ANH News Beat (week 20/2024)

May 16, 2024

Date:16 May 2024

Content Sections

  • In Brief (click on the links to read more)
  • Natural News
  • ANH-USA Update
  • Covid Update

In Brief (click on the links to read more)

  • Health Canada sneaks supplement regulations into budget bill
  • Are governments censoring the censors?
  • Alzheimer’s Prevention Day
  • Vaccine microneedle patches tested in Africa
  • Beyond GM calls for labelling of gene edited organisms
  • Study claims omega-3 supplementation in pregnancy causes obesity in kids
  • Huge rise in colon cancer rates in children and young adults
  • The more UPF’s you eat, the higher your risk of dying early
  • Changing the gut microbiome reduces autistic behaviours in mice
  • Stomach burning for weight loss
  • ZOE study design questioned
  • American Diabetes Asstn quietly settles lawsuit that would’ve exposed COIs
  • Regular exercise improves healthspan
  • ANH-USA Update
  • Covid News
    • EcoHealth Alliance’s funding stopped
    • mRNA genetic vaccines DNA contamination
    • Fight against WHO Pandemic Treaty continues
    • plus more…

Natural News

  • The Natural Health Product Protection Association (NHPPA) sounds an alarm over Health Canada’s ongoing attempts to restrict Canadians’ access to natural health products. This time Health Canada is trying to sneak through draconian regulations via the 2024 Budget (Bill C-69). Read the NHPPA’s discussion paper and find out how to protect your access to natural health products in Canada
  • Governments are starting to turn their collective backs on organisations colluding to censor a range of organisations. The Global Disinformation Index (GDI) received funding to the tune of approximately £2.6 million from the UK government until it was cut off in 2023. Despite this, the organisation continues to interact at a high level with government officials as it promotes its services and dynamic exclusion list, which can wipe out the funding of smaller organisations. Media company Unherd was one of those targeted by the GDI and put on its ‘dynamic exclusion list’ although it has now been removed
  • Wednesday 15 May 2024 saw the launch of Alzheimer’s Prevention Day as a new analysis has projected skyrocketing costs due to a huge increase in the number of dementia diagnoses in the UK by 2040. The analysis, carried out by Carnall Farrar, estimates costs of almost £91bn alongside an increase in new diagnoses from 1 million to 1.4 millon in the UK. UK-based, but globally active, Food for the Brain Foundation, estimates that 70-80% of Alzheimer’s cases could easily be prevented using simple dietary and lifestyle interventions.

>>> Rob Verkerk PhD chats with Patrick Holford about Alzheimer’s Prevention Day and how the risk of developing Alzheimer’s can be minimised

>>> Alzheimer’s disease: cheap nutrients outperform latest drug

  • Microneedle patches are being tested for use to vaccinate children against measles in low income countries, potentially paving the way for the general introduction of the technology globally
  • The Genetic Technology Act in the UK will allow for the production of genetically engineered precision bred (PBO) farm animals and plants, that will enter the human food chain – without being labelled. UK government agencies argue that the legislation can’t be changed. Beyond GM argue that it can and should be, calling on people in the UK to let their MPs know that such products must be labelled so people can exercise their right to choose what they put in their body
  • Does omega-3 supplementation during pregnancy cause children to become overweight at age 10? According to a recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition it does. However, the findings of the study have been called into question, not least because of inconsistencies in data reporting, and the fact that the study found no statistical difference between the children of mothers who were supplemented and those who did not
  • Colon cancer rates in young people have risen dramatically in the past 20 years. According to (unpublished) research being presented at Digestive Disease Week 2024 on 20 May 2024, rates of colorectal cancer have increased 500% in children aged 10 to 15, 333% in teens aged 15 to 19 and 185% among young adults aged 20 to 24 between 1999 to 2000
  • Another nail in the ultra-processed coffin? Eating more ultra-processed food (like hot dogs — industrially built, with a bunch of ingredients one might not immediately identify as “food”) is associated with higher rates of death, according to a study published The BMJ. Researchers analysed data from over 100,000 healthcare workers across the US and found that people who ate the most ultra-processed food had a 4% higher mortality rate than those eating the least amount. Their rate of dying from causes, other than cancer or cardiovascular disease, was 9% higher.

>>> Ultra-processed food dangers – why we need to cook more from scratch

  • Natural health practitioners have been recommending dietary changes to support gut health in autistic people for decades, but their experience and knowledge has been largely dismissed. Now, a new mouse study published in Nature Communications, has found the use of specific bacterial strains to rebalance gut microbiota improved social interactions and reduced repetitive behaviours, which can be experienced by autistic people
  • Would you have your stomach lining burnt in order to lose weight? According to new (unpublished) research also due to be presented at Digestive Disease Week 2024, burning someone’s stomach lining reduces production of the hunger hormone ghrelin, which the researchers say could reduce appetite and promote significant weight loss.

