In Case you Missed it – 2023

Jan 17, 2024

Date:17 January 2024



Quarter 4

A festive thank you gift for you!

We might not be able to send you all a Christmas card, but instead, here’s an eRecipe book with some of the festive faves from your ANH team as a thank you for all your support this year

Why we need to prevent the EU from removing health choice

The EU wants to prevent consumers from choosing how they look after their health by removing access to a range of nutrients, or reducing the levels of nutrients in food supplements

French anti-cult law proposes to criminalise natural health

On 19 December, the French Parliament will vote on amendments to an existing anti-cult law that would criminalise the practice and promotion of natural health. The amendments must be voted against!

Founder’s Blog: Humanity’s autoimmune disease – and a call for tolerance

In his blog, ANH’s founder likens the global condition we face to an autoimmune condition and suggests it’s time to apply the lessons we’ve learnt from autoimmunity to the way we react to other humans.

Shining light into the shadowbans

How covert distortion of health information on social media works and harms us — and why it must be exposed and stopped.

ANH Masterclass — radical and raw natural health

Rob Verkerk’s sentiments in the wake of ANH’s ground-breaking day with the founder of clinical psychoneuroimmunology (CPNI), Dr Leo Pruimboom.

FEATURE: Biodiversity credits: profiting from nature’s last frontier

Why biodiversity credits probably won’t remedy the sixth mass extinction.

Uric acid: the metabolite you can’t afford to ignore

Why keeping a check on your uric acid levels can save you from life-threatening disease and early death.

Counter culture revolution kicked off in Sweden

120 experts in the fields of health, governance, media and finance, including ANH’s Rob Verkerk PhD and Meleni Aldridge, gathered in Sweden to protect inalienable rights and liberty as part of a unique workshop focusing on finding solutions to help counter the loss of liberties associated with the centralisation of global power.

Goodwood Health Summit: scientific uncertainty, diverse views and common grounds

The Goodwood Health Summit brought together people from across the health care and business continuum for a discussion encompassing a diversity of views on the microbiome, the food industry, the body-mind connection and potential solutions to creating health.

Vitamin C study leaves sour taste

University of Aberdeen cancels important vitamin C study for care home residents in UK with no right of appeal.

FEATURE: The cancer breakthroughs most never get to hear about

An all-star cast of integrative cancer clinicians came together for the Beljanski Integrative Cancer Conference in Jacksonville, Florida, to share their life saving knowledge and findings, while ANH-USA receives award.

EU’s potential ban on PFAS mothballed?

The European Commission’s work programme for 2024 is ominously light on the progression of promises to ban highly toxic and persistent PFAS chemicals.

Rob Verkerk PhD with Charles Kovess on the Mind Medicine Show, TNT Radio

Dive into the wide ranging, natural health-related discussion between Rob Verkerk PhD and Charles Kovess on the TNT Radio Mind Medicine Show last weekend.

Speaking Naturally with Sylvie Beljanski and Nathan Crane

Following the news that ANH-USA is to be given a prestigious award by the Beljanski Foundation, Rob Verkerk PhD openly engages with Sylvie Beljanski and Nathan Crane about the Foundation’s background and current work, including the upcoming ‘Winning the War on Cancer’ conference in Florida.

Rob Verkerk PhD speaking naturally with the Natural Nurse

Rob Verkerk PhD joins the Natural Nurse, Ellen Kamhi PhD RN, on her podcast.

Beyond digital addiction: how technologies are transforming our youths into obedient machines

In this article we explore the impact of digital technology on young people, the dangers of Big Tech’s game plan and we offer you a short but insightful conversation with behaviour and communications expert, David Charalambous, on the mechanisms of manipulation but also the solutions for creating a better future.

Do nothing and cede health sovereignty to the WHO

Can 11 dissenting countries trigger the rejection of the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations?

The PFAS ‘Dirty Dozen’ Exposed

Exposing the 12 companies responsible for making the over 12,000 PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ used by industry, that present such serious risks to human and planetary health.

