Rob Verkerk PhD with Charles Kovess on the Mind Medicine Show, TNT Radio

Sep 6, 2023

Date:6 September 2023

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What is health? Charles defines it as “the unique optimum balance for each one of us of mental, physical, and spiritual elements.”

This discussion offers yet another fascinating dive into the world of natural health, touching along the way on ANH’s regen health blueprint project, ongoing censorship of dissident voices, and the rise of transhumanism. The covid era appears  to have acted as a vehicle that has conditioned large swathes of the public into conformity – regardless of the ask. 

Find out why free will and sovereignty must be preserved at all costs, and why so many solutions involve decentralisation, not centralisation or globalisation. The solutions are less about fighting dark forces out there, and much more about building parallel and alternative systems of communication, agriculture, education and healthcare. The future is incredibly bright – but only if we can learn to cooperate, respect each other, and maintain our fundamental freedoms.  

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>>> The ANH-Intl Regen Health Blueprint Project

>>> FEATURE: How the Nobel Prize Summit sold out on real science

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Charles Kovess  

Well, welcome to the show again. I’m Charles Kovess, your host. We bring this show to you in association with Mind Medicine in Australia. I’m Australasia’s passion provocateur. And I’m based in Melbourne, where it’s 4:00 PM and my guest today is Dr Rob Verkerk, the founder of the Alliance for Natural Health International. He’s in the UK, where it’s 7:00 AM on Saturday and it’s 11:00 PM Friday night in Los Angeles. 2:00 AM in New York. So welcome wherever you might be listening, or if you’re listening to a recording, it’s great to have you here. Delighted to that you are investing your time to listen to this show. Well, this show is all about how and why mind matters and how to keep yours in great shape. Give you ideas to provoke new ways about thinking and about your life and life generally. We’ve been on the planet now for hundreds of thousands of years. What is the point of this life? That’s what we explore sometimes. We share insights into mental health issues and health issues of all descriptions, and to that end, we are delighted to work closely with Mind Medicine Australia, a wonderful charity founded 4 1/2 years ago by two friends of mine, Tania De Jong AM, which is an Australian government honour and Peter Hunt, who also has an AM and they started Mind Medicine Australia with a view to getting psychedelic drugs approved for use in Australia and the great news is that from the 1st of July this year MDMA and psilocybin were both approved for prescription in Australia by a psychiatrist, and this is a huge breakthrough. I urge you to understand the importance of this development. People who’ve been on antidepressants for years have had no success and suddenly psychedelic drugs can do amazing things when appropriately administered by skilled practitioners. Please visit the website I’ll say that again, and we’ll talk about health of all descriptions with Rob Verkerk PhD, my guest today. He’s an expert in health. So I look forward to picking his brain on a number of matters.

My definition of health comes from the Hungarian word, I speak fluent Hungarian, the Hungarian word for health Egészség, which literally means wholeness, being whole, so my definition of health is “that health is the unique optimum balance for each one of us of mental, physical, and spiritual elements, unique”. Optimal. So what is that for? You and in your life journey. You know, it’s a difficult process to work out cause what’s good for me might not be good for you. And I’m gonna talk to Rob about this, about literally the BS about protocols you see, you can have protocols, but gosh, you know why? Why would one protocol apply to every human being on the planet or every human being who comes into a hotel? This show is designed to help you raise your awareness around these issues of being whole, being healthy. We also talk about passion and its impact on your life and your health and my proposition to you is that when you are passionate, your mental health issues will reduce. Why? Because your life is a balance between love on the one hand and its opposite, which is fear, love and fear. Yeah, and fear comes from your mind. Mental health is a mind medicine, and I say to you, your mental health will be magnificent to the extent to which you reduce fear levels. And so the way to do that is to come from your heart space to pursue your passion, cause that comes from your heart, from your soul, from your spirit. So you come to this each hour. Each week on Saturdays, or if it’s a replay, they’re recordings that you’re watching understand that you pursuing your passion makes a massive difference to your mental wellbeing.

So I’m a freedom warrior. I fight for your freedom to pursue your passion. I fight for your freedom to pursue your health solutions, because if you’re not healthy, you can hardly consider yourself free. I’m chairman of the Australian Institute of Comedy. I’m CEO of a hemp company, and I’m also a legal strategist because one of the key aspects of law is to preserve our freedom, so I’m a freedom warrior like CJ Hopkins, who described himself if you were listening to the show before we came on, so that’s what I do now. A couple of things. I’ll editorial Rob before I get to you.

