ANH News Beat (week 33/2023)

Aug 16, 2023

Date:16 August 2023

Content Sections

  • In Brief (click on the links to read more)
  • Natural News
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News

In Brief (click on the links to read more)

  • Winning the War on Cancer conference
  • Gene editing triggers off-target mutations
  • Gluten causes brain inflammation
  • UK CBD levels in products less than claimed
  • Childhood trauma results in mental health issues later in life
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News inc:
    • Australians face digital ID
    • Covid boosters increase risk of stroke
    • Covid injections…
    • Calls for key covid origin paper to be retracted due to scientific fraud
    • Senator Rand Paul refers Dr Anthony Fauci for investigation
    • Plus more…

Natural News

  • The Beljanski Foundation’s upcoming integrative oncology conference is targeted at both health professionals and the lay public with the invitation to come and learn how to prevent and heal cancer using natural, holistic and integrative methods from 22 world-leading doctors and cancer conquerors. Out of this conference the Beljanski Foundation hopes to fund a research programme into natural stem cell treatment for breast cancer. ANH-USA executive director, Rob Verkerk PhD, will be there in person, along with others from the Board and team, to accept a prestigious award and to also attend the conference.

>>> Visit the ‘Winning the War on Cancer’ conference website for full details and to book your ticket.

  • Gene editing techniques trigger unintended, spontaneous mutations in the organisms being manipulated. A new study, published in Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering, adds to the ever-growing body of evidence warning of the major risks to health from the use of new genetic engineering techniques and that the use of ‘gene scissors’ could result in major risks to health. More importantly, these changes can’t be detected by the standard analysis used, leading to safety concerns and data misinterpretation. GM Watch provide a breakdown of the study and its implications to human health
  • Gluten causes brain inflammation. A new mouse study, published in the Journal of Neuroendocrinology found that after mice ate gluten, they suffered inflammation of the hypothalamus, the body’s control centre in the brain. Which plays a vital role in regulating our metabolism including blood sugar regulation and weight management. The study provides further insight into potential risks for human health that nutritional practitioners have been aware of for many years. This may be a mouse model, but gluten can have a severe effect on our health and many are unaware of the effects.

>>>  What’s the big deal about gluten?

>>> Are you courting autoimmune disease with your daily staple?

>>>  Brain fog: the tip of a serious health iceberg

  • CBD products in the UK contain less CBD than stated on product labels. A new study from researchers at The Bridge Farm Group, published in the The Journal of Cannabis Research, has found just 5 out of the 63 products tested coming within 10% of the claimed concentrations. The products tested included tinctures, oils, e-liquids and drinks with the oils showing the least amount of deviation from the advertised concentrations. The study, which calls for clearer guidance from regulators on acceptable deviations from advertised levels of CBD in products, comes at a time when there are significant delays in the processing of novel food claims for CBD. It’s worth noting that Bridge Farm has a Bioscience division and is clearly pro maximising onerous regulation in an attempt to lock out small businesses. 

>>>  Carving a way forward for CBD and other cannabinoids

>>> Will novel food law prevent consumer access to CBD in the UK or Europe?

  • New research published in Immunity confirms that chronic stress caused by childhood neglect and abuse can have detrimental effects on our mental health later in life. Although the effects of childhood stress and trauma are already well known, the study identifies the mechanisms through which this happens. The rise in stress hormones, particularly glucocorticoids, leads to the destruction of astrocytes, instigating the development of cognitive disorders, anxiety and depression.

>>>  How childhood trauma can lead to chronically sick adults

>>> Emotional imbalance: the unspoken ticking time-bomb

>>>  Pandemic-induced emotional trauma — a lasting legacy for ourselves and our children?

News from ANH-USA

  • The organic agriculture sector in the US are turning a blind eye to the use of genetically engineered (GE) or GMO-containing vaccines in livestock, despite GE not being allowed in organic production. Read more
  • US insurance companies are using artificial intelligence (AI) systems to deny and restrict elderly patients the care they need. Read more
  • Ron Hoffman, MD continues his exploration of the 18 most common nutritional deficiencies in the US in the second of his two part series. Read more

Covid News

  • Prof Vinay Prasad shares an analysis showing the level to which preprint servers, which are not supposed to reject papers, have been censoring scientific papers. He particularly highlights the reluctance of MedRxiv and SSRN to post articles criticising the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), vaccine mandates and the Biden Administration’s health care policies. In Prof Prasad’s case, 38% of the papers submitted since December 2022 have been rejected, yet they have subsequently been published and downloaded many times over. Watch Prof Prasad’s discussion of the issue.

>>>  Why misinformation bans are misinformed and dangerous

>>> Dissent in the ranks

>>>  BREAKING NEWS: Censors remove control group report from preprint server

  • Claims that COVID-19 vaccines “saved 20 million lives” may be based on inaccurate science, according to a new study published in the Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination
  • The United Australia Party Vaccine Indemnity bill aims to remove indemnity for vaccine related harms from the manufacturers and shift responsibility for compensating individuals from the government to the pharmaceutical companies. The bill has been passed through the Senate and will now go to public consultation
  • US doctors can prescribe ivermectin to treat covid. The statement came from a lawyer representing the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in an ongoing case brough by three doctors, including Dr Paul Marik. The judge in charge of the case questioned another lawyer when she said the FDA did not attempt to prohibit its use, despite an X post stating “stop it y’all” describing the post as a quip. The Epoch Times has the full details
  • Documents released by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) following a FOIA lawsuit brought by Open the Books, show the true extent of royalties paid to NIH scientists. The FOIA request and subsequent lawsuit, was filed following Dr Anthony Fauci and Lawrence Tabak’s claims during congressional hearings, regarding royalty payments, were “…misleading, if not outright false…”. Find out more from Open the Books
  • A US hospital is trying to get healthcare workers, who were fired for refusing covid jabs, to work for them again as the jabs are no longer required. Many are, understandably, reluctant to consider the request after they were landed with misconduct charges and left unable to claim benefits. The Defender has more
  • A new preprint study published on Zenodo, suggests the omicron variant of covid may have been intentionally modified by humans, potentially to prolong the pandemic situation
  • People who received mRNA jabs only or contracted covid following injection are more prone to increased levels of IgG4 antibodies according to a study published in Science Immunology. This could impair their ability to fight covid infection, as per Geert Vanden Bossche’s predictions and leaves them at risk of developing a range of immune-mediated chronic diseases.

>>> ANH-Intl Feature: Geert Vanden Bossche – conspiracy theorist, conspirator or prophet?

>>>  Speaking Naturally: immune escape with Dr Geert Vanden Bossche


>>> Visit for our complete curated covid content of the coronavirus crisis