ANH News Beat (week 02/2024)

Jan 12, 2024

Date:12 January 2024

Content Sections

  • In Brief (click on the links to read more)
  • Natural News
  • ANH-USA Update
  • Covid News

In Brief (click on the links to read more)

  • Cholesterol vaccine
  • Vitamin C reduces severity of common cold
  • WEF lists mis- and disinformation as no 1 global risk
  • Dropping confidence in vaccines
  • PFAS harms
  • Lack of oversight and risk assessment for gene edited organisms
  • UK lab leaks increase by 50%
  • ANH-USA update
  • Covid News inc:
    • Call for covid jabs to be withdrawn in US
    • Campaign to discredit top French scientist
    • FB censored vaccine injured
    • WHO Pandemic Treaty and IHRs
    • Children rarely develop long covid
    • Plus more…

Natural News

  • Cholesterol is so essential to our health and wellbeing, that our body makes the majority of what we need. Despite its essentiality, Big Pharma has spent years trying to drive cholesterol levels ever lower due its perceived negative effects on health. Now, researchers at UNM Health Sciences Center have unveiled a ‘vaccine’ that they claim will lower cholesterol levels. The ‘vaccine’ is designed to create an immune response against the PCSK9 protein, which regulates levels of LDL cholesterol. The research is still in its infancy so only time will tell what unintended off-target effects such a treatment might have.

Is the continuing war against cholesterol justified?

>>> Is news on the statin-beating, cholesterol-lowering jab too good to be true?

>>> Statin prophylaxis for the over-75s?

  • Vitamin C is effective in reducing the severity and duration of the common cold. The confirmation of vitamin C’s ability to tackle viral infections such as the common cold is confirmed in a new meta-analysis published in BMC Public Health. The researchers found that using at least 1g/day for people in good health, resulted in a 15 – 26% reduction in severity of symptoms. The researchers recommend the use of vitamin C for the treatment of colds due to its effectiveness and low cost. Read more below about how a cheap vitamin can combat a myriad of conditions.

More on the power of vitamin C

>>> Vitamin C for Covid

>>> Vitamin C study leaves sour taste

>>> Dr Jeanne Drisko: Vitamin C for cancer

  • The latest Global Risks report released by the World Economic Forum (WEF) ranks mis- and disinformation as the number 1 risk over the next 2 years. Governments will increasingly decide what the ‘truth’ is and take steps to control (censor!) the information the public is allowed to access.

What’s the Great Reset?

>>> The Great Reset or the Great Divide?

>>> Revisiting the Great Reset

  • Following the covid crisis, many people are questioning the need for, effectiveness and safety of vaccines in general, which is clearly rattling the authorities. In the US, two senior members of the US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA), Peter Marks PhD and Robert Califf MD, have published a Viewpoint in JAMA in an attempt to counter the vaccine misinformation, that they claim, is driving the issue. As part of this they’re calling on healthcare professionals to ‘redouble’ efforts to increase uptake of childhood vaccines along with covid, flu and RSV shots, blatantly ignoring and refusing to investigate the very real concerns people have
  • PFAS chemicals damage environmental DNA even at low concentrations. Recent research published in Eco-Environment & Health underscores the risks to environmental health due to the persistence of these chemicals. A new study published in The Lancet Public Health, exposes the harms of PFAS chemicals to humans as it reveals the presence of PFAS in the livers of foetuses. The researchers found that foetuses exposed to PFAS, were at higher risk of altered metabolism and liver function, which could, in turn, increase the risk of the developmnet of metabolic disease later in life.

More on this subject

>>> PFAS: The unfolding chemical disaster

>>> The PFAS ‘Dirty Dozen’ Exposed

  • The growing worldwide adoption of gene edited organisms for use in the food and feed sectors, with limited oversight and lack of risk assessment, is highlighted in a new EU Horizon scan published in the EFSA Journal
  • Lab leaks and accidents have increased by 50% in the UK since 2020 according to a new investigation by The Telegraph, sparking fears of another pandemic similar to the covid crisis. Following a raft of Freedom of Information requests, the investigation uncovered 156 incidents involving lab bugs, since the emergence of covid, thought to have escaped from a Chinese lab in Wuhan.