We’re at 7:00 AM, so well done for getting up or by 7:00 AM it’s pretty cushy on a Saturday morning. So as I say, it’s 4:00 PM here in Melbourne. It’s the first weekend of spring. That means for you, Rob, it’s the first weekend of autumn. So you’re cold. And if you’re in the UK, I know I’m gonna find out where you are in the news. You would have heard about the Hungarian Foreign Minister being quoted in relation to how weak the EU has been in relation to the Ukraine. It was nice to hear. And Péter Szijjártó is his name. I’ve met him person. So Hungary’s position in central Europe is a very interesting one, and Hungary has a contiguous border with the Ukraine, and it also has a significant minority because parts of western Ukraine used to be part of Hungary for 1000 years until the Treaty of Versailles in 1920, when Hungary lost 2/3 of its territory unlawfully.

The Sound of Freedom movie Julie and I went to see that on Saturday night. I’d seen it previously online. It was wonderful to see it in the theatre. It’s going great guns in Australia. Great guns in America. If you haven’t seen the Sound of Freedom it’s about the appalling levels of child sex trade on this planet. But please watch it. It’s a brilliant, brilliant movie and still the Australian government has said nothing about it. I haven’t seen the UK government say anything about it, nor has the Vatican said anything about how appalling the child sex trade is globally. That tells you a message. I say our Australian government is condemned by its silence on this appalling global economic exercise in trading children. Our freedoms have been attacked over the years.

I met Rob through the World Council for Health. I’m delighted that I’ve met him as we must fight for our freedoms. So I’m delighted you’re here on TNT Radio.

You would have heard the commentary by Patrick Henrickson and Aboriginal people prior to me coming on. The Voice referendum is going to be held on my birthday. Clearly I’m the man. The 14th of October. Everybody wanna send me presents. That’s a Saturday. I’ll be on the show on my birthday, but the lies I cannot believe. I mean, you’ve heard the classic gag, haven’t you? How do you know a politician is lying? His lips are moving. Well. Our Prime Minister is a liar of the highest order. And I call him a liar because he tells lies till they’re coming, like it’s just extraordinary. This voice will do nothing for Aboriginals in Australia and I am absolutely voting no to it. And I urge anyone who has a vote to vote no, because it’s gonna do nothing. And all you need to do is look at Senator Jacinta Price and her honest analysis of what happens in this country, where in the last 10 years we’ve spent $350 billion given to Aboriginal causes, that has hardly got down to the grassroots level. Why would a voice make a difference? It won’t.

Lots of other things to talk about. The threats of more mask mandates lasted during the week. 60 universities in the US have announced they’re gonna bring in mask mandates, again for a useless strategy. Please everybody. Do not comply is the rule, come to TNT radio to be reenergised in your fight to understand how the science, how the science nonsense that gets imposed on you is so damaging to you, and Rob will confirm that the science is never settled. He’s a true scientist spread the TNT message at all times choose to be happy, choose to be happy. While we’re in the midst of this fight, you can be happy as you fight for freedom, alongside TNT Radio and me. Contact me. My e-mail is [email protected] and you can see my Charles Kovess show on YouTube or on Rumble. I’m up to episode 164, so if you want to be inspired you can also get some inspiration there.

Now Rob Verkerk is a genius. I’m delighted Rob can be with us again. Rob is the founder of the Alliance for Natural Health International, over 20 years ago and Rob, I don’t wanna go through your extensive CV particularly, but I do wanna say what the Alliance is about and on your website which is a, it says ANH helps create unity, consciousness, human and planetary health and this organisation that you can join, and I urge you to join, you can access trusted information based on good science and law. Be informed and help inform others, bolster the force for good, co-create health naturally. And help to positively transition the structures that currently work against natural health. Inspirational principles for the Alliance for Natural Health. Rob Verkerk, welcome to the show.

