ANH News Beat (week 44/2023)

Nov 2, 2023

Date:2 November 2023

Content Sections

  • In Brief (click on the links to read more)
  • There’s still time to sign up to join Dr Leo Pruimboom and Rob Verkerk PhD for a unique clinical Masterclass
  • Natural News
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News

In Brief (click on the links to read more)

  • Studies find no effect of IVC for covid treatment
  • It’s not just our heart that moves blood around our body
  • Eating a Mediterranean diet reduces PTSD symptoms
  • Will you live to 100?
  • Insect protein production ramps up
  • Health journals call for joined up thinking on climate and nature crises
  • Big Pharma trials weight-loss jabs in young children
  • EU consumers support introduction of eco-label for food
  • Glyphosate causes leukaemia in young rats
  • Latest Bayer/Monsanto trial news
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News inc:
    • Canadian Parliament dismisses bill to prevent future vaccine mandates
    • UK government apologises for putting broadcaster on secret anti-vaxxer list
    • Covid injections…
    • What’s happened to all the required covid jab Post-Authorisation Safety Studies?
    • Graphene oxide in covid jabs
    • Plus more…

There’s still time to sign up to join Dr Leo Pruimboom and Rob Verkerk PhD for a unique clinical Masterclass

Top up your practitioner toolbox with a unique set of tools designed to help you support your clients in a way that melds cutting edge science and our evolutionary history to enhance your practice!

Dr Leo Pruimboom, the founder of Clinical Psychoneuroimmunology, is returning to the UK for a one-off, deep-dive, masterclass in Central London. Hosted by Rob Verkerk PhD, this is a rare opportunity to learn and interact with two of the most visionary thought leaders in the regenerative health field today. 

‘The case for drug-free medicine and 25 CPNI interventions’

Stress is only stress when it irritates long enough to produce a molecular pattern that activates the immune system. In this way it becomes logical that toxic emotions or toxic thoughts can make you ill. The conventional view of health and disease has forgotten that a disease is the consequence of a universal phenomenon called ‘Life’. So to unravel the film of every illness, it is necessary to identify the stressors and pathways by which ‘irritation’ causes inflammation. From here, we can learn how to change ‘Life’, along with our responses and behaviours, to reduce or eliminate inflammation and become robust, as nature intended.

Date: Friday 17th November

Time: 9am – 5.30pm

Venue: In-person @ The China Exchange, London includes a DF/GF lunch and refreshments through the day

Booking Link:

If you’re a Pathfinder Health Practitioner member get an exclusive discount for the event by checking out the Pathfinder Health Professional area or drop the team a line at [email protected].

Natural News

  • Intravenous vitamin C (IVC) has taken another hit in the scientific literature. This time for treating covid and other infections. Two studies, LOVIT-COVID and REMAP-CAP, were stopped after it was deemed IVC wasn’t helping patients recover. However, both studies were significantly underpowered in terms of the amount of vitamin C administered, particularly given some of the patients enrolled in the trial were already in ICU care. IVC was administered at a rate of 50 mg/kg of body weight every 6 hours for 96 hours (8 days) with a maximum of 16 doses (equivalent to 15 g/day for a 75 kg person). The studies also report possible harms from IVC treatment, leading to reports of “…another in a growing list of randomized clinical trials failing to demonstrate a benefit with vitamin C for treating infection or sepsis”. IVC has been shown to be safe, with no adverse reactions in doses up to 100 g per day in both healthy and cancer patients. At high dose, IVC becomes a pro-oxidant, facilitating hydrogen peroxide bursts that kill infections and cancer cells. As with so many natural treatments, IVC is safe, cheap and highly effective but it can’t be patented, posing a serious threat to the pharma giants’ novel therapies which cost huge sums and rake in profits.

>>> Interview: Dr Jeanne Drisko: Vitamin C for cancer

>>> Vitamin C for Covid campaign

  • Is our blood moved around the body by our heart alone? It seems not. A new paper, published in PLOS One, from Research Scientist Zheng Li and Prof Gerald Pollack, shows that ‘fourth phase’ water (also known as EZ Water) plays a key role in the circulation of blood around the body. Their research found that even when our heart stops, blood continues to flow. The new paper attributes the ongoing flow to infrared energy, which freely exists in the environment around us, and creates a feedback system that pushes the blood around the blood vessels that’s separate from the pump action of the heart.

>>> ‘EZ water’: the water that makes us and all other life

>>> ANH-Intl Feature: Will homeopathy be saved – before it’s too late?

  • Switching to a Mediterranean style diet can reduce PTSD symptoms. Researchers publishing in Nature Mental Health found people who stuck to a Mediterranean style diet, rich in plants foods, which feed our gut microbiota, suffered fewer PTSD symptoms, which they associated with increased levels of the bacteria Eubacterium eligens. The study underpins the delicate balance between diet, the health of our gut microbiome and mental health

>>> Focus on mental health

>>> Reset Eating helps you change your diet to supercharge the health of your gut microbiome and support resilient and robust mental health

  • What does it take to live to 100? New research, published in GeroScience found an intriguing set of biomarkers that can be seen from age 65 that predict such longevity. Higher levels of total cholesterol along with lower inflammatory markers and blood glucose were among the markers common to those who’re longer lived, showing the important role modifiable lifestyle factors play in living a long, healthy life.

