ANH News Beat (week 42/2023)

Oct 18, 2023

Date:18 October 2023

Content Sections

  • In Brief (click on the links to read more)
  • There’s still time to join Dr Leo Pruimboom and Rob Verkerk PhD for a unique Masterclass
  • Natural News
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News

In Brief (click on the links to read more)

  • NHS managers justify Federated Data Platform
  • European Parliament white paper considers regulation of precision nutrition
  • Push you / pull you of GMOs in Kenya
  • Retailer pulls CBD products from shelves after UK FSA slashes daily consumption guidelines
  • EU glyphosate use extension fails in Committee
  • Evidence for homeopathy efficacy as strong as that for conventional treatments
  • Severe adverse reactions of ‘miracle’ weight-loss drugs
  • The benefits of caloric reduction
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News inc:
    • Why US citizens aren’t opting for covid booster jabs
    • Digital IDs see huge push
    • Covid injections…
    • Lawsuit challenges vaccine manufacturers liability shield
    • UK NGO pursues GMC over lack of action against senior doctor
    • Plus more…


There’s still time to join Dr Leo Pruimboom and Rob Verkerk PhD for a unique Masterclass

We are delighted to announce a very special event for health professionals and health coaches — a unique opportunity to join Dr Leo Pruimboom, the founder of Clinical Psychoneuroimmunology, for a one-off, deep-dive, masterclass in Central London. Hosted by Rob Verkerk PhD, this is a rare opportunity to learn and interact with two of the most visionary thought leaders in the regenerative health field today. 

‘The case for drug-free medicine and 25 CPNI interventions’

Stress is only stress when it irritates long enough to produce a molecular pattern that activates the immune system. In this way it becomes logical that toxic emotions or toxic thoughts can make you ill. The conventional view of health and disease has forgotten that a disease is the consequence of a universal phenomenon called ‘Life’. So to unravel the film of every malady, it is necessary to identify the stressors and pathways by which ‘irritation’ causes inflammation. From here, we can learn how to change ‘Life’, along with our responses and behaviours, to reduce or eliminate inflammation and become robust, as nature intended.

Date: Friday 17th November

Time: 9am – 5.30pm

Venue: The China Exchange, London or via livestream

Booking Link:

If you’re a Pathfinder Health Practitioner member log into your account to get an exclusive discount for the event or drop the team a line at [email protected].

Natural News

  • Pressure to accept the NHS’s multi-million pound, so-called federated data platform (FDP), ramped up a notch this week with the publication of an open letter signed by NHS medical directors and chief medical officers in England. NHS leaders are keen to portray the FDP as a system that will join up separate datasets, making little mention of the opportunity it gives to sell the data to the highest bidder.

>>> Your health data – exploitation of the most precious commodity

>>> Who owns your health data?

  • A new discussion paper from the European Parliament considers the topic of precision nutrition. Diets tailored to our individual needs based on highly personal data such as our DNA; data that’s pure gold for the pharma companies. The paper considers the grey area of the cross over between food and medicine as some “personalised nutrition products” (read vitamins and minerals), may help prevent disease and how questions about data protection, privacy and intellectual ownership will need to be regulated
  • The planting of GMO maize in Kenya will now be allowed following a court ruling. The ruling comes after the country’s new president lifted the moratorium on the import of GMOs, as he assured Kenyans that he wouldn’t allow anything that endangers their health, as he’s a scientist. However, the Kenyan president hasn’t got it all his own way, as a lawsuit brought by civil groups citing a lack of safety studies for GMOs, reversed the lifting of the import ban continuing the game of push you / pull you over the introduction of GMOs into Kenya
  • The UK Food Standards Agency’s amended guidance for daily intake levels of CBD oil, has resulted in Holland & Barrett removing 31 products from its shelves, as it acts in an “abundance of caution”, despite the fact that the new guidance is voluntary and the products remain legal
  • The fight to ban the use of glyphosate in the EU continues as the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (SCOPAFF) failed to reach a majority decision on the proposed 10-year extension for the continued use of glyphosate. The European Commission is expected to present a new proposal in the next few weeks to try and push through the extension before 14 December 2023, when the current approval period lapses
  • Evidence for the effectiveness of homeopathic treatments is as strong as that for conventional treatments. A new analysis, published in BMC Systematic Reviews, reviewed six meta-analyses of placebo-controlled randomised efficacy trials of homeopathy for any indication. It found, that contrary to frequent claims, homeopathy has significant positive effects beyond that expected from placebo. The evidence provided by the new study further undermines the continued attacks on homeopathy and shows there’s no justification for regulatory or political measures against the practice of homeopathy in mainstream healthcare.

>>> In defence of homeopathy

>>> ANH-Intl Feature: Will homeopathy be saved – before it’s too late?

  • ‘Miracle’ weight loss drugs, such as Wegovy and Ozempic, cause serious digestive issues including stomach paralysis, pancreatitis and bowel obstructions according to a new study published in JAMA, which analysed health insurance claims data. People using GLP-1 drugs were three times more likely to experience severe adverse reactions than those taking bubpropion-naltrexone drugs for weight loss. Read Dr Ron Hoffman’s discussion of the problems with weight loss injections
  • A new study published in Aging Cell confirms the benefits of caloric restriction (CR) in healthy humans. The study found CR increases energy production and improves metabolic processes, while lowering inflammation. Researchers used data from the Comprehensive Assessment of Long-Term Effects of Reducing Intake of Energy (CALERIE) study, which is investigating whether humans experience the same health benefits of caloric restriction as those seen in animal studies.

