ANH News Beat (week 29/2023)

Jul 20, 2023

Date:20 July 2023

Content Sections

  • In Brief (click on the links to read more)
  • Natural News
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News

In Brief (click on the links to read more)

  • Global contamination of water systems by pesticides
  • EU Parliament votes in Nature Restoration Law
  • UK novel food process stalls CBD approvals
  • Aspartame declared ‘possibly carcinogenic’
  • Ultra-processed foods linked to increased risk of bowel cancer
  • WHO pushes low fat/high carb dietary guidelines
  • Gut dysbiosis prevalent in autistic spectrum disorder
  • Facial recognition ‘doorbell’ links to social media accounts
  • Intgrity of Science conference recordings released
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News inc:
    • WHO slams opponents of its Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendments
    • New data shows massive increase in heart attacks in Israel
    • Covid injections…
    • US government suspends funding for Wuhan lab
    • Lab leak theory cover up exposed
    • Plus much more…

Natural News

  • The over use of agricultural pesticides is leading to the damage of a range of ecosystems as they leach into the world’s water systems, rivers and oceans. A new study, published in Nature, estimates over 70,000 tons of these toxic chemicals enter our water systems every year, moving way beyond the area in which they were applied. The new research brings yet more evidence of the need to move away from industrialised agricultural systems to restore soil and ecosystem health to protect the natural world and human health
  • European MEPs narrowly voted to adopt the new EU Nature Restoration Law this week. The new law sets legally-binding targets, for adoption by member nations by 2030, as the EU tries to stop ongoing biodiversity loss and damage to ecosystems. The law isn’t without controversy though. The inclusion of agricultural land has now been dropped and an amendment delaying the implementation of the law included, until an impact assessment on Europe’s food security has been completed. An open letter signed by thousands of scientists was published in June supporting the introduction of the law. Time will tell whether the terms of the law will help or hinder nature’s recovery.

>>>  ANH Feature: Planet in crisis – looking beyond climate change

>>> Could a small dose help regen agriculture?

>>>  ANH-Intl Special Report: From ‘peak oil’ to ‘peak livestock’ – to a dimmer or brighter future?

>>> Lab-grown meat versus agro-ecological farming

  • CBD brands in the UK continue to face a huge uphill struggle when it comes to getting novel food approval from the UK Food Standards Agency (FSA). More than 3 years after the announcement that the FSA was going to regulate CBD as a novel food, no approvals have yet occurred as no agreement has been reached on allowable levels of THC. This has left many brands in limbo and facing the prospect of going out of business. The FSA has said it expects to start approving applications in 2024.

>>>  Will novel food law prevent consumer access to CBD in the UK or Europe?

  • Aspartame is possibly carcinogenic, but it’s still OK to consume! Authorities have known about the risks of the commonly used sweetener, for decades but it’s taken until now to issue a formal warning. However, even as the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) issued a new hazard and risk assessment classifying aspartame as ‘possibly carcinogenic’, the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) reiterated its advice on an acceptable daily intake raising questions over the involvement of the sticky fingers of the food industry. Particularly when you realise six of the 13 JECFA panel members have ties to the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI), long-term front organisation representing many of the manufacturers, which use aspartame. U.S. Right to Know has more on the very obvious conflicts of interest.

>>> Low cal industry lobby finds sweeteners safe for gut microbiome

  • The more ultra-processed foods (UPFs) a person eats, the higher the risk of developing bowel cancer. In March 2023, new data from the American Cancer Society showed a large increase in bowel cancer rates between 1995 and 2019, particularly in younger people, which coincides with the increase in consumption of UPFs. The link between bowel cancer and UPF consumption has now been confirmed by a new systematic review published in Frontiers in Nutrition
  • Three new guidelines issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) reinforce advice to limit the intake of saturated fats and replace them with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats from plant-based foods as it continues to bang the low fat = low cholesterol = lowered heart disease drum. The new guidelines also reiterate recommendations to consume 40-70% of total energy from carbohydrate foods
  • Those on the autistic spectrum (ASD) are more likely to suffer from gut dysbiosis according to a recent paper published in Nature. Natural health therapists have known about the connection between poor gut health and the problems experienced by those affected by ASD for many years. The new paper should finally open up conversations about using diet and lifestyle options to support those on the spectrum and reduce the, often debilitating, gut-related symptoms, which in turn can affect brain health.

