ANH News Beat (week 22/2024)

May 30, 2024

Date:30 May 2024

Content Sections

  • In Brief (click on the links to read more)
  • Natural News
  • ANH-USA Update
  • Covid Update

In Brief (click on the links to read more)

  • Ultra-processed food consumption damages brain health
  • Huge increase in type 2 diabetes diagnoses in UK
  • Researchers create digital twin to combat type 2 diabetes
  • WIPO treaty aims to combat biopiracy
  • Microplastics found in human and dog testicles
  • High drop-out rate of weight loss injection users
  • Huge increase in complementary and alternative markets predicted
  • Health Canada hides regulatory raid in finance bill
  • Fluoride in pregnancy increases risk of neurodevelopmental issues
  • UK government consultation on mandatory fluoridation of water in NE England
  • High levels of PFAS in EU water
  • Doctors taught how to get parental consent for HPV vaccination
  • Glyphosate damages immune system
  • UK government group pushes ‘safety’ of gene-edited plants
  • ANH-USA Update
  • Covid News
    • World Health Assembly updates
    • Mask wearing safe?
    • Covid vaccination data juggling
    • plus more…

Natural News

  • Hundreds of thousands of children in the UK and US are being diagnosed with mental health issues. The link between what they eat and their mental health is being increasingly recognised. A new study (using US data from 2003-2007) published in Neurology, highlights the links between increased levels of ultra-processed food (UPF) consumption and the risk of cognitive impairment and stroke. Whilst the study looked at adults, the increase in young people eating a diet high in UPFs puts them at higher risk of developing mental health issues as they get older
  • Drastic changes in what we eat are ‘feeding’ into a huge increase in levels of type 2 diabetes (T2D) in the UK. New figures from Diabetes UK reveal a 40% rise in diagnoses of T2D in people under 40 years of age between 2016/17 and 2022/23. Despite such increases government and health authorities continue to pump out the same old (very old) recommendations, paid for and promoted by the pharmaceutical and food industries
  • In order to try and tackle T2D, researchers funded by the EU as part of the dAIbetes project, are developing a virtual twin using AI to simulate how patients might respond to different treatments and tailor treatments to individual patients. We’re not overly convinced that dietary and lifestyle interventions will be included but hope to be pleasantly surprised.

>>> Type 2 diabetes is not only preventable, it’s also reversible!

  • After more than 20 years of negotiation, over 190 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) member states have agreed a treaty in an attempt to combat biopiracy and the continued raid by pharmaceutical companies on the natural world to patent traditional medicines. The Treaty now needs to be ratified to come into effect however, pushback has already begun. It remains to be seen whether the Treaty will have the teeth needed to crack down on biopiracy in future.

>>> Natural exploitation by Big Pharma

  • The full effect of microplastics on human health is as yet unknown, but their presence in the human body is fast becoming ubiquitous. Now new research, published in Toxicological Sciences, has caused further concerns about its impact on fertility after researchers found microplastics in every sample tested from human and dog testicles. In February, researchers reported on the presence of microplastics in human placentas.

>>> The scourge of microplastics

  • Recent weeks have seen a rash of media reports on the effectiveness of semaglutide weight loss injections for combatting heart and kidney disease – research paid for by the pharmaceutical companies that stand to benefit from increased use of these drugs! However, a recent report from the US Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBS), found that nearly 60% of those using such weight loss drugs stop taking them within three months of use, while 30% of patients discontinued use in the first three months. The reasons for discontinuing use of the drugs was not discussed in the paper.

>>> Are you up for taking Big Pharma’s new ‘skinny’ jab?

>>> Want a quick fix for weight loss this January?

>>> Enhance your weight loss journey by speaking to your genes with food in a language they understand with a copy of RESET EATING (ebook also available)

  • Such is the demand for complementary and alternative medicine, the market is predicted to grow by a whopping 25% to $899 billion USD by 2032. However, despite such demands Health Canada is doing its damnedest to push highly damaging regulations to control and restrict the supplement market by the back door. Shawn Buckley of the Natural Health Product Protection Association, has authored a discussion paper for Canadians to share with their MP to help them understand the dangers of the hidden sections in Bill C-69
  • Children born to mothers with higher fluoride exposure during pregnancy are at double the risk of developing severe neurobehavioral issues at 3 years of age, than those with lower exposure, according to a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The study adds to the ever-growing body of evidence showing the harms of fluoride to babies and children
  • Despite researchers sounding the alarm about the harms of fluoride, health authorities and governments continue to push mandatory medication of the populace through water fluoridation schemes, such as that proposed by the UK government in NE England, which is now out for consultation.

