ANH News Beat (week 27/2023)

Jul 6, 2023

Content Sections

  • In Brief (click on the links to read more)
  • Natural News
  • Covid News

In Brief (click on the links to read more)

  • Canadian organisation, the NHPPA, fights back against threat to natural health industry
  • Dr Jayne Donegan struck off by medical tribunal
  • NHS goes digital with new health checks
  • Saturated fat – the science is ‘settled’ or is it?
  • Vaping damages oral microbiome
  • UK Home Office causes Jersey Hemp to close its doors
  • US White House publishes geoengineering research plan
  • Broken Plate report lays bare state of UK eating habits
  • WHO releases new guidelines to combat Big Food marketing tactics
  • US approves sale of lab-grown meat
  • Aspartame and cancer
  • EU Commission accused of corrupting EFAS scientific process
  • Gene editing human embryos could cause more problems than it resolves
  • EFSA dubs glyphosate for continued use
  • Plant patenting continues despite EU ban
  • Covid News inc:
    • Covid lockdowns didn’t save lives
    • Australian government withdraws Moderna covid jab for kids
    • Covid injections…
    • Court injunction prevents US government officials from directing social media censorship
    • Preprint servers accused of censoring covid related papers
    • Plus much more…

Natural News

  • The supplement industry in Canada is facing a serious threat from Health Canada as it moves to introduce crippling licencing fees for natural health products. Veteran lawyer, Shawn Buckley, is at the forefront of a campaign to challenge Health Canada and push back against regulations that could decimate the natural product industry in Canada. In his own words the action Canadians take “….is going to determine what type of world we have in the very near future”. Visit the Natural Health Products Protection Association (NHPPA) website to find out how you can get involved; Watch the recent interview by Glen Jung with Shawn Buckley; Read the discussion paper setting out the problems with Health Canada’s proposed regulations. Join a live discussion panel on July 26 hosted by Bright Light News both in-person and via livestream
  • Following her politically motivated show trial by the UK’s General Medical Council (GMC), Dr Jayne Donegan has been found ‘guilty’ of providing one-sided information on vaccination and will be struck off as a GP, even though she has repeatedly deregistered her licence on multiple occasions. It’s interesting that the GMC still feel justified in holding these trials even for doctors who have willingly deregistered their licences. Dr Donegan remains stalwart that there’s plenty of information available on the supposed benefits of vaccination, but very little on the risks. So, from her point of view, she was providing a counterbalance to readily available mainstream propaganda so that her patients could exercise their right to make an informed medical choice. The panel will now consider her fitness to practice and decide on a suitable sanction. Defiant, Dr Donegan says it’s a small price to pay for protecting children’s health
  • As it approaches its 75th birthday, the UK’s NHS is getting ready to launch an at home digital ‘Health Check’ to identify patients at risk of cardiovascular disease. Patients will complete a short questionnaire including the result of a test to check cholesterol levels as well as a blood pressure check at their local pharmacy. It’s hoped the digital checks will save hours of GP time, while still pushing people towards drugs to manage issues identified by the checks. Once again huge sums of money are being spent on finding and managing disease, rather than giving people the tools they need to create and maintain health.

>>> Article: The NHS at 70 – but can it make it to 100?

>>> ANH lead campaign: Regen Health Blueprint Project

  • Yet another example of ‘the science is settled’ has been brought to light by science journalist and author of ‘The Big Fat Surprise’, Nina Teicholz. The claim comes from Washington Post columnist Tamar Haspel, who wrote an article dismissing the science showing saturated fat is not the diet baddy we are still being led to believe, in which she claims to have ‘settled’ the score on the topic. Haspel’s article uses the, now common tactic, of declaring the science settled as a way of attempting to prevent further dissent and scientific discourse, which is how science has always progressed and developed. If you’ve read our article on the recent Nobel Prize Summit, you’ll see that this emerging trend in the media is all part of a synchronised global campaign.

>>> Article: FEATURE: How the Nobel Prize Summit sold out on real science

>>> Article: Why misinformation bans are misinformed and dangerous

  • The chemicals used in vapes can destroy the oral microbiome leaving people who vape at higher risk of developing cavities, gum disease and cancer. This latest news is the result of research being carried out by Dr Claudia Andl, an associate professor at Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences, who says damage to the oral microbiome is being caused by a combination of high heat and the chemicals used in vapes
  • Jersey Hemp has been forced to shut down after the UK Home Office deemed the company was importing drugs without a licence, due to a small amount of THC in its products. As a result, the business has announced the closure of its sales and growing operations. Lawyers for the company are now challenging the decision and asking why the Jersey government hasn’t supported a local business that was bringing much needed revenue into the economy. Understandably, the company directors are extremely frustrated as it falls foul of the continued confusion around the legality of CBD products in the UK.