Rob Verkerk PhD

Charles, it’s such a pleasure to be with you again. And boy, did you cover some areas just then, and I love your definition of health as well. The thing is, we really need to think about these issues because there is a battle of sorts. A battle of our minds, a battle of our souls, a battle of our beliefs going on at the moment. And you know this rise of transhumanism. When we started talking about transhumanism three or four years ago, people weren’t ready for it, but bet your bottom dollar, there is no respect out there for the people who are essentially in charge of the globalists that are electing to take control of decisions that take our individual sovereignty away from us and these people believe that a technological solution is always at hand. They really see technology as superior to humanity. Anything that is natural and even the essence of being human is something that is subordinate to technology, and that’s an incredibly dangerous place to be. And also I think you’ll agree we’ve never had a public discussion, let alone a referendum and of course the arrival of covid-19, I think for many people around the world, brought this into sharp focus. Here comes, no one was given an option of guys you can do this with natural immunity if you like. All we have is a piece of technology that we’ve never tried on lots of people. But there was only one route given to the Public and this is the beginning of a much bigger process. So as you say, the fact that unions are being told to start masking up is part of bringing this slippery slope back. They have conditioned the public into recognising what they should do, like good sheeple and as you rightly say again, it is essential that people keep reminding themselves of the need to not comply. This is absolutely essential, otherwise we become, as Irvin stated the great psychologist, who studied genocide more than any other human on the planet. We become passive bystanders to the system, not dissimilar to the Gestapo who turned the taps in the Holocaust. We become party to it all, so really important time to be alive. Really important time to understand what humanity is. To understand this battle we have that there’s so much of it is unspoken, we need to maintain discourse and of course scientifically the biggest challenge, five years ago, even I wouldn’t have imagined that scientific discourse would be being shut down the way it is through this alleged scientific misinformation/disinformation/mal-information that’s becoming part of a global scheme to literally marginalise any dissenting voices.

Charles Kovess

Well, there’s been no debate on covid, not one debate in Australia or around the world. Any credible government person has stood up against any experts not once. And Rob, let’s jump straight into the issue that was the Nobel Prize summit, which took place in May in Washington DC. And this summit, just to remind you, has promised to restore truth, trust and hope in science, however, it’s their version of the science, which can only be discussed up to an arbitrary set point. So tell us about this Nobel Prize summit that was alleged to unleash science.

Rob Verkerk PhD

Well, in essence, if we can call it the scientific industrial complex you know we have industrial complexes around whether it’s media, whether it’s science, whether it’s medicine, whether it’s agriculture, they’re all around us. And it is very much part of a corporatocracy. So these Corporations now have all come together and are working hand in hand with governments. And let’s remember, in the democratic world, Governments existed technically to be representatives of the people. And the sleight of hand that’s occurred over the last few decades is that they’ve become representatives of a small number of oligopolies, of corporations that essentially are running the world and have a globalisation agenda. So what was fascinating about the Nobel Summit, you have the highest echelon of academia, the pinnacle, the people who award Nobel prizes coming together with academics, and particularly with psychologists, but lo and behold with comedians and Magicians and others to basically tell the public, tell the scientific community that you cannot trust what you see. So I’ll just give you an example. They had a magician up there who said, I’ve got a glass of water in front of me with a pencil in it. And you’ll notice that that pencil, when he asked the camera to come down, appears bent in the water and he says, well, of course you understand that because you did your physics at school. You’ll understand that is refraction. So the pencil bends so, you know the pencil’s straight, but you see that it bends. And he left it, and then he picked the pencil up and of course the smartarse had put a bent pencil in the water. And he picked it up and said well, you thought it was straight, didn’t you? But it’s actually bent, so therefore you can’t trust yourself and all the stuff that you see out there. Don’t trust it. You have to trust us. So what they’re doing is essentially giving power to a small number of the so-called most credentialed universities in the world. I was part of one of those universities, Imperial College London. But the reason I left 22 years ago, is because I could already see the slippery slope of funding moving towards corporations essentially taking over the funding of all of these organisations. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation happens now to be one of the largest funders. Not only of Imperial London, but many other leading universities, as well as many media organisations, because the media and the science community have really come together as one.

