What makes us sick: Our toxic environment

May 16, 2024

Date:16 May 2024

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  • Watch an excerpt of the interview

Accessing Rob Verkerk’s extensive scientific knowledge as a multi-disciplinary scientist, Will Dove takes his recent discussion with Rob in a different direction in Part 2 of their wide-ranging discussion. Part 1 kicked off with an assessment of the evidence for and against the existence of viruses.

As a society we’ve been conditioned to fear dirt and germs as something bad that need to be wiped out, usually by the liberal use of highly toxic chemicals and medications. Many of which do the opposite of what’s intended and instead cause viruses and bacteria to mutate or become stronger, doing what they can to survive. It’s a carbon copy out in the environment as we attempt to control the wildness of nature through the use of herbicides and pesticides, and in the process, cause damage across the entire web of life.

As humankind increasingly moves towards an industrial, rather than agricultural, food future and the lines between humans and technology become ever more blurred, the very existence of the human race is threatened. This is another fascinating, must watch discussion covering the dystopian plans threatening life as we know it, not just human, but planetary.

It’s a wake-up call for humanity!

Watch an excerpt of the interview

Please note: To watch the entire 45 minute interview you will need to sign up as an Iron Will Report member, which will give you full access to the Iron Will Report content free for 15 days.

>>> Watch Part One – Do viruses exist? – of Will and Rob’s discussion

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