Natural News Roundup (week 29/2022)

Natural News Roundup (week 29/2022)

Date:20 July 2022 Content Sections ● ANH-USA resists attack on US supplements ● UK childhood obesity ● Don’t use artificial sweeteners to control weight ● Gardening, art and mental health ● Move over CRISPR, base editing is here ● Sustainable use of wild species...
Learn & Journey: ANH events (week 29/2022)

Learn & Journey: ANH events (week 29/2022)

Date:20 July 2022 Event Event details Behaviour and Communication Magic Please join us for this remarkable, brand-new event – Behaviour and Communication Magic, an experiential, practical, information-packed day with behaviour and communication dynamics expert,...
In case you missed it! July 2022

In case you missed it! July 2022

Date:18 July 2022 23 Jun 2022 Navigating mass formation Rob Verkerk PhD reflects on mass formation and viral soups 23 Jun 2022 ​​​​ ​​Behaviour and Communication Magic Please join us for this remarkable, brand-new event. An experiential, practical, information-packed...
World Covid-19 Congress – Iguassu Falls, Brazil

World Covid-19 Congress – Iguassu Falls, Brazil

Date:13 July 2022 Content Sections ● Explore ● Selected Congress presentations  ● Principles worth living (or dying?) for By Rob Verkerk PhD founder, executive & scientific director, ANH-Intl; Co-chair, Health & Humanity Committee, World Council for Health...
Covid News Unwrapped (week 28/2022)

Covid News Unwrapped (week 28/2022)

Date:13 July 2022 Content Sections ● Pushbacks & positives! ● Censorship, misinformation & nudges ● Restrictions & Controls ● Masks ● Treatments ● Covid injections ● Natural Immunity Despite clear and unequivocal evidence that natural immunity is...