So essentially what they are planning to do, to cut a long story short, is use AI now to be able to root out any information that does not conform with a view that is being developed by the small number of, so-called, leading universities, everything else will be dissent. Everything else will just be axed and eliminated. So we see this incredible marginalisation, polarisation, shutting down of dissent, and, if you look at the work of people like Mathias Desmet, he will say, this actually sets the scene for mass formation. This is actually what it is about because, people need to have this free floating anxiety, this free floating anger and you’ll notice they can’t direct it at anything specific and of course if you are one of the people that is not complying or you’re speaking about things that are at odds with what CNN, BBC, ABC, etc are discussing on the news, they will disown you and it will continue to create separation and isolation, which is another one of the prerequisites to mass formation. Even digital creates disconnection. So if you look at what’s happening in terms of global population, at the moment we have a crisis in terms of birth rates. That is a manifestation of multiple things. It’s not just reduced fertility from all the chemicals and all the EMF’s were being exposed to. It’s also this social disintegration that’s going on, of which a digital platform, that initially people thought was bringing us together with social media and everything else, is now being used to isolate and separate and segregate people as we move to a almost a new kind of digital apartheid era.

Charles Kovess

Rob, hold that thought because we’re gonna go to a message. But digital creates disconnection and isolation. And I wanna put this thought to you that in Australia, this proposed legislation that’s been flagged and there’s been hundreds of thousands of submissions lodged against it. And I thought, gosh, Rob, if you are right, you know what this is going to lead to. I’ll let you in on a secret when we come back from these messages, because I think there’s going to be an amazing benefit as there has been from the COVID lockdowns, there’s going to be an amazing benefit if we can’t share information truth on the Internet, I’ll let you know what that is. You’re with Mind Medicine program. Charles Kovess. My guest is Dr Rob Verkerk, founder of the Alliance for Natural Health International, some 20 years ago, we’ll be back after these messages.

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Charles Kovess

Welcome back, I’m Charles Kovess, your host. I’ve got Dr Rob Verkerk with me, founder of the Alliance for Natural Health International, a global organization founded 20 years ago. Now Rob was talking before the break about how the digital capabilities that we have is now creating disconnection and isolation and then the attack on information, if you don’t comply. Well Rob, here’s my proposition to you. I’ll be thinking about this. If in Australia where I’m in, but this applies to every country. If the government attacks any platform that publishes information that you Rob, but scientifically you wanna publish, but it goes against the narrative they then punish the people who publish, they attack the platform so where we’re gonna get your message out. Guess what’s gonna happen. I think we’re gonna have a reversion back to community meetings and we’re gonna rebuild links between human beings, and we’re gonna take back our governance at a local level, subsidiarity concept. Karen Kingston. I think not Karen Kingston, Katherine Watt has written on subsidiarity. And in the UK, are you in the UK? By the way, at the moment.

Rob Verkerk PhD

I am. Yes. On a lovely awesome weekend, 27 degrees here and it’s beginning of September. I

Charles Kovess

What a beautiful time. I’ve been reading a lot from Richard Vobes. You know about local people locally taking back their local councils. And I really see this amazing possibility that we’ve been isolated through the Internet. But now if we are forced to shut up, I will be myself running meetings you will be on the streets, you will be in the local town hall running meetings and will reconnect humanity to fight this evil that you refer to, that the technocracy.

