Blatant censorshop of health information

May 16, 2024

Date:16 May 2024

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  • Watch the interview

Our #FreeSpeech4Health campaign is really picking up steam as we welcome more and more supporters, passionate about protecting free speech in health matters, to share the message and target YouTube’s medical misinformation policy as a starting point.

We’re delighted to welcome Children’s Health Defense, founded by Robert Kennedy Jnr., as a campaign supporter, alongside Dr Meryl Nass’ Door 2 Freedom, both organisations being keenly awake to the forces that are limiting freedom in an ever more centralised and globalised manner.

This week Rob Verkerk PhD joined Michael Navradakis PhD on the Defender In-Depth show on to discuss the Free Speech for Health campaign, why it matters tons and why we need to take urgent action now to protect free speech around health.

>>> Read Dr Navradakis’ write up of the interview: ‘Slippery Slope’: Big Tech’s War Against ‘Misinformation’ Now Targeting Natural Health

When people’s ability to make informed decisions are impaired, particularly when it involves the removal or suppression of information that might adversely affect the profits of certain corporations, we have already lost significant autonomy and freedom. Being a bystander is simply not an option.

Find out more about the campaign and check out who else is supporting this essential campaign along with the multitude of campaign assets including the memes mentioned by Michael in the interview, that can be used to share the message.

Watch the interview

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