FEATURE: The Game Plan for Humanity — Deny free will and accept our reality is virtual

Why we can’t accept the plan to eliminate individual freedom and allow runaway AI to threaten humanity as we know it. Or pretend that our lives are a simulation created by a much more advanced civilisation.


Quarter 3

The Beljanski Foundation honours ANH-USA

ANH-USA to receive prestigious award for its work in the field of integrative health

Is vegan better for planetary health?

It all depends on the headlines! We consider a new study supporting vegan diets to combat ‘climate change’ and dig into the ANH archives to look at a complex and often divisive topic

BREAKING NEWS: New courses now available from ANH Health Creation Faculty online!

We’re thrilled to launch 5 new courses on the IPAK-EDU online university platform and to welcome Geert Vanden Bossche, Dian Shepperson-Mills, Zakia Mance and David Cordes as expert facilitators

Igniting a new, much brighter future at Campout 2023

Members of the ANH team joined this year’s Campout event co-organised by Dan Astin-Gregory for four days of co-creation, inspiration, transformation and celebration

FEATURE: Nucleotides – the next frontier for anti-ageing?

Emerging science is revealing the crucial role played by nucleotides in slowing the ageing process through their action on telomeres.

Learning. Unlearning. Relearning: a New View on Humans and Their Health

Rob Verkerk PhD heralds in a new educational collaboration between ANH and IPAK Edu

What’s driving turbo cancers and autoimmune flare-ups?

Vaccinologist Geert Vanden Bossche DVM PhD explains the possible mechanism for the widely reported spikes in aggressive cancers and autoimmune flares. Introduced by Rob Verkerk PhD

August Acceleration 2023: Reclaiming Our Potential

Meleni Aldridge introduces this year’s self-development track and gives context to the nature of the theme

August Acceleration Series – Episode One: Emotions — The Bridge to Consciousness

An interview with psychotherapist and psychic medium, Xandra Hawes as she weaves together the many strands needed for emotional wellness

August Acceleration Series – Episode Two: Bio-energetic healing — releasing the emotions that bind and freeing your potential

Join Meleni for a lively, life-changing, discussion with natural health and wellbeing coach, Sam Cooper

August Acceleration Series – Episode Three: Your Akashic Library of soul records — a portal to deep healing and transformation

If you’re unfamiliar with the Akasha or its relevance to us, join Meleni for another fascinating conversation with Erin Burke, who brings yet another facet to the concept of healing

August Acceleration Series – Episode Four: Quantum tools to accelerate your potential

Ready to accelerate your life to the next level? In the fourth and final episode of Meleni’s Augustust Acceleration series, she talks to Peter Benson who explains how his quantum tools can help you do just that

TNT Radio, uncensored: Health authority driven disease, falling birth rates and PFAS

Rob Verkerk PhD joins Jeremy Brett on the Dean Mackin show on TNT Radio to discuss a range of topics that the media censors don’t want you to hear about

UK GP struck off for protecting children’s health

British doctor, and naturopathic and homeopathic practitioner, Dr Jayne Donegan, is struck from the General Medical Council register after ‘show trial’ and covid era ‘witch hunt’ – find out why she’s relieved…

ANH PFAS campaign goes global

Media around the world report on the findings of our PFAS study in the USA that exposes the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – plus we release our extended campaign video.

PFAS campaign airs Down Under

ANH founder, Rob Verkerk PhD joined Australian TNT Radio presenter, Dean Mackin, to discuss ANH-USA’s PFAS in kale report and why PFAS chemicals pose such a serious threat to humanity and the environment.

LAUNCH – Ethics for health professionals

ANH launches the second pillar of its new health and ethics framework – this one relating to ethics for health professionals. It follows our first pillar on the therapeutic relationship.

Natural health: one picture, a million threats and opportunities

ANH Matters infographic launched showing interconnectedness of humans with nature.

Speaking Naturally with Dr Leo Pruimboom

Don’t miss Rob Verkerk PhD’s expansive conversation with Dr Leo Pruimboom, founder of clinical psychoneuroimmunology and Intermittent Living – and an announcement!


