Guest Feature: Wave genetics and quantum medicine

Guest Feature: Wave genetics and quantum medicine

Date:31 March 2022 Content Sections ● Introduction to quantum medicine ● Introducing wave genetics information medicine ● Quantum cosmetics ● Informational matrices increase energy levels  ● Reality check ● Why a photo? ● Practicalities The following main article is a...
Long covid – a national health disaster?

Long covid – a national health disaster?

Date:31 March 2022 Content Sections ● What is long covid? ● Top clinical take homes By Meleni Aldridge, executive coordinator Melissa Smith, ANH outreach and development officer, and I attended the Biolab Medical Unit’s (BMU) Long Covid day in London, last Friday....
Tribute to the life of Dr Sarah Hallberg

Tribute to the life of Dr Sarah Hallberg

Date:31 March 2022 It’s with great sadness that we’ve received the news of the passing of Dr Sarah Hallberg this week from aggressive lung cancer. Our thoughts are with her family and close friends at this time. Even though she didn’t fit the...
Natural News Roundup & Covid Corner (week 13/2022)

Natural News Roundup & Covid Corner (week 13/2022)

Date:31 March 2022 Content Sections ● Prevention is the future of medicine ● Use of natural medicine reduces farming antibiotic use ● Artificial sweeteners and cancer ● Calls for use of probiotic term to be allowed in EU ● Type 2 diabetes predisposes sufferers to more...
Spice (& herb) up your life!

Spice (& herb) up your life!

Date:23 March 2022 Content Sections ● A world of herb and spice ● Powerful phytonutrients ● Quality counts ● Make your kitchen part of your medicine cabinet One of the biggest health impacts in this world of ready-made meals, fast-food eateries on every corner and the...