ANH science and law leaders talk turkey to US Health Ranger

Sep 19, 2024

Date:19 September 2024

Sections du contenu

  • Watch/listen to the full interview
  • Listen to the podcast version of the full interview
  • In a hurry? Soundbites from the interview

ANH founder, Rob Verkerk PhD and ANH-USA General Counsel, Jonathan Emord Esq, joined Mike Adams, also known as the Health Ranger, to discuss ANH’s multi-pronged, US-based efforts to combat censorship, the suppression of natural health information, the availability of natural health products, ethics and much more. 

In a fascinating conversation, they talk about Jonathan’s new role as General Counsel, his unparalleled success rate against the FDA (13 court victories and counting!) and he will help advance ANH’s Mission to protect natural health options and defend health freedom through a highly proactive strategy that ANH is uniquely placed to take because of our unique track record and expertise. The recent US Supreme Court decision that overturned the Chevron doctrine, presents some unique opportunities in terms of ANH’s ongoing legal strategies, especially as Big Tech and governments globally continue their attempts to suppress natural health information, which in turn is impacting not only the health of people but their economies.

Our incredibly ambitious mission requires more fuel in the tank. We are looking to you for your support, both financially through your donations, and by sharing our work with others so they can learn more about the extraordinary powers of natural health—as well as what is at stake, and what battles lie ahead.  

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Watch/listen to the full interview

Listen to the podcast version of the full interview


In a hurry? Soundbites from the interview

Check out below some soundbites from the conversation. Perfect for sharing on social media.


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