ANH News Beat (week 46/2023)

Nov 15, 2023

Date:15 November 2023

Content Sections

  • In Brief (click on the links to read more)
  • Dr Leo Pruimboom returns to the UK for an exclusive Masterclass, hosted by Rob Verkerk PhD!
  • Natural News
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News

In Brief (click on the links to read more)

  • Being active every day reduces risk of dying caused by sedentary lifestyle
  • Canadian political party promotes right to informed consent
  • Soil Association sets out vision for ‘Organic for All’
  • Calls for the regulation of AI systems development and use
  • The scientific case for homeopathy and anthroposophic medicine
  • New EU model to assess impact of diet from EAT Lancet author
  • Spanish non-profit calls out Bayer’s greenwashing
  • Communicating with the departed comforts bereaved partners
  • Keto diet effective for improving IVF success
  • Italy set to ban synthetic ‘food’
  • Risks to human health from ‘synbio milk’
  • GAVI launches massive HPV campaign to jab 86 million girls
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News inc:
    • Adverse reactions to covid jabs should be reframed as ‘desirable’
    • Children aren’t superspreaders of covid
    • Covid injections…
    • Doctors disciplined for speaking out
    • Lawsuits brought against Astrazeneca for deception and a defective product
    • Plus more…

Dr Leo Pruimboom returns to the UK for an exclusive Masterclass, hosted by Rob Verkerk PhD!

If you’re looking to improve clinical outcomes, this is for you! Learn from the best: a masterclass with Dr Leo Pruimboom, the founder of clinical psychoneuroimmunology (CPNI), hosted by one of the leaders in regenerative health, Rob Verkerk PhD.

This one-off, in-person Masterclass will show you how some of the best and most effective medicine can be entirely drug and supplement free. Find out how to unblock non-responders and find a way forward even with the most complex clinical conditions.

In a world increasingly crippled by multi-system stressors, CPNI is the medicine needed by most people most of the time. This is a Masterclass you can’t afford to miss.

Date: Friday 17th November

Time: 9am – 5.30pm

Location: in-person, London or livestreamed

New to CPNI or just want to know more?
Click here for full details plus booking options:

Natural News

  • Being active for just 20 minutes per day can reduce the risk of death associated with a sedentary lifestyle. A new study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that moderate-to-vigorous physical activity every day was associated with a lower risk of dying regardless of the amount of time spent sitting down. The best bit is that you can do small HIIT sessions through the day, or longer periods both indoors or even better, outside in nature. Two 15-min HIIT sessions a week is ideal along with moderate and low intensity activity.

>>> 3 minute HIIT routine that can be done anywhere, anytime! Mid-winter 3 Minute Anytime Anyplace routine

>>> Fast track your fitness with gravity

  • Grassroot members of Canadian province, Alberta’s United Conservative Party, voted to adopt a multitude of pro-medical freedom policies at its party conference recently. Most importantly, the members voted “to protect an individual’s right to informed consent decisions regarding their own body”. Lifesite News has the full details.

>>> Is your medical consent properly informed?

>>> Informed consent – is this fundamental right being respected?

>>> FEATURE: Medical ethics – our best chance of restoring distorted health systems?

  • ‘Organic for All’ is a new vision from the Soil Association, for organic agriculture in the UK, which seeks to overcome the continued sidelining of the organic industry by policymakers in the UK. The new vision sets out a pathway to make organic produce affordable, available and accessible to everyone, regardless of their circumstances
  • Multiple governments and organisations are responding to calls from academics, tech experts and more to regulate the proliferation and development of AI systems. The Future of Life Institute summarises the various campaigns and actions being proposed along with details of an open letter released recently calling for action from the US government.

>>> FEATURE: The Game Plan for Humanity — Deny free will and accept our reality is virtual

  • A new report from the European Coalition on Homeopathic & Anthroposophic Medicinal Products (ECHAMP) gives an overview of the current evidence base supporting the efficacy and safety of homeopathy and anthroposophic medicine. The report showcases the substantial body of scientific evidence that exists to support the effectiveness of these treatments
  • Lead author of the EAT Lancet report, Dr Marco Springmann, has been instrumental in creating a modelling tool for analysing the health, environmental and affordability implications of our diets for the European regional office of the World Health Organziation (WHO). It’s of no surprise that the Diet Impact Assessment model favours plant-based diets as way to mitigate ‘climate change’.

>>> ANH-Intl Special Report: Analysis of the EAT-Lancet report

  • Bayer’s blatant attempts at greenwashing are being called out by Spanish organisation, Agricultura Regenerativa, in an open letter. The letter blasts Bayer for hijacking the term, ‘regenerative agriculture’, and corrupting it to meet its own ends, particularly with its statement that there’s a role for glyphosate in regenerative agriculture. The letter invites Bayer to enter into dialogue to help it change its stance to fully understand and support the tenets of truly regenerative agriculture that respects and regenerates nature.