Rob Verkerk PhD

But it’s exactly right. All of the solutions we’re looking at now, every single one of them, whether we’re looking at the way we communicate, how we do healthcare, how we develop our livelihoods, how we supply food to each other, everything is about decentralisation. So subsidiarity and decentralisation obviously run hand in hand. They are very well aware of that. What they are hoping is that the marginal few who don’t take this Teflon coated root that they’re putting in front of us end up being the 5%, the 3%, the 1%. There’s always been dissenters in the world. I think what you’re pointing to is actually this idea that they have done their calculations incorrectly because they don’t realise how strong individuals are, how much people respect this notion of being human. It’s what people like Greg Braden called humanness. That’s something that people are forgetting, this inherent divinity we have. The fact that we are, to a degree, a physical manifestation of something that’s much higher. That some people might call them their soul or, you know, a universal energy and that’s what the real deep battle that we’re dealing with at the moment is all about and that for someone who comes out of this technology, superiority mindset. They don’t even think about these things. So they don’t know what they’re dealing with. And of course, this is where humaness, the real humanity, the thing that makes us human is going to win this and we’re not going to win it by having a fight by trying to shoot these guys down, we’re gonna have it by just developing independent systems, and that is happening. You and I and our audience today is part of that system, but I don’t think it’s gonna be a 2%, a 5%, 10%. I think already there are so many people who are sitting in what we consider to be the movable middle. There are people who know that there’s something really wrong about what they’re being told by authorities and governments and corporations. At the moment they can’t necessarily put a finger on it. But they know it’s wrong and I think it’s just a matter of time before they see more and more atrocities. A lot of people are seeing it in the youngest people on the planet at the moment this, dissociation, this lack of meaning, lack of purpose. Again, these are also prerequisites of mass formation that Mattias Desmet will talk about. So, when we don’t have meaning or purpose in our lives and we are disconnected and we have this free-floating anxiety and this free-floating aggression, those are 4 criteria and you can see that they’re trying to manipulate as many people as they can into that situation, but when you’re in touch with who you really are. And that’s why, Charles, your program is so important because you help people to understand that this, this mind, body, spirit connection, is who we are. The mind doesn’t exist in our brain. Again the technologists consider the mind to be just another word for brain function, but the mind is actually much more about this interaction between the subconscious and the conscious so-called mind that is interconnected with something that is much deeper. What I’m finding fascinating as a multidisciplinary scientist is to take the journey into where even the science is going on these subjects. So once we open up these silos of science, biology, chemistry and physics that we were taught when we were kids and now we can start to amalgamate these. So the biologists in that silo have gone down into the molecular level, the genetic level and the subatomic level, but some of us want to do the opposite of that we want to come out of the silo and look at the big picture and look at what happens when we start combining biology and physics and we move to areas like biophysics. And of course, when you look at biophysics, we start to really understand much more about the fact that human beings are fundamentally beings of energy. That’s what we are.

The physicality that we see, feel and experience through our very limited senses is just a small part of who we are. And that’s the reason that so many people are going, something doesn’t feel right. This intuitive sense that people have runs so deep within them. And none of us want to be authoritarians and do what the other side are doing. But in time it will be revealed to them. And this process is absolutely ongoing and in many respects, the more aggressive, the more drastic, the more irrational some of the measures that the authoritarians and totalitarians are taking, the more people wake up. It actually has the exact opposite of the intended effect, though

Charles Kovess

And that large number who have awoken is demonstrated by the Sound of Freedom selling over 200 million tickets in two months and then Oliver Anthony’s song Rich men of North Richmond, it’s become the number one Country & Western hit in America. Now this is just by an individual and it’s taken off because it triggered exactly what you’re saying. People go, Hey, this is real. And I think the globalists should be shocked about how many people are waking up.

Rob Verkerk PhD

Exactly. So exciting times and one of the critical things we have to do is make sure that it’s not just us older folk who’ve been around a long time who are waking up and the plan that they’re working with and that’s why social media systems are so dangerous. But I’m noticing, I have six kids, of which a significant number are in your country at the moment. My, oldest is working back as a doctor in Australia again, and my other son is there so what I’m noticing with my youngest kids is that they’re an increasing number who’re saying I’m signing out of Instagram. I’m signing out of TikTok. I’m fed up with the superficiality of it, the materialism of it all, and I’m getting much more about making real life connections with human beings and that when you start to see that happening and when we as the elders can encourage that to help that’s also when we make change.

Charles Kovess

Yes, that’s a very exciting syndrome, and Buckminster Fuller said the future is in the hands of youth. We need the youth engaged in this process now. Now, you said something in terms of setting up alternative health systems. And Buckminster Fuller said don’t tear down the existing system set up alternatives, so can you give us a taste? What about why you set up the Alliance for Natural Health? Because that’s an alternative health system, and it’s now being replicated. I hope you’re aware of it everybody, well you Rob, of the World of Wellness. Its website is as in short for WOW International, set up by Professor Ian Brighthope and they should be creating an alliance with you, but you’ve done what Buckminster Fuller said, create a new system rather than tearing down the old system. And I want to also make sure I cover this question from one of our listeners, Sarah in Florida. So we’ll park this. But I’ve got a question for you. It says some information says 200 milligrams a day of selenium keeps cancer away. So what’s the link in your knowledge between selenium and cancer and an alkaline diet keeps GERD, don’t even know what that is. True or false? And there you are, only two questions. We’ll go back to those in a moment. But first I want to explore why you adopted Buckminster Fuller’s idea of setting up a new system, this alliance.

