In case you missed it – Q1 2023

Apr 5, 2023

Date:5 April 2023

30 March 2023Nano-sized food additives may be harming your gut

Why you should avoid foods, supplements and even drugs containing titanium and silicon dioxide

30 March 2023Build your brain’s resilience with BDNF

Find out which nutrition and lifestyle choices will help you keep an agile, flexible and fully functioning brain throughout your life

30 March 2023Rob Verkerk PhD joins Robert Scott-Bell

Rob Verkerk PhD joined Robert Scott Bell on his radio show to discuss resilience, the values crisis, and the growing public distrust in science and governments

23 March 2023VIDEO: Are we resilient enough for what’s ahead?

Video summary by Rob Verkerk PhD on why we need to build resilience and re-appraise values, skills and qualities so we can be ready for what’s ahead

16 March 2023FEATURE: Resilience and the values crisis – critical time for reappraisal

Reviewing the values, qualities and skills we need if we’re to successfully navigate the post-covid world

16 March 2023Are you up for taking Big Pharma’s new ‘skinny’ jab?

After a succession of Big Pharma failures for anti-obesity drugs, will Novo Nordisk’s latest offering, that emerges from something of a dark cloud, be just another side effect ladened sticking plaster, or a boon for users and a cash cow for its manufacturer?

16 March 2023INFOGRAPHIC: Why scientific misinformation won’t fix distrust in science

Our latest infographic illustrates the concepts discussed in Rob Verkerk PhD’s recent article on rebuilding trust in ‘their’ science by vilifying anything deemed to be scientific misinformation

16 March 2023Is the semi-natural sweetener erythritol as bad as aspartame?

ANH-USA’s medical director, Ron Hoffman MD, examines a new study suggesting low-carb sweetener erythritol increases heart attack risk – all is not as the headlines profess!

09 March 2023VIDEO: Scientific misinformation – saviour or weapon?

The scientific establishment is going full out to remove dissent and demonising anything that fulfils a carefully calculated definition of ‘scientific misinformation’ as a key tactic to rebuild trust in science. ANH founder Rob Verkerk PhD talks us through his thesis – explained in greater detail in the article he released last week

02 March 2023FEATURE: Don’t trust their plan to rebuild our trust in science

The elimination of dissent and the marginalisation of scientists sceptical of the establishment’s scientific and medical agenda will destroy the scientific process – unless reversed. Find out how the concept of ‘scientific misinformation’ has been deliberately spun to make it the primary weapon aimed at protecting the interests of the status quo. As well as what we can do about it.

02 March 2023Get fat happy!

A healthy brain and good mood means ditching Big Food’s low fat dogma – find out how to navigate dietary advice on fats

23 February 2023Unbreaking Science – The Control Group with Rob Verkerk

Rob Verkerk PhD spoke to Dr James Lyons-Weiler recently about the analysis of data from a cohort of people not ‘vaccinated’ against covid, collected by the Control Group Cooperative

15 February 2023Cancer through another lens

Scientists and clinicians gather to consider findings following a cancer survivor’s 8-year journey to elucidate the origins and mechanisms of cancer – with UK integrative cancer care charity, Yes To Life

15 February 2023EU prepares for ban on therapeutic doses of B6

Halving the previous Tolerable Upper Level without any new risk data signals EU intention to limit freedom of choice and prevent the vitamin’s high dose use that includes reducing Alzheimer’s risk and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

15 February 2023Rob Verkerk PhD on TNT Mind Medicine show

ANH founder, Rob Verkerk PhD, got up extra early to join Charles Kovess on the Mind Medicine show on TNT Radio recently

09 February 2023Frequency Medicine (Part 2): Devices – wacky or worthy? The video

Rob Verkerk PhD follows up his long-read article – Frequency devices – Whacky or Worthy? – with a short video for those who prefer to watch/listen

01 February 2023FEATURE: Frequency Medicine (Part 2) – Devices: Wacky or Worthy?

Rob Verkerk PhD’s second part of his evaluation of frequency medicine, this time diving deep into devices that measure or deliver frequencies to the body

01 February 2023Rob Verkerk joins the Politically Incorrect team on TNT Radio

Rob Verkerk and the Polictically Incorrect team explore a vast rabbit warren of issues in their latest chat

01 February 2023Frequency Medicine (Part 1) – the video

For those who prefer to watch or listen Rob Verkerk PhD has recorded a short video to accompany his recent article on frequency medicine

01 February 2023Truth be Told

The story you won’t find on the BBC

11 January 2023FEATURE: Frequencies (Part 1) – unearthing the mysteries of life

The first in a two-part series on frequencies by ANH founder, Rob Verkerk PhD. Part 1 explains the intimate relationship between electromagnetism and life, Part 2 (to be published in 2 weeks) will address the benefits and potential risks of frequency based technologies

11 January 2023The illusion of separation — by app

Why we need to be both aware and cautious over apps that separate us further from our natural origins

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