>>> Article: Will novel food law prevent consumer access to CBD in the UK or Europe?

>>> ANH-Intl Special Report: Is safety the new gremlin for CBD regulation?

  • Following on from the launch of a five-year project into the use of geoengineering to combat climate change by the White House, a new research plan has been released by the Biden Administration. The project sets out a plan for research into the use of solar radiation modification (SRM) to reflect sunlight from the planet to cool the planet. The release of the research plan has caused widespread concern as people take it to mean the US administration is supporting the use of such techniques, which could have disastrous consequences.

>>> Natural News – US government launches 5-year plan on geoengineering

  • The impact of ultra-processed food on people’s health in the UK is brought to the fore by the latest ‘Broken Plate’ report from the Food Foundation. It underpins the insidious nature of food marketing, which is pushing people down the road of unhealthy and unsustainable foods, rather than prioritising nutrient-dense whole foods. However, it also supports the view that it’s incredibly difficult to eat healthily on a lower budget, based on the cost of food per calorie. The report neglects to consider a range of options that would allow people to shop well on a budget and get more ‘bang for their buck’ by cooking from scratch
  • In an effort to combat powerful marketing techniques used by Big Food to entice children to desire ultra-processed foods, the World Health Organization has released new guidelines to protect children from the harms of such marketing.

>>> Article: Ultra-processed food dangers – why we need to cook more from scratch

>>> Buy a copy of Reset Eating, complete with recipes, to help you turn your food into powerful medicine

  • Cultivated chicken – in plain English lab-grown meat – has been approved for sale to US consumers by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). The US approval follows Singapore regulatory approval in 2020. It’s now up to consumers whether they believe the hype or turn their backs on what is a new to nature ‘food’.

>>> Article: Feature: The red meat witch-hunt exposed

>>> Article: Lab-grown meat versus agro-ecological farming

  • A new study from the Ramazzini Institute has confirmed previous findings, in rats, that a widely used sweetener, aspartame, is carcinogenic. Alongside these findings it’s widely expected that the International Agency for Research on Cancer will declare aspartame to be a potential human carcinogen in an updated risk assessment due to be published on the 14th July.

>>> Article: Low cal industry lobby finds sweeteners safe for gut microbiome

  • Testbiotech has sent a letter to the EU Commission expressing its concerns that the scientific independence of the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) has been compromised by the Commission after EFSA issued fact sheets supporting the deregulation of gene editing. The accusation comes as pressure to deregulate gene editing techniques ramps up. One of the latest claims for the miracles of gene editing includes the ability to create wheat that’s safe for coeliacs to eat as the Big Biotech companies launch an all out assault to stop gene edited organisms being regulated by the EU
  • Gene editing is being sold as a way to feed the world and combat genetic disease. But how safe is it? It’s already known that gene editing techniques cause unwanted and often undetected, changes in animals and plants. Now new research, presented at the 39th annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, is warning that cells of embryos that are gene edited are unable to properly repair themselves following the interventions. The researchers warn that such techniques may have unwanted and potentially dangerous consequences
  • According to EFSA, glyphosate poses no unacceptable safety risks to human or insect health despite a plethora of independent science indicating otherwise. The statement could pave the way for the further renewal of glyphosate’s licence for use in the EU and further underlines the revolving door that EFSA has with the big corporates
  • The future of traditional plant breeding in Europe is under threat from big Biotech companies that are patenting plants. A new report from No Patents on Seeds finds that naturally occurring SNPs (changes in DNA) are being claimed by biotech companies as their invention. Such patents are, according to the report, a violation of European patent law.