>>> If you live in NE England have your say as part of the government consultation on the fluoridation of your water supply. The deadline for responding to the consultation is 11:59pm on 17 June 2024

  • The state of water health in the EU has been revealed by a joint survey of surface and groundwater samples from ten EU countries, carried out by member organisations of the European Pesticide Action Network (PAN). Alarming levels of a little known ‘forever chemical’ (PFAS), TFA (Trifluoroacetic acid) were found, particularly in agricultural areas, from the degradation of PFAS pesticides. PAN Europe has the full details
  • The normalisation of HPV vaccination is laid out in a report on industry led training of doctors in how to get parents to agree to their child, boy or girl, to be given an HPV shot. Sadly, as expected, the process does not include advising parents of potential risks or harms associated with the vaccine in order to obtain properly informed consent.

>>> HPV vaccine safety concerns and the risks of uniformed consent

  • Glyphosate damages a key immune response according to a new study published in Environmental Research, through the production of potentially harmful reactive oxygen species by neutrophils, which are part of the body’s first line of immune defence
  • Gene edited (GE) plants, or precision bred (PB) (as Big Ag is trying to call them in a decoy rebranding exercise), don’t pose a safety issue to other plants according to a new Policy Paper from the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group on Science and Technology in Agriculture. It’s also at pains to point out that GE/PB plants don’t need to be treated any differently from a liability point of view, than conventional or organic crops as its authors seek to support the wholesale introduction of GE plants with little or no regulation.

ANH-USA Update

  • Momentum is building fast to oppose and prevent the WHO’s power grab, which threatens individual and national sovereignty. Even though the proposed Pandemic Agreement appears to now be dead in the water, pressure is on at the World Health Assembly to rush through and approve amendments to the International Health Regulations and continue work on a Pandemic Agreement. Read more and watch the video to find out why we don’t need the WHO…
  • The US Food and Drug Administration has taken a step forward in its attempt to over regulate laboratory developed tests (LDTs), which are often used by natural health practitioners. Tests currently available will be exempt from the new guidelines, but it will become much more difficult to introduce new tests. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is stepping up to the plate to oppose the proposals. Help stop the FDA’s attack on lab testing

Covid Update

  • The 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) is in full swing in Geneva. People around the world are readying for the journey to Geneva to stand together for freedom against the machinations of the World Health Organization and its puppet masters. Dr Meryl Nass is following proceedings and reporting back as, in her words, “…more lipstick is applied to pigs” they squirm to find a way round the objections, pushbacks and downright rejections of its plans to grab global power through a Pandemic Agreement and amendments to the International Health Regulations. However, a powerful lobby of countries is pushing for the IHR amendments, which pose far more of a threat, to be adopted before the end of the WHA this week. Rebekah Barnett gives a good account of Australia’s role in the shenanigans along with its representatives’ attempts to bulldoze the Agreement and IHR amendments through this week.

>>> WHO’s in Geneva? 4 days to go

  • Brighteon Media has announced it’s filed a lawsuit against Google, Facebook, Twitter, NewsGuard, Homeland Security, Department of Defense, Global Engagement Center, ISD and others for globally-coordinated government-funded censorship collusion against Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Natural News and Brighteon
  • Prof Trish Greenhalgh is an ardent supporter of mask wearing and has published multiple papers to support her belief that they’re an effective way of preventing viral spread, even though a recent Cochrane Review found there wasn’t enough evidence to uphold the widespread use of masks. Driven by news that avian flu is infecting cattle in the US, Prof Greenhalgh has led a new review, published in Clinical Microbiology Reviews, of the evidence for the use of masks concluding respirators are “more effective” than masks; mask mandates reduce community transmission of viruses; wearing masks is a way of virtue signalling; masks may be harmful to some plus their use comes with significant environmental impacts
  • In comparison a new study published in PLOS One found mask wearing to be of minimal benefit in preventing the spread of respiratory illnesses
  • The Australian Human Rights Commission is calling for people to share their stories of how they were affected by covid restrictions. Submissions must be made in writing and be no longer than 1,000 words. All submissions must be made by Sunday 30th June 2024
  • Following a freedom of information request to the UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) by Dr Clare Craig, she’s received a copy of an internal ONS email that confirms many deaths occurring post covid vaccination, before April 2021, weren’t necessarily recorded as vaccinated deaths. The revelation vindicates those who’ve been calling out problems with misclassification of deaths since the onset of covid shots. Read more on the Where are the numbers? Substack
  • Two US doctors accused of spreading covid misinformation have had their lawsuit thrown out of court. Approving the motion to dismiss the case, the presiding judge said “If you want to practice medicine in Washington you must play by the rules”. The two doctors involved will now face the medical commission for warning patients about the inaccuracy of covid tests, potential harms from covid shots and endorsing the use of ivermectin.


>>> Visit for our complete curated covid content of the coronavirus crisis