ANH News Beat (week 31/2023)

Aug 3, 2023

Date:3 August 2023

Content Sections

  • In Brief (click on the links to read more)
  • Natural News
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News

In Brief (click on the links to read more)

  • ‘Miracle’ weight loss drugs rejected by WHO
  • Natural farming methods increase yield and crop diversity
  • Calls in US to regulate CBD supplements
  • UK regulators seek to strengthen Advertising rules for natural health therapists
  • Researchers create ‘healthy’ diet made up of mostly UPFs
  • UPFs increase risk of heart disease and dying for type 2 diabetics
  • Cambridge Disinformation Summit
  • New analysis reveals risks to babies and young children from vaccination
  • FB and Insta to block Canadians access to news
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News inc:
    • Australians face digital ID
    • Covid boosters increase risk of stroke
    • Watch Rob Verkerk PhD’s presentation to Doctors for Patients UK
    • Covid injections…
    • Calls for key covid origin paper to be retracted due to scientific fraud
    • Senator Rand Paul refers Dr Anthony Fauci for investigation

Plus more…

Natural News

  • So called ‘miracle’ weight loss drugs, such as Ozempic and Saxenda, haven’t been included in the latest World Health Organization (WHO) Essential Medicines List. This is despite the inclusion being proposed by a group of US academics. AWHO expert panel recommended against their inclusion due to the “uncertain long-term clinical benefit and safety in this patient population”.
  • Natural farming and agroecological farming methods can produce higher crops yields and a wider diversity of crops than is found with industrialised farming methods. A new study from Andhra Pradesh in India also found natural farming and agroecological farm techniques reduced chemical inputs, which in turn reduced the amount of illness suffered by the farmers, leading to higher productivity rates
  • Calls are being made in the US for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to implement a regulatory pathway for the sale of CBD products in the US. The calls come following a Hearing of the USA’s House Oversight and Accountability Committee’s Subcommittee on Health Care and Financial services, titled ‘Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long wait for FDA Action’
  • UK regulators are seeking to clamp down on natural health practitioners who make claims on their website that contravene guidance from the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) and the CAP Code by adding guidance to the National Occupational Standards for Complementary and Natural Health Practitioners. The Complementary and Natural Health Council (CNHC) quietly put out a survey asking for people’s opinions about the additions, which are being made by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care. The current guidance used by the ASA has been imported from the EU following Brexit. Although the ASA doesn’t have legal powers, it works with Trading Standards to enforce requests to make changes to website text. Click here for more guidance on what you can say when advertising your services in the UK and EU. You have until Monday 14th August to share any concerns you may have
  • Researchers from the US Department of Agriculture have created a diet consisting of 91% ultra-processed foods (UPF), which it says meets the recommendations from the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA), for a ‘healthy’ diet. Once again we need to dive into the conflicts of interest section to see where the researchers’ true interests lie! Whilst it may be possible to construct a supposedly ‘healthy’ diet using mostly UPFs, the true impact of such foods on people’s metabolic health has not been taken into account by either the researchers or US Dietary Guidelines
  • The real dangers of eating high levels of UPFs have been revealed by a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The researchers found that type 2 diabetics eating higher levels of UPFs are at an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and dying from any cause.

>>>  Ultra-processed food dangers – why we need to cook more from scratch

>>> Grab your copy of RESET EATING today to start your journey back to metabolic resilience and vibrant health

  • The first Cambridge Disinformation Summit was held at the end of July in the UK. The goal of the Summit was to identify disinformation, and discuss strategies to minimise its influence and supposed damage. Professor of Financial Accounting, Alan Jagolinzer, organised the Summit following the death of a close relative, which he attributes to disinformation about covid jabs
  • Canadians will no longer be able to access news via Facebook and Instagram as Meta anticipates the Canadian government passing the Online News Act. Although news publishers and broadcasters, both inside and outside of Canada, will still be able to post links for people outside of Canada to read, Canadians will not be able to view them. Meta made a similar threat in Australia in 2021 to force the government to make changes to its Media Bargaining legislation

>>> FEATURE: How the Nobel Prize Summit sold out on real science

>>> Why misinformation bans are misinformed and dangerous

  • In an update to their previous analyses of the relationship between childhood vaccines and mortality rates, Neil Z Miller and Gary S Goldman, report a positive relationship between the total number of vaccine doses given to children and increased all-cause mortality. The analysis did not take account of vaccines given to mothers during pregnancy. More detail on the findings of the study from The Defender.

News from ANH-USA

  • Evidence of the benefits of low cost dietary supplements in improving memory function, further supports calls to support legislation to make supplements more affordable and widely available to all Americans. Read more…
  • As the evidence in favour of CBD’s myriad health benefits mounts, it looks increasingly likely that the FDA is getting ready to ban CBD supplements. It’s time for Americans to show their opposition to the potential ban. Read more…

Covid News

  • ANH founder, Rob Verkerk PhD, recently joined Doctors for Patients UK for an in depth webinar ‘Cutting through the post-covid smokescreen’. His talk covers a wide range of topics including the use of fear to ‘control’ the public, the use of the misinformation label to censor those sharing views counter to the mainstream narrative, the shutting down of scientific discourse, medical ethics and more. A fascinating discussion focusing on the concerted efforts of ‘the authorities’ to cut down those who dissent and control the narrative through fear. Watch the presentation here
  • People who caught covid within three weeks of receiving their first covid jab, had an up to eight times increased risk of stroke compared to those who didn’t get a post-jab infection according to a new study published in Frontiers in Neurology
  • Moderna is recruiting adults and teenagers to a new trial, called NextCOVE, for its new bivalent booster jab, which is 50:50 the original Wuhan strain + Omicron (both of which have been replaced with new variants). The new booster will be compared to Moderna’s original covid jab, rather than a placebo. Participants are being given £1,500 for taking part in the trial. On the subject of potential adverse reactions, as expected, Moderna is minimising the issues and has made no mention of the risk of myocarditis. HART Group asks many pertinent questions including whether the trial is legal and highlights breaches of ethical guidelines such as the Declaration of Helsinki and Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (2005).

