Internet censorship kills free speech and thought

Jun 13, 2024

Date:13 June 2024

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ANH founder, Rob Verkerk PhD, recently joined Andrija Klaric, a Croatian think-tank founder and media personality, founder and president of the Center for Renewal of Culture and host of the podcast “SLOBODNI” on Z1 Television as the FreeSpeech4Health campaign gathers momentum.

The continued censorship of information is becoming more deliberate and, for want of a better phrase, sneakier than ever before as Big Tech employs multiple ways to censor and direct your search for information in such a way that you’re led to make the desired conclusions due to the lack of opposing information. The biggest social media providers, including YouTube, stand out in this regard. How they manipulate you, stop the content, hide the important and direct you towards their desired goal to lead you away from the content you are looking for to help you make informed decisions about your health.

In a recent interview, NewsGuard CEO, Steve Brill, branded people’s right to express different opinions on issues like health and election results as “dangerous”, insisting internet gatekeepers should decide who can and can’t publish on the internet.

At the end of the day we know what they’re doing. They’re even telling us how they’re doing it using techniques such as ‘surfacing’ – presenting people with information they’re ‘allowed to see’, programming AI to help you navigate their content and rigging searches to return ‘desirable’ results to combat so-called ‘misinformation’.


“YouTube has specified that it will only tolerate medical information that complies with official institutions or the WHO.” – Rob Verkerk PhD


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