In case you missed it – October 2023

Nov 2, 2023

Date:2 November 2023





12 Oct 2023

Counter culture revolution kicked off in Sweden

120 experts in the fields of health, governance, media and finance, including ANH’s Rob Verkerk PhD and Meleni Aldridge, gathered in Sweden to protect inalienable rights and liberty as part of a unique workshop focusing on finding solutions to help counter the loss of liberties associated with the centralisation of global power.

12 Oct 2023

Goodwood Health Summit: scientific uncertainty, diverse views and common grounds

The Goodwood Health Summit brought together people from across the health care and business continuum for a discussion encompassing a diversity of views on the microbiome, the food industry, the body-mind connection and potential solutions to creating health.

18 Oct 2023

Vitamin C study leaves sour taste

University of Aberdeen cancels important vitamin C study for care home residents in UK with no right of appeal.

26 Oct 2023

FEATURE: The cancer breakthroughs most never get to hear about

An all-star cast of integrative cancer clinicians came together for the Beljanski Integrative Cancer Conference in Jacksonville, Florida, to share their life saving knowledge and findings, while ANH-USA receives award.

26 Oct 2023

EU’s potential ban on PFAS mothballed?

The European Commission’s work programme for 2024 is ominously light on the progression of promises to ban highly toxic and persistent PFAS chemicals.