ANH-USA Update

  • Despite its claims, an update report from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding its supposed progress on tackling PFAS chemical contamination, lacks sufficient detail. The report is proof that very little has been accomplished to tackle the health issues posed by PFAS chemicals in the US over the past year and the EPA are certainly not making any progress. Read more…
  • Will the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) carry out its promise to release new guidance that threatens American’s access to natural health supplements? The topic remains high priority for the ANH-USA team in 2024. Find out more and sign up to the free weekly newsletter to keep tabs on this developing situation…

Covid News

  • Florida State Surgeon, Dr Joseph Ladapo, is calling on the US government to stop the use of covid shots citing concerns about DNA contamination of both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA jabs
  • Following the filing of legal action against Pfizer, by the Texas State Attorney, Pfizer attorneys are attempting to get the hearing moved from a District to a Federal Court, where they feel they may have more chance of getting the lawsuit dismissed. Pfizer denies liability under protection from the PREP Act
  • The campaign to discredit French scientist, Prof Didier Raoult, has taken another twist as seven papers are retracted for ethical issues. Prof Raoult has called the retractions “…just another form of science censorship”. Nearly 50 other articles have been marked with expressions of concern by PLOS and Elsevier is also reported to be investigating a number of papers. Prof Raoult put the persecution down to his criticism of the French government’s handling of the covid crisis and support for the use of hydroxychoroquine as a covid treatment
  • People injured by AstraZeneca covid shots, say they’ve been censored on social media while trying to speak out about their injuries. This has resulted in them having to ‘self censor’ and use cryptic language to prevent their groups from being shut down by the likes of Facebook
  • Barring unvaccinated individuals from public places during the covid crisis was based on faulty science according to a recent study published in Cureus. The new study shows that the original science used a faulty model, which once corrected, shows that segregating vaccinated and unvaccinated people actually increases infection levels in those who’ve been jabbed
  • James Roguski provides a comprehensive overview of what’s happening with the World Health Organization’s negotiations around the Pandemic Accord and International Health Regulations (IHRs). He also reveals Iran rejected the 2022 Amendments to the IHRs in July 2023
  • Talks to bring the Pandemic Treaty and IHRs into being could break down according to a Politico report, most likely designed to bring focus back to the negotiating table, as the attention of individual countries moves to more pressing matters and negotiations start to break down.

Why should we worry about the WHO’s plans?

>>> Do nothing and cede health sovereignty to the WHO

>>> The plan for WHO supremacy over human health

>>> Pandemic Treaty and IHR debated in UK Parliament

>>> The WHO pandemic treaty: a backdoor to global governance?

  • A significant number of people suffering myo- and pericarditis after covid jabs, continued to experience problems and present with abnormal clinical markers 6 months following diagnosis, according a new study published in Vaccine
  • Ambulances in New York state were put on standby when covid vaccine clinics were operating. A Freedom of Information request also reveals a litany of call outs to people experiencing problems post covid jab. Dr Pierre Kory has the full details
  • Very few children (average age of 2 years old) develop long covid (referred to as post-covid-19 condition or PCC) following covid infection. A new study, using data from Canadian hospitals, published in JAMA Network Open found less than 1% of those included in the study developed ongoing symptoms. It was noted that nearly 6%, of those children included in the study, had received at least one covid shot
  • Two hundred and thirty people signed an open letter known as the ‘Declaration of Military Accountability’. The letter to the American people states that the signatories of the letter will do everything in their power to hold military leaders to account for the damage wrought by the mandates requiring covid jabs, which have led to debilitating vaccine injuries for US service personnel.


>>> Visit for our complete curated covid content of the coronavirus crisis