>>> Take a journey through weight loss options, from gastric bands to semaglutide injections, then find out why natural approaches targeting metabolic flexibility are best for healthy weight loss

>>> Are you up for taking Big Pharma’s new ‘skinny’ jab?

  • The UK-based ZOE team has published a study in Nature Medicine assessing the effectiveness of its personalised nutrition programme. As expected it concludes that ZOE is extremely effective. However, the intervention group received a high level of interventions to help them make the necessary changes, while the control group received limited input. Dr Nicola Guess critiques the study and is less than impressed with the study design, which naturally, shows ZOE’s product in the best possible light
  • The American Diabetes Association has quietly settled a lawsuit brought by ex-ADA chief nutritionist, Elizabeth Hanna, who was fired after she refused to endorse Splenda filled salads. Writing in The Guardian, Neil Barsky, labels the settlement a letdown for the millions of people with diabetes as a trial would have exposed the ADA’s many conflicts of interest that continue to drive its assertions that diabetes cannot be reversed
  • Regular aerobic exercise that makes you ‘huff and puff’ not only boosts cardio fitness but leads to a 17% reduction in the risk of premature death. A new analysis of 26 systematic reviews, published in The BMJ, reminds us that cardiorespiratory fitness is the most important type of fitness for good health. Another study published in BMJ Public Health recently, found that people who walked at least once a week, rather than using a car, live longer than those that did not.

>>> Our health hack video explains why High Intensity Interval Training is a potent form of health insurance

>>> Mid-winter 3 Minute Anytime Anyplace routine

>>> The most underrated drug?

ANH-USA Update

  • Half the US senate and 22 Attorneys General have written to the US government opposing the adoption of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) attempt to ram through its Pandemic Treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHRs) to give it the power to tell you what do in the event of another pandemic being declared. Oppose the WHO takeover of pandemic policies
  • A US House Congressional Committee has released a scathing report exposing the collusion between Big Tech giants and government officials to censor content the US government deemed to be misinformation. Sign the #FreeSpeech4Health petition and join 1m other people standing up for free speech
  • What do you get when you cross a soybean with a pig? A new Frankenfood called Piggy Sooy. Yes, you heard that correctly. You will soon be able to buy soy beans that contain pig DNA as the Big Biotech companies race to find alternatives to animal proteins. Not only is this type of product genetically engineered and isn’t bioequivalent to animal protein there are no requirements for safety studies. Find out more

Covid Update

  • Who should be accountable for the development and emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus? David Robertson, writing in The Disinformation Chronicles, questions the role of Peter Daszack and the EcoHealth Alliance in the development of the virus, calling for full transparency over extremely dangerous gain of function testing, that harmed so many
  • All government funding for the US EcoHealth Alliance, implicated in funding gain of function testing at the Wuhan Institute of Technology, has been stopped effective immediately. It is also proposed that it will be barred from applying for or receiving further funding in future, although how long such a ban might last remains to be seen
  • An Australian court has ruled in favour of X CEO, Elon Musk, after the Australian eSafety Commissioner tried to force X to censor content globally and X refused
  • President of Reform UK, Nigel Farage, has waded into the debate over the World Health Organization’s attempts to force through its Pandemic Treaty, in an article in The Telegraph. After joining forces with the newly launched, international pressure group, Action on World Health (AWH), he has harsh words to say about the Treaty and says the UK must be prepared to leave the WHO rather than hand over its sovereignty should it declare another pandemic
  • Covid mRNA genetic vaccines contain up to 500 times more DNA contamination that the permitted limit according to a new study published in Methods and Protocols, adding more weight to data revealing the contamination of the shots
  • A National Movement to stop the WHO Pandemic Treaty has begun with a press conference in Japan. Held on 13 May 2024, a call has gone out to the Japanese people to join, what the organizers aim to be, the world’s biggest protest against the WHO on 31 May 2024. Aussie17 has more on his Substack
  • Studies used to support the ‘efficacy’ of covid shots exhibit serious methodological concerns. Peter Doshi et al explore the shortcomings of the many (often paid for) covid ‘vaccine’ studies, in a recent study published in the Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, focusing on three different biases used to underpin studies to obtain the required results to meet the required narratives
  • The Digital ID Bill 2024 looks set to become law in Australia as the lower house passed the bill this week. Funding of AU$288.1 million has also been announced to aid the rollout of a national identity program, slated to begin in July. Senator Malcolm Roberts sounds a powerful warning about the dangers and implication of the Bill. Rebekah Barnett has the full story on her Substack
  • A scoping review published in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, has found that masks expose their wearers to high levels of harmful toxins including micro- and nanoplastics, volatile organic compounds, polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) and phthalates as well as a range of heavy metals
  • Fourteen members of the Australian Parliament have sent a letter to the Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, calling for the rejection of the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty/Accord and amendments to the International Health Regulations.


>>> Visit for our complete curated covid content of the coronavirus crisis