Quarter 2

Tribute to a luminary of scientific integrity

We pay tribute to a renowned pathologist who raised many questions about the impact of covid ‘vaccines’ on people’s health and wellbeing

EU continues to tighten noose on vitamin and mineral limits

European regulator, EFSA, continues its assualt on individual nutrient tolerable upper limits, ANH responds to its latest consultation on vitamin D to protect consumer freedom of choice

FEATURE: How the Nobel Prize Summit sold out on real science

Despite noble ambitions, the Washington DC Nobel summit looked more like a breeding ground for AI-infused dogma and big corporate backed pseudoscience

Tribute to Michael Stroka – a powerhouse of the nutrition ecosystem

It’s with great sadness that we say goodbye to yet another good friend and announce the untimely passing of Michael Stroka, CEO of the American Nutrition Association.

Stomach on fire? Living on PPIs or antacids?

It might not be because you have too much stomach acid… Find out why controlling heartburn and acid reflux with drugs may be putting your health at risk – and what you can do about it

PFAS: The unfolding chemical disaster

Why PFAS may be the single biggest chemical threat to human health that so few have even heard about – courtesy of tobacco tactics

ANH-USA study finds ‘forever chemicals’ in kale

Our US team at Alliance for Natural Health USA tested the US FDA’s claim that the majority of the US food supply was free from PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ – and guess what we found?

Why misinformation bans are misinformed and dangerous

In an open letter to UK PM, psychotherapist Christian Buckland PsychD, exposes unethical manipulation and denial of informed consent during covid era

Speaking Naturally: immune escape with Dr Geert Vanden Bossche

Rob Verkerk PhD ‘speaks naturally’ (without censorship) with Dr Geert Vanden Bossche about his new book, which explores the many problems caused by mass vaccination during a pandemic

Reset Eating interview: How to turn your food into powerful medicine

Rob Verkerk PhD and Meleni Aldridge recently spoke to Ben Atkinson as part of his Functional Health podcast series about our book Reset Eating

In memorium: Dr Rashid Buttar

We celebrate the life of a stalwart freedom fighter who wasn’t afraid to speak out against the mainstream narratives

Health Freedom Forum USA

Rob Verkerk PhD joined attorney Jonathan Emord and restauranteur Matt Strickland for their recent Health Freedom Forum event in Virginia, USA

The plan for WHO supremacy over human health

Extreme risks posed by the International Health Regulations amendments and the WHO ‘Pandemic Treaty’ – and what we can do about them

Free healthcare from the forest

Join Meleni and Gary Evans from the Forest Bathing Institute to find out more about Nature’s potent healing power

The new dawn of mRNA technology

Republishing article by Rob Verkerk PhD for Dr Ron Hoffman’s Intelligent Medicine: Cancer patients look to be next in line for experimental mRNA shots

LAUNCH: ANH reframes ethics for the therapeutic relationship

ANH shares the first pillar of its new ethics framework

How the UK Government failed its public

In an open letter to UK PM, psychotherapist Christian Buckland PsychD, exposes unethical manipulation and denial of informed consent during covid era

FEATURE: Medical ethics – our best chance of restoring distorted health systems?

A tragic story of loss underlines the need for a new ethical framework for how we manage health

Tribute to a legend of the organic, natural health and freedom movements

We celebrate the life of visionary and veteran organic and freedom campaigner, Ronnie Cummins (1946-2023), who passed away this week

Peeling back Apeel

We take a look under the skin of a new product promising to stop wastage of fruit and vegetables and do away with plastic packaging to see if it’s as appealing as the hype suggests

Pandemic Treaty and IHR debated in UK Parliament

On the 17th April 2023, the WHO ‘Pandemic Treaty’ and amendments to the International Health Regulation were debated in the UK Parliament

Rob Verkerk PhD & Meleni Aldridge on TNT radio

ANH founder, Rob Verkerk, along with ANH executive coordinator, Meleni Aldridge stayed up into the wee small hours to join the Sky Dragon Slaying team on TNT Radio

Rob Verkerk to lead ANH both sides of the Atlantic

With challenges to natural health and freedom mounting in the USA, the UK and Europe, ANH USA and International teams consolidate, with Verkerk as leader