>>> FEATURE: Medical ethics – our best chance of restoring distorted health systems?

>>> LAUNCH: ANH reframes ethics for the therapeutic relationship

  • US Senator, Rand Paul, has announced an official criminal referral has been made to the Department of Justice, requesting an investigation into whether Dr Anthony Fauci lied when giving evidence during a Senate hearing, when he stated the NIH had never funded gain-of-function testing at the Wuhan lab
  • Elon Musk has filed a lawsuit against the Centre for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), which authored the infamous ‘Disinformation Dozen’ report. The lawsuit accuses the CCDH of unlawfully scraping data from Twitter to use in flawed research studies about the platform. The Verge has the full story and details of the other accusations made in the lawsuit
  • Antibodies produced by people who’ve received covid vaccines can be transmitted to unvaccinated people via aerosols and droplets from the respiratory system according to a new study published in ImmunoHorizons. The Epoch Times has more
  • Yet more evidence of the catastrophic effect of covid restrictions on children’s development in the UK is revealed in by a new study from the Institute of Fiscal Studies. Children of parents who were furloughed were more likely to experience socio-emotional difficulties than those with parents who worked throughout the pandemic
  • David Zweig critiques a new Pfizer ad claiming 3 out of 4 US adults are at high risk for severe covid and pulls apart the study that the ad is based on in a new Substack article
  • Not only is our sovereignty at severe risk from the proposed Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulations amendments there’s now a second threat from the United Nations. ‘Our Common Agenda’ is the United Nations vision to combat global challenges and crises. In a policy paper published earlier this year the UN documents its ‘emergency platform’, which would essentially hand indefinite, extraordinary powers to the UN secretary-general, devoid of legal limitation, similar to those that would handed to the WHO director. The Epoch Times has full details of the attempted power grab
  • Australian doctor and pharmacist, Dr Julian Fidge, is attempting to obtain an injuction from the Federal Court of Australia to stop the continued distribution of Pfizer and Moderna covid jabs in Australia. He is using the Gene Technology Act 2000, which makes it a serious criminal offence to distribute GMO products in Australia without approval from the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR). Both Pfizer and Moderna sought approval from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) but not the OGTR. Rebekah Barnett has all the details
  • Research into a new continuous mRNA manufacturing platform is being funded by the US food & Drug Administration (FDA) to the tune of $82 million in order to accelerate the continued development of mRNA technologies. The grant has been made to researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology for a three year program
  • Nearly 3,500 people have signed a petition calling for the retraction of a highly influential paper published in Nature Medicine in March 2020, dismissing the lab-leak theory of covid. Grounds for the retraction are that the authors committed scientific fraud and misconduct. The paper played a key role in diverting attention from gain of function work carried out by the Wuhan lab in China. Recently released internal communications from the paper authors makes it clear that the authors did not support the paper’s conclusions
  • Both the US and UK authorities are warning of an increase in cases of covid. However, rates are still low compared to previous surges
  • Are claims that the covid jab contains SC40 genes misinformation, or a something we should take extremely seriously? Anandamide discusses recent findings and shares the associated science
  • What’s, reportedly, the most mutated version of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been found in an immunocompromised patient in Indonesia. This mutation, which contains 113 unique mutations, has been branded the most extreme seen to date. It’s unlikely this variant will cause any major issues, however it does highlight the continued mutation of the virus as it mutates in an attempt to circumvent jab based immunity
  • The 2023 White Coat Summit took place in Washington DC. Prominent doctors, including Drs Robert Malone, Eric Nepute and James Todaro, spoke out against the censorship during the pandemic and the injustices that took place including the complete sidelining of ethics, informed consent and bullying against those that stood up against the narrative. Doctors recounted how they were threatened, silenced or mistreated for sharing the truth and medical opinions that weren’t aligned with the mainstream narrative. Watch the full Summit here
  • A new analysis by statistician and Luzern University professor Dr Konstantin Beck has linked a rise in miscarriages and stillbirth rates in Switzerland with the rollout of covid jabs in conjunction with a significant drop in birth rates in 2022. Dr Beck said the drop in birth rates isn’t due to reduced fertility as the number of women seeking pregnancy tests remained constant through 2021 and 2022. Dr Beck’s presentation for Doctors for Covid Ethics can be watched in full here
  • Australians could find themselves having to sign up for a digital ID by the middle of 2024. The Australian Finance Minister revealed plans for the storage of a range of personal credentials including their driver’s licence, passport and Medicare card at the Government Services Summit last month. The plan sets the scheme for the introduction of dystopian Chinese style social credit systems. The Epoch Times has the full story
  • A Letter to the Editor published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) highlights concerns over the validity of a 2021 study that found a 90% reduction in mortality in those that had a covid booster jab. The authors of the letter suggest healthy user bias could have played a role in these results, which could potentially lead to the effectiveness of booster jabs being overestimated. James Lyons-Weiler takes a deep dive into letter and its implications given the FDA’s reliance on the original study as a basis for its approval of the booster jabs.

>>> Visit for our complete curated covid content of the coronavirus crisis