the conclusion of a small study, from Chinese researchers, published as a Research Letter in JAMA Network Open. The researchers found that wearing N95 masks for long periods of time had a significant impact on physiological, biochemical and mental health
  • Multiple lawsuits are being brought against BioNTech in Germany by people who’ve being injured by covid jabs. The company is dismissing the claims as being “merely coincidental” but if successful they could open the gates to many more.


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