>>> Joyful ‘Journey to 100’ – and beyond

>>> The art and science of living longer

  • Efforts to bring insect proteins into food supply systems, are ramping up as industrial meat giant, Tyson Foods, acquires Dutch insect ingredient producer Protix. The joint venture will see the construction of an insect ingredient manufacturing facility in the US, which will utilise food manufacturing by-products to produce insect proteins and lipids. These will be used primarily in animal food initially. The Defender has the gory details
  • Over 200 health journals have come together, in an editorial published in multiple journals, to call on the United Nations, political leaders and health professionals to bring together climate change and the nature crisis into one basket rather than separating them. The Editorial, led by Kamran Abbasi, editor in chief of The BMJ, calls on all to recognise the crisis for what it is: a global health emergency.

>>> ANH Feature: Planet in crisis – looking beyond climate change

>>> Can the grassroots fix climate change, species extinctions and the human health crisis?

  • Makers of weight loss injections such as Ozempic and Mounjaro are conducting trials of their products in children as young as 6 years old, under the guise of treating type 2 diabetes. However, such products only manage the problem, they don’t fix it, sentencing children to a lifetime of poor health. Novo Nordisk is already experimenting on young children, while Eli Lilly is currently seeking authorisation of such trials.

>>> Find out how to reverse diabetes naturally – Reverse Diabetes Naturally Campaign

>>> Diabetes remission: scientific fact but still unresolved

>>> Forget diets – Reset your health and metabolism the Reset Eating way by turning your food into powerful medicine

  • European consumers broadly support the introduction of a universal ‘eco-label’ for food products to help them navigate sustainability claims made by food manufacturers. A new pan-European survey of 10,000 consumers from 18 European consumers, found that two-thirds of those questioned said they would support such a label
  • Glyphosate-based weed killers cause leukaemia in young rats. A new international toxicological study carried out by the Global Glyphosate Study group, found low doses of the chemical causes leukaemia in rat pups. The data were presented at the ‘Environment, Work and Health in the 21t Century: Strategies and Solutions to a Global Crisis’ conference in Italy and will be published in a peer-reviewed journal in the next few weeks. The research has been shared ahead of publication as the study tested doses of the compounds at levels that are considered safe by regulatory agencies
  • Bayer/Monsanto has been ordered to pay out $332 million in damages in the latest Roundup cancer trial brought by a man whose cancer diagnosis was attributed to his use of Roundup. This is third trial to find against the company this month. Nearly 40,000 cases are still outstanding.

News from ANH-USA

  • Regulators that are meant to protect the American public from harm are minimising the harms from PFAS (forever chemicals) contamination of biosolids, used on millions of acres of farmland in the US. Find out more about the scale of the threat…
  • The ability of US citizens to make informed decision about theirs and their family’s health is under threat from the World Health Organization’s (WHO) proposed Pandemic Agreement (Treaty) and International Health Regulations. Stand up for the rights of Americans and stop these draconian proposals from being ratified.

Covid News

  • American satirist living in Germany, C J Hopkins, has been punished for daring to use a barely visible swastika on his latest book cover, The Rise of the New Normal Reich, and insulting the German govenment in a tweet earlier this year. He was accused of “disseminating propaganda, the contents of which are intended to further the aims of a former National Socialist organization”. A German court has now handed down a punishment order giving Hopkins the choice of either 60 days in jail or a €3,660 fine. Racket News has the full story
  • When covering a recent parliamentary debate on trends in excess deaths along with serious covid vaccine harms, convened by UK MP, Andrew Bridgen, the BBC chose to add editorial notes, without warning or justification, to the screen to dismiss arguments put forward by Bridgen during his speech. Bridgen has now made a formal complaint to the BBC questioning its choice to add the editorial notes and demanding the BBC publish an apology along with a statement acknowledging it made a significant error of judgement by adding the screen notes
  • Canadian MPs have voted overwhelmingly to dismiss a bill proposed by Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, that would have banned the state of Ottowa from imposing vaccine mandates on federal workers and the travelling public
  • The UK government has issued a formal apology to talkTV host, Julia Hartley-Brewer, after she was wrongly branded a ‘vaccine sceptic’ in secret reports shared with the UK and US governments. She was put on a watch list of ‘known vaccine sceptics’ after she shared a Tweet disagreeing with government plans to force pupils to be covid jabbed in order to stay at school, even though she’s jabbed and regularly promoted the shots on her show
  • Life insurance data from the US is raising alarm amongst the insurance companies as levels of excess deaths remain higher than forecasted, over the past couple of years, particularly amongst younger adults
  • Nick Hunt, writing in the Daily Sceptic, asks what’s happened to all the required Post-Authorisation Safety Studies (PASS) for covid shots following their authorisation? Unsurprisingly, there’s barely a sniff of any PASS publications and as Nick concludes, if the missing reports do exist and were positive they would be shouted from the rooftops
  • A multiplicity of studies have pointed to the contamination of covid shots with graphene oxide (GO). Published on, a new study summarises the evidence for the existence of GO in covid shots, discussing why GO might have been included and the harms it poses to those who’ve been injected
  • Amongst the reasons for people refusing covid shots in Hong Kong were mistrust in health authority messaging and concerns about vaccine safety and efficacy according to new survey data published in JAMA Network Open. The paper also notes that coercion through the implementation of vaccine passports increased jab uptake
  • A new analysis, published in the International Journal of vaccine Theory, Practice and Research using the original trial data from the Pfizer/BioNTech covid shot trial, finds evidence of a nearly 4 fold increase in deaths due to cardiac events in vaccinated participants
  • Multiple genetically modified organisms have escaped containment from UK based biosecurity labs in the past five years according to a Freedom of Information request submitted by the Daily Mail, prompting calls for more stringent security around gain of function testing in the UK
  • Following reports of increased neonatal mortality in the UK, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has just reported a significant rise in infant mortality since 2022 that has continued into 2023. Igor Chudov has the full details of, what appears to be, a worrying trend.


>>> Visit for our complete curated covid content of the coronavirus crisis