>>> The gut brain connection – a Down Under perspective!

>>> Putting the fibre back into low carb

>>> This is a great time to buy yourself and your family and friends a copy of RESET EATING to help you make the changes to your diet and lifestyle that will help you improve and maintain your health, to beat chronic disease

  • A new facial recognition ‘doorbell’ matches visitor’s faces to their social media profiles raising huge questions about data privacy and security, particularly where people haven’t consented to such intrusions!
  • At the same time as the recent Nobel Prize Summit, an alternative event took place. The Integrity of Science, hosted by the European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER) discussed the many conflicts between public policy and independent science and the potenital ramifications. The recordings of the event are now available to watch for free either on ENSSER’s website or its YouTube channel.

>>> Why misinformation bans are misinformed and dangerous

News from ANH-USA

  • Calls are being made in the US for vitamin D supplements to be made available to recipients as part of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Making vitamin D supplements available to a wider range of people could lead to huge improvements in public health. Read more
  • What if what we’re told about the safety and environmental footprint of lab-grown meat isn’t all it’s cracked up to be? The FDA has already approved lab-grown meat for sale in the US. It’s important to take time to look at what this means in more detail, before lab-grown meat enters the general food supply. Like so many initiatives and products foisted on an unsuspecting public, that don’t have an obvious health or environmental benefit, it’s important to follow the money. Read more
  • Dr Ron Hoffman, MD, takes a closer look at the controversary around the supposed safety of seed oils for human consumption, sharing 7 ways to minimise their harms. Read more

Covid News

  • The World Health Organization’s chief, Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus, has slammed ‘groups with vested interests’ for trying to sabotage negotiations on the IHR amendments and Pandemic Treaty, likening their tactics to those of the tobacco industry. In this instance the ‘groups with vested interests’ are not large corporations, but the growing tidal wave of grassroots groups that are sending a resounding No from the People. It clear that the efforts to stop both the IHR amendments and the Treaty from being brought into force are definitely rattling cages, as We, the People, stand together to protect for our freedom to choose how we deal with our health and protect our sovereignty
  • US funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China has been formally suspended by the Biden Administration because the Institute has failed to provide the requested documents on safety and security measures. Science has the full story
  • In his latest Substack, Joel Smalley, cautions against using straight mortality data due to the backlog of cases being examined by the coroner’s courts in the UK. For a more accurate picture he suggests the use of life-years lost as he revisits his previous analysis of mortality data in England
  • US courts are playing ping pong in a case challenging the Biden administration’s collusion with social media platforms to censor information. Despite an injunction being issued to prevent ongoing meetings between the government and social media platforms and the reiteration of the injunction by its issuing judge, the government has now had the injunction suspended by a higher court
  • New data obtained by a Freedom of Information Request from Israel shows a huge leap in cases of heart attacks in 2021 and 2022. The data also shows an acceleration in the number of deaths due to heart attacks and strokes between 2020 and 2022. Full details of the analysis can found on the PharmaFiles by Aussie17 Substack
  • New data reveals harms of Moderna covid jabs to babies born to mothers injected whilst pregnant, despite the authors of a recent study claiming there were no adverse outcomes for the babies. Igor Chudov has more
  • James Lyons-Weiler reports on a recent US Select Committee hearing discussing the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and efforts of two scientists to suppress the lab leak hypothesis, whilst privately acknowledging the veracity of the claims
  • New research published in JAMA Pediatrics, exposes the impact of covid restrictions on the development of young Japanese children. Children aged 5 years experienced delayed development, however children aged 3 didn’t experience any delays. Guy Gin explores the study and why there are different outcomes for the different aged children
  • Cases of covid in jabbed Canadian public service workers increased by almost 1,000% compared to those who weren’t jabbed. The revelations were made as part of an ongoing labour tribunal brought by public service employees put on leave without pay for refusing covid jabs. The Epoch Times has the full story.


>>> Visit for our complete curated covid content of the coronavirus crisis