Regulatory limbo: the case of NAC

The more effective a natural product, the greater the risk if it sits in an uncertain, regulatory ‘no man’s land’

VIDEO: Building resilience offers best chance for navigating the future successfully

Rob Verkerk’s stirring talk from last weekend’s #CrowdResilience On Tour event held live in Austin, TX, USA


Quarter 1

Nano-sized food additives may be harming your gut

Why you should avoid foods, supplements and even drugs containing titanium and silicon dioxide

Build your brain’s resilience with BDNF

Find out which nutrition and lifestyle choices will help you keep an agile, flexible and fully functioning brain throughout your life

Rob Verkerk PhD joins Robert Scott-Bell

Rob Verkerk PhD joined Robert Scott Bell on his radio show to discuss resilience, the values crisis, and the growing public distrust in science and governments

VIDEO: Are we resilient enough for what’s ahead?

Video summary by Rob Verkerk PhD on why we need to build resilience and re-appraise values, skills and qualities so we can be ready for what’s ahead

FEATURE: Resilience and the values crisis – critical time for reappraisal

Reviewing the values, qualities and skills we need if we’re to successfully navigate the post-covid world

Are you up for taking Big Pharma’s new ‘skinny’ jab?

After a succession of Big Pharma failures for anti-obesity drugs, will Novo Nordisk’s latest offering, that emerges from something of a dark cloud, be just another side effect ladened sticking plaster, or a boon for users and a cash cow for its manufacturer?

INFOGRAPHIC: Why scientific misinformation won’t fix distrust in science

Our latest infographic illustrates the concepts discussed in Rob Verkerk PhD’s recent article on rebuilding trust in ‘their’ science by vilifying anything deemed to be scientific misinformation

FEATURE: Don’t trust their plan to rebuild our trust in science

The elimination of dissent and the marginalisation of scientists sceptical of the establishment’s scientific and medical agenda will destroy the scientific process – unless reversed. Find out how the concept of ‘scientific misinformation’ has been deliberately spun to make it the primary weapon aimed at protecting the interests of the status quo. As well as what we can do about it.

Get fat happy!

A healthy brain and good mood means ditching Big Food’s low fat dogma – find out how to navigate dietary advice on fats

Unbreaking Science – The Control Group with Rob Verkerk

Rob Verkerk PhD spoke to Dr James Lyons-Weiler recently about the analysis of data from a cohort of people not ‘vaccinated’ against covid, collected by the Control Group Cooperative

Cancer through another lens

Scientists and clinicians gather to consider findings following a cancer survivor’s 8-year journey to elucidate the origins and mechanisms of cancer – with UK integrative cancer care charity, Yes To Life

EU prepares for ban on therapeutic doses of B6

Halving the previous Tolerable Upper Level without any new risk data signals EU intention to limit freedom of choice and prevent the vitamin’s high dose use that includes reducing Alzheimer’s risk and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

Rob Verkerk PhD on TNT Mind Medicine show

ANH founder, Rob Verkerk PhD, got up extra early to join Charles Kovess on the Mind Medicine show on TNT Radio recently

FEATURE: Frequency Medicine (Part 2) – Devices: Wacky or Worthy?

Rob Verkerk PhD’s second part of his evaluation of frequency medicine, this time diving deep into devices that measure or deliver frequencies to the body

Rob Verkerk joins the Politically Incorrect team on TNT Radio

Rob Verkerk and the Polictically Incorrect team explore a vast rabbit warren of issues in their latest chat

Truth be Told

The story you won’t find on the BBC

FEATURE: Frequency Medicine (Part 1) – unearthing the mysteries of life

The first in a two-part series on frequencies by ANH founder, Rob Verkerk PhD. Part 1 explains the intimate relationship between electromagnetism and life, Part 2 (to be published in 2 weeks) will address the benefits and potential risks of frequency based technologies

The illusion of separation — by app

Why we need to be both aware and cautious over apps that separate us further from our natural origins


>>> All our covid content can be accessed here