Current vaccine state of play and the new kid on the block: Valneva

Current vaccine state of play and the new kid on the block: Valneva

Date:21 April 2022 Content Sections ● State of play ● Where is credit deserved? ● Accounting for costs ● The spikey VAIDS debate ● Valneva – the new kid on the block ● Take home State of play There is mounting evidence from globally acquired data, for example those...
Could a small dose help regen agriculture?

Could a small dose help regen agriculture?

Date:21 April 2022 Content Sections ● Investing in our planet ● A new era in agriculture? ● Perfect partners? ● Plant homeopathy and its benefits ● Further reading Nearly sixty years on from the publication of Rachel Carson’s landmark book, Silent Spring, conventional...
Natural News Roundup & Covid Corner (week 16/2022)

Natural News Roundup & Covid Corner (week 16/2022)

Date:21 April 2022 Content Sections ● Tobacco style restrictions won’t curb appetite for unhealthy foods ● ‘Good’ cholesterol protects against Alzheimer’s ● E-cigarettes not as healthy as touted ● Verizon told to shut down cellphone tower ●...
Could your drinking water be contaminated with spike protein?

Could your drinking water be contaminated with spike protein?

Date:14 April 2022 Content Sections ● Enter WBE: wastewater-based epidemiology ● Remdesivir – the best antiviral: really? ● Losing sight of the real problems and solutions ● Back into the sewers ● Reverse osmosis: size does matter ● Haldane epilogue By Rob Verkerk...
Lifting the lid on pressure cooking legumes

Lifting the lid on pressure cooking legumes

Date:14 April 2022 Content Sections ● The trouble with lectins ● A blast from the past ● So, should you steer clear completely? ● Raising the pressure! The why and the what ● Pressure cooking Pros and Cons  ● Cutting costs Brits can’t be the only people in...
Hacking your lifespan via your Ecological Terrain – Part 2

Hacking your lifespan via your Ecological Terrain – Part 2

Date:14 April 2022 Last week we introduced you to the first 6 domains of what we call our Ecological Terrain. That’s the ecological system in which we all exist that is the primary determinant of our health, taking into account physiological, metabolic,...