>>> Biodiversity credits: profiting from nature’s last frontier

  • An interesting study has been published in the Journal of Death and Dying, investigating people’s interactions with their partners after they die. The researchers surveyed 70 people who reported After Death Communications (ADCs), forty percent of whom said the contact and connection with a partner who had passed, helped them in the healing process, and 61% who said they would like such contact with their loved one to continue. For many cultures, that embrace the spirit realm and their ancestors, it’s normal to experience the presence of those who’ve died, so it’s refreshing to see discussions of these encounters, in Western science
  • The ketogenic diet improves IVF success rate. An Italian study, published in the journal, Nutrients, compared the impact of two different diet interventions, the very-low-calorie ketogenic diet (VLCKD) and Mediterranean diet (MD), on the success of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) in women with a high body mass index (BMI) and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). The results suggest VLCKD is the most effective, particularly given the time scales in which results are seen.

>>> Going keto: Disease prevention or promotion?

>>> Rebuttal of study that says keto diets don’t work

  • Italy looks set to ban the production, import and marketing of synthetic food (food produced in labs). The announcement was made by Italian Agriculture Minister, Francesco Lollobrigida, at a recent event, who said the country is following the precautionary principle. The news comes following approval of a bill to ban the production and marketing of synthetic food and feed by the Senate earlier in the year
  • ’Synbio milk’ poses risks to human health. The warning comes from John Fagan PhD, cofounder of the Health Research Institute, after research found 92 unknown compounds in the milk alternative created by ferming, none of which have been studied for safety, nutrition or quality. He also said synbio milk products should come with a health warning or be taken off the market.

>>> Lab-grown meat versus agro-ecological farming

>>>  Feature: The red meat witch-hunt exposed

  • HPV vaccination programmes are ramping up around the world. In Indonesia, the HPV vaccination has been added to the routine schedule for children. Millions of girls across Nigeria, Bangladesh and Zambia are amongst the latest set to be given HPV vaccines in an international campaign, funded by GAVI, to vaccinate 86 million girls in low- and middle-income countries by 2025. The claim is over 1.4 million future deaths will be prevented by the initiative. James Lyons-Weiler PhD, told The Defender the mass vaccination campaign could cause a devastating number of serious adverse reactions.

>>> More concerns over HPV vaccine safety and effectiveness

>>> HPV vaccine propaganda

>>> It’s official: HPV vaccine, the most dangerous vaccine yet

News from ANH-USA

  • Is the organic chicken you’re buying from a CAFO production system? When you see the label organic you think you’re buying from a producer that cares for its flock, which naturally forages in a pasture. However, due to United States department of Agriculture (USDA) regulations, many ‘organic’ chickens are produced in industrialised systems. Find out more…
  • The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is poised to ban nicotinamide dinucleotide NAD+ (NMN) as a supplement, because Big Pharma wants a monopoly on it. A new study, published in Cell, emphasises the importance of NMN in dealing with fertility issues. Help push back against the FDA’s proposed restrictions to keep NMN supplements available to all Americans.

Covid News

  • The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a new draft of its Pandemic Agreement (Treaty). Of note is the inclusion of language committing to tackle “…false, misleading, misinformation or disinformation through effective international collaboration and cooperation”, which might otherwise be termed ‘cross-border censorship’. Reclaim the Net and James Roguski consider at the new draft in more detail.

>>> The plan for WHO supremacy over human health

>>> The WHO pandemic treaty: a backdoor to global governance?

  • Astrazeneca is being sued in the UK by two people harmed by its covid jab. The first suffered a brain haemorrhage the day after his first jab, which left him with permanent brain damage, while the second claim is being brought by the widow and two children of a man who died following the jab. Both parties are alleging the jab was ‘defective’ and that efficacy claims for it were misleading at best. If successful, the lawsuits could open the door to the more than 80 other lawsuits waiting in the wings
  • Editor of The BMJ, Peter Doshi, explores the revolving door between US regulators and Moderna after two high level employees of the Food and Drug Administration landed plum jobs with the covid jab manufacturer
  • Young children rarely transmit covid to adults according to a study published in JAMA Open Network. The results of the study have led the researchers to recommend current testing and exclusion requirements for covid should be relaxed and brought into line with those for other respiratory viruses
  • Another study published in JAMA Pediatrics, concludes that covid vaccinated and unvaccinated children, that became infected with covid, were contagious for the same amoutn of time. However, diving deeper into the data it becomes evident that some serious statistical gymnastics have been used to skew the conclusions. Instead it took children that had been vaccinated double the amount of time to clear the virus. The Defender looks beyond the study’s conclusions to find the use of statistical gymnastics to hide the true meaning of the data gleaned by the researchers.

>>> Kids aren’t superspreaders, and they may even be superbarriers

  • Yet another study, published in medRxiv as a preprint, suggests reframing covid shot adverse reactions as ‘desirable’ to increase the uptake of covid jabs
  • Canadian doctor and activist, Mark Trozzi, has lost his disciplinary hearing. The Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal found him guilty of professional misconduct and dishonourable conduct due to his views over covid and covid shots. A penalty hearing will be held on the 10th November to decide whether or not his licence should be revoked
  • In the UK, Dr Anne McCloskey, has been suspended for a further six months for speaking out against covid shots and warning people of the potential risks from the jabs to young people
  • UK MP, Andrew Bridgen, has received an ‘apology’ from the BBC after he complained about captions being added to a live Parliamentary debate during his speech. The BBC has sort of accepted it acted in a biased way…
  • Drs Tom Jefferson and Carl Heneghan take a deep dive into data released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to see if claims that covid jabs are safe and effective, live up to the hype. As expected, what they find is a far cry from what the UK government would have us believe. Read more…


>>> Visit for our complete curated covid content of the coronavirus crisis