Rob Verkerk PhD

Within the alliance our central biggest project is how you build a regenerative health system. In December 2018, we published our blueprint for health system sustainability, a regenerative health system. What it would look like, and one of the fundamental features of this, is it for it not to be modality driven because people can choose those modalities that work for the very reasons that you started off talking about protocols. This idea of a one size fits all protocol being delivered by a health authority makes absolutely no sense when we are all culturally different. We are biologically different. We need to have sovereignty in terms of our choices. One of the fundamental principles of medical ethics is autonomy, that we need to be able to make those choices so that we are empowered in those choices. So in order to do that, one of the things that we’re missing is a common language. At the moment if you go into a family physician, the family physician is essentially a glorified drug sales representative and to that extent, I want to mention the PainKiller series on Netflix.

Charles Kovess

That absolutely shows that they are simply marketing agents. Oxycontin. Oxycodone. Yeah.

Rob Verkerk PhD

If you look at the fines that the pharmaceutical industry have received because of their deliberate strategy to get people addicted to opioids, it’s remarkable. When the Nobel Prize summit comes together and they want to restore trust and hope and faith in science, when you look at the fact that that the medical industry is not only one of the most corrupt industries the world has ever seen across any kind of industry. It is also a criminal industry, but coming back to the system, this common language is really crucial. So when we were looking at how we could create a common language, we had a look at what lens we were going to use and that in essence one of the lenses that I think is common across cultures and certainly across modalities and disciplines, is this broader concept of ecology and the fact the sense that we are a biological entity, we may be more than that, but that’s a very large component of our physical being that interacts both internally and externally with other organisms, we have more microbes in our body than we do human cells, and we interact with our environment. Therefore, if we start to see ourselves as ecological beings, we’re in a position to have a lens that is useful, and we’ve also got to understand that within an evolutionary context and understand what has this biological entity adapted to over the years. And funnily enough, it’s adapted to a natural environment and it’s struggling to adapt to this new, very fast-paced technological, digital environment and of course, what the globalists are doing is saying, hey, this Teflon coated root that they want us to follow, is about trying to merge the biological with the technological.

If you look at people like Ray Kurzweil, Head of Engineering at Google. He’s saying it’s going to be a process. He calls it the singularity. There’s a time when it all comes together. He’s estimating around about 2045 that’s gonna happen. And of course it will happen bit by bit for those who choose to go down that lane and we will see that if you ask a 16 year old now, hey would you like to have your cell phone, your mobile phone implanted into your left shoulder or into your brain or behind your ear or whatever. Many of them might say, ohh, that sounds really cool means I wouldn’t lose my phone. Without any idea of how that device could then be used to completely take control of that being. Do you wanna stop having to read stuff because we can just download neurological programs, but who’s responsible for the program? So that’s part of that sort of human augmentation process that moves us into this sort of transhuman state. So ecology becomes the lens. We’ve developed this view of a being that we believe is universal across cultures, we’ve taken it into Asia. We’ve done a lot of consensus work with it. It’s divided into 12 domains. It has a whole range of markers that can assess your degree of health, and we’re in the process of building a blockchain digital platform for it. That is we believe essential because what we need to do as individuals at this time when health data may become one of the most valuable assets on the planet, we need to be in control of our own data and that requires blockchain. It requires it being done independently from any of the large corporations, and we’re working with one of the biggest players in the digital records health records department, who’s come from the mainstream side, who’s been fascinated with our project, and we don’t see our regenerative health project as being an alternative. We see it as being new. In fact, it will encourage elements of the mainstream medical approach to that work to be part of it because once you have a common language and once people start selecting systems that work for them and they have a capacity to measure their health. Fundamental to this system is it’s not about treating disease, it’s about building health. So strangely, it has a little bit more in common with the way in which we decide to maintain our motor cars. You know, we have a series of orange and green and red lights on our dashboard. And when an orange light starts flashing, we decide to do something about it. When we see a red light, we do something about it real quick. When it’s green, we know everything’s OK. Now in healthcare, we don’t have that. We just kind of live our lives eating the worst possible diet, living a lifestyle that’s often incredibly unhealthy. And you know when we hit ur 50s or 60s the whole system starts breaking down. We start filling ourselves up with pills that treat symptoms. They don’t treat the root cause of disease. You take a bird’s eye view of it, and it’s a pretty crazy system.