>>> ANH-Intl Feature: Protein kinases, caloric restriction and exercise

News from ANH-USA

  • The lack of regulatory oversight of genetically engineered (GE) soil microbes is nothing short of reckless. In fact, it’s almost as if the regulations, that should control the use of such organisms and protect the US public, are deliberately lax. Find out how you can stop Big Ag and Big Biotech from risking human and planetary health through the indiscriminate release of GE soil microbes!
  • Hope for children’s health. More and more children are being affected by a duo of autoimmune diseases known as Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) and Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS), as the toxic soup we’re exposed to on a daily basis takes its toll on childrens’ resilience and immune systems. There’s no easy one size fits all approach to help children with these conditions to heal and mainstream medicine has little to offer. This is why we’re so pleased to be supporting a conference for clinicians, parents and children tackling this subject. Organised by Documenting Hope, this is an in-person event taking place in Orlando, Florida, 10-12 November 2023. Topics will include total toxin load theory, natural treatment of PANS/PANDAS and other childhood illnesses, plus much, much more. Read more about PANS/PANDAS

>>> Learn more and register for the conference ‘Adventures in Healing: the ultimate field guide to restoring health in our children

  • Ronald Hoffman MD, discusses the pros and cons of new weight loss drugs with extortionate price tags. Asking if cost should be a barrier to their use, but also, just how safe are these drugs and are they really the silver bullet touted to solve the obesity crisis? Read more…

Covid News

  • The most common reason for not having the covid bivalent jab, according to participants of the Arizona CoVHORT, who responded to a survey in early 2023, was previous covid infection and concern about adverse reactions. Just under 40% cited previous infection, 39.5% had concerns about adverse reactions, 28.6% didn’t believe the ‘boosters’ would provide additional protection and 23.4% reported concerns about the safety of the ‘boosters’. Results of the survey were published in Vaccine
  • Did the Israeli government sign an agreement with Pfizer, including agreement to trial the jab on Israeli citizens, prior to it being given emergency approval by the US Food and Drug Administration? The Israeli Ministry of Health has consistently refused to produce a copy of the agreement signed with Pfizer, saying it couldn’t find the documents. It now says it’s found a copy of the document as part of a legal challenge. Is the document real though? RTMag investigates and charts the story thus far
  • Digital IDs are being pushed by the UN Development Programme (UNDP), which has published a governance framework for a digital public infrastructure. The UNDP framework, which is designed to”…aid the swift establishment of digital legal ID systems globally”, is being legitimised as a way to provide legal identity for all, under Agenda 2023 and the UNs Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

>>> United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Better for who?

  • A Canadian nurse is having to defend herself against the College of Registered Nurses of Saskatchewan (CRNS) for expressing reservations about covid shots and mandates on social media. Her opinions have started a debate on her right to voice opinions that differ to the ‘official’ narrative. The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) is defending her right to express her opinions as set out in the Canadian Charter of Rights
  • Dr Aseem Malhotra is under attack again for speaking out against covid jabs, despite initially supporting them, after the General Medical Council (GMC) refused to take action against him. The Good Law Project has now picked up the case on behalf of the complainants, who are mostly anonymous UK doctors. A Statement of Support for Dr Malhotra has been published by campaign groups, Doctors for Patients UK, the UK Medical Freedom Alliance (UKMFA) and HART, co-signed by fifty UK doctors, challenging the Good Law Project’s “…serious and chilling attack on the freedom of speech of a senior doctor”
  • A bill prohibiting businesses in Texas from requiring workers to be jabbed against covid has been approved by the Texas Senate. The bill, which would see businesses that attempt to introduce mandates incur fines, now needs to receive approval from the House before being passed into law.
  • Austria is rolling out a new digital ID service to replace existing systems used by Austrians to access certain government services. The full switchover to the new ID Austria system takes place on 5th December 2023. Meanwhile in Germany, the introduction of a digital ID system for healthcare applications has been approved, as more and more governments begin the process of normalising digital ID systems prior to trying to introduce full digital ID systems — and ultimately to usher in central bank digital currency (CBDC’s)
  • An attempt to throw out the Costa Rican Nuremberg Hearing (which aims to have covid shots withdrawn), has been given short shrift by the court. This is great news for the team behind the lawsuit as it means the hearing will go ahead as planned, despite the Costa Rican government’s best efforts to have it dismissed
  • Rebel News reports on a legal case in the Canadian province of British Columbia challenging the validity of the province’s vaccine passport mandates. At the heart of the case is the claim that the passports are unconstitutional
  • Both Meta and X (formerly Twitter) have been threatened with massive fines by the EU if they don’t remove pro-Hamas content from the platforms, as new EU censorship regulations start to bite
  • A lawsuit brought by multiple plaintiffs, including the covid vaccine injury advocacy group, React19, and funded by the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), names multiple US federal agencies as it challenges the legality of the liability shield for vaccine manufacturers. The lawsuit also claims that the government-run vaccine injury scheme is unfair and violates the constitutional rights of those injured by vaccines.


>>> Visit for our complete curated covid content of the coronavirus crisis