Rob Verkerk PhD on the Nathan Crane podcast in the USA

Aug 30, 2023

Date:30 August 2023

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Are you a podcast aficionado? Looking for a meaty podcast you could listen to on a long drive – or while cooking up a feast?

Take a dive into the 90 minute, wide ranging discussion between our founder, Rob Verkerk PhD, in his role as executive director of ANH-USA, and Nathan Crane, US certified holistic cancer coach, best-selling author, inspirational speaker, cancer-health researcher and educator, and 20 times award winning documentary filmmaker. 

Among the many subjects Nathan and Rob discussed are:

  • The US Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act
  • ANH wins against the FDA
  • Threats to homeopathy
  • Energy medicine
  • The attack on scientific dissent and the censorship agenda
  • The key role of grassroots activism
  • Pharmaceutical and technology ‘addiction’
  • Criminal records and settlements of pharma companies
  • Regenerative agriculture
  • PFAS “forever chemicals”
  • Other ‘environmental’ toxins
  • Decentralised solutions
  • The Beljanski “Winning the War on Cancer” conference (Florida, October)
  • Climate change controversies
  • Natural solutions to health

Listen to the podcast

Click on the image or the link below to listen to Rob’s in-depth and wide-ranging conversation with Nathan.

Link to share podcast:

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