Covid News

  • The Australian government has quietly withdrawn use of the Moderna covid jab for children under the age of 12. It’s not known what has prompted the move
  • Covid lockdown had a negligible effect on mortality. The authors of a new systematic review and meta-analysis, published by the Institute of Economic Affairs, entitled ‘Did lockdowns work?’ analysing almost 20,000 studies, call lockdowns a “global policy failure of gigantic proportions
  • Igor Chudov’s latest article faces the continued steep decline in birth rates in Australia and Sweden in the past couple of years. The drop in births in Australia is being blamed on ‘climate change’, as young people decide against having children, and those that have exercised vaccine choice, who are linking the sharp decline in the past couple of years with the introduction of covid jabs. Data for other countries is slow to be updated so can’t be included currently
  • New York State officials have announced the scrapping of the controversial covid vaccine passport, known as the ‘Excelsior Pass’ due to reduced demand. The project is estimated to have cost the US taxpayer in excess of $200 million
  • Lawyers from ten countries have come together to release an open letter, voicing their concerns and opposition to the threats to sovereignty from the proposed World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty, as well as amendments to the International Health Regulations

>>> Article: The plan for WHO supremacy over human health

  • Covid ‘vaccines’ are responsible for deaths following injections in the majority of cases investigated. That’s the conclusion of a preprint systematic review of published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to deaths following covid jabs up to May 2023. The preprint, published on Xenodo, was censored and removed by Preprints with The Lancet within 24 hours of being uploaded because “…the study’s conclusions are not supported by the study methodology”.
  • A vaccine injured Canadian woman is suing the Canadian government and Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) for sharing misinformation and negligence about covid injections. Carrie Sakamoto, who developed permanent Bell’s Palsy following covid injection, has filed a $10.5M lawsuit because she believed information shared by the government and CBC that the injections were safe and effective
  • Scientists admit existence of ‘Long Vax’ in a new Science article. The article links covid jabs to a range of health issues including postoral orthostatic postural tachycardia (POTS) and small fibre neuropathy and shares calls for urgent funding for treatment and further study into the often debilitating health effects following covid jabs
  • A court injunction has restricted US government officials from meeting and communicating with social media companies to censor content. The injunction was issued as part of a lawsuit brought by the Attorneys General of Louisiana and Missouri, alleging government officials overstepped the mark by directing social media platforms in what and who should be censored. The judge noted the censorship amounted to “…the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history”
  • A new Twitter thread from Jikkyleaks debunks claims that covid injections reduced infections rates using the UK government’s own data
  • Preprint servers have been censoring covid related scientific content. A new article from the ‘Where are the Numbers?’ team details all the covid related papers, that they’ve submitted, that have been rejected by the likes of medRxiv and arXiv. The same accusation has been made by John Iaonnidis in an interview with Vinay Prasad, detailing the rejection of a paper by arXiv, which was subsequently published in the journal Nature
  • The authors of a paper published in Food and Chemical Toxicology, alleging covid jabs cause wide ranging damage including neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis and dysregulation of the immune system, have published a rebuttal to a paper challenging their findings. The rebuttal, published in Food and Chemical Toxicology, shares additional data and evidence to support the authors’ original concerns around the harms posed to humans by covid mRNA injections
  • The US House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations, is proposing that government funding for the World Health Organization, is slashed along with prohibitions on funding for the EcoHealth Alliance and Wuhan Institute of Virology as part of the Fiscal Year 2024 bill for the State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Subcommittee. The Bill also includes termination of US government involvement with the World Economic Forum (WEF) and a ban on government ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ programmes. The Defender takes a deeper dive into what the Bill may mean and whether it will be approved
  • The Australian government has launched a consultation on its proposed laws to deepen its grip on censoring content on social media platforms. The new legislation will give the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) even greater scope and power to interfere with people’s freedom of speech under the guise of combatting so-called dis-, mis- and mal-information
  • A new study published in the European Heart Journal, details incidences of myocarditis in Korean people following mRNA jabs. The analysis was limited in its scope to a time period between the end of February to end December 2021 and adverse event reports within 42 days of injection. Cases of myocarditis that did not meet the Brighton Collaboration definition were removed from the analysis. All reports of myocarditis were found in those under the age of 45, with a higher percentage of men than women being affected. Interestingly, the number of people receiving third jabs reduced significantly compared to first and second injections
  • A new hamster study has indicated the development of imprinted immunity following covid mRNA jabs supporting Geert Vanden Bossche’s warnings about the dangers of mass vaccination during a pandemic situation

>>> Speaking Naturally: immune escape with Dr Geert Vanden Bossche

  • The rapid waning of covid jab immunity in children under 12 is highlighted in a new study published in Lancet Infectious Diseases. The authors of the paper claim covid jabs are effective in protecting against the omicron variant and reducing severe outcomes in children despite the rapid drop in supposed effectiveness
  • Watch the recording of the recent event with Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi and Russell Brand in London exposing the Censorship Disinformation Complex.


>>> Visit for our complete curated covid content of the coronavirus crisis