Charles Kovess

Yeah, look. Well, that’s. That’s wonderful. We gotta go to a break, Rob. But I love that everybody we’re talking about retaining sovereignty for our choices in health and understanding and Rob’s website of understanding the impact on our health of every decision that we make. And Rob is the founder of the Alliance for Natural Health International. The website is, and we’re gonna talk about common language and the meaning of words. It’s a very interesting idea, meaning of words. Alex Craner, who is a wonderful man, he said we need to be cunning linguists. Rob.

Rob Verkerk PhD

Yes, I am laughing. Yeah, great one.

Charles Kovess

So with with that, with that sort of being with that thought of being a cunning linguist, we’ll be back after this short break.

Rob Verkerk PhD

Only an Aussie.

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Charles Kovess

Welcome back to the show. I’m Charles Kovess. I’ve got Dr Rob Verkerk with me, the founder of the Alliance for Natural Health International. We’ve been talking about the ANH building a regenerative health system, and creating a common language and then 12 domains to assess health. And at the top of the show I talked about health. You know, health is the unique optimum balance of mental, physical and spiritual elements and then the nonsense of protocols. So Rob, do want you to touch on the PFAS contamination issue for the report today and it’s referred to, but we’ve only got 10 minutes. There were so many things I wanted to talk about but.

Rob Verkerk PhD

Two questions from listeners as well.

Charles Kovess

Yes, let’s deal with that first. 200 milligrams a day of selenium keeping cancer away promising or false.

Rob Verkerk PhD

OK, look, certainly cancer protective. The issue with cancer is obviously it’s multifactorial. So an absence of selenium is absolutely a very significant factor and 200 to 600 microgram is a common component of any integrative cancer treatment. I also head up in our organisation the USA ANH is our website there and we have actually taken a legal action against the FDA when they decided to disallow the claim that selenium is cancer protective and we have had that reinstated. So again it’s a reminder that if we want to maintain freedom of speech, to be able to communicate lifesaving information to people, we have to take specific legal actions. And in fact in the US, we’re close to taking another legal action on an ingredient called NMN, nicotinamide mononucleotide, which is a precursor for NAD, really a key anti-aging compound, that’s been very, very widely used and has remarkable benefits for people because it’s within the B vitamin family. But yes, the FDA is trying to take that away from people as well because a drug company has come along and said, look, we want control of this ingredient. And through their investigational new drug system. So we want to challenge that nature got there first in our view therefore it has to be allowed. They’re welcome to develop it as a drug, if they want but it should be available at a fraction of the price as a dietary supplement as well.

Charles Kovess

Excellent. Excellent point. Because in Canada, there’s a big move on to stop people getting access to natural supplements. The second question was an alkaline diet keeps GERD. What is it? What’s again it’s GERD?

Rob Verkerk PhD

Gastroesophageal reflux disease. It’s heartburn.

Charles Kovess

And cancer. So alkaline diets.

Rob Verkerk PhD

You know what? There are so many people who are on proton pump inhibitors when they develop heartburn. They have a meal at night and they go wow that feels really uncomfortable. Some people think they’re getting a heart attack. It’s a really common problem, but if you if you talk to any integrative doctor or naturopathic physician they will tell you the most common reason that people develop heartburn, when they think they have too much acid, is actually they’re suffering from acid insufficiency in the stomach, hypochlorhydria. This is a really common condition. Some of it is caused by the fact that we’re eating too quickly. So if we don’t chew sufficiently, you know each mouthful should be chewed round about 30 times before we swallow. Many people are eating on the move, eating the wrong kind of foods and all of the enzymes that are released from the carbohydrate breaking down, amylase enzymes in the salivary glands through to the hydrochloric acid that’s produced in the stomach, along with the pepsin, and then all the pancreatic enzymes, bile et cetera, that that are essential to chemically breakdown food so we can extract nutrients that goes out of sync. And so for many people actually adding some additional acid, often in the form of betaine HCL, betaine hydrochloride is really really helpful. So with a meal taking, 500, a 1000 milligrams of betaine HCL can be very, very helpful. So it’s actually adding more acid, but again people can go to an integrative physician, they can actually measure the PH of your stomach contents and see if you are essentially acid insufficient. It’s a really common problem, and taking alkaline drugs and taking PPI’s is the worst thing to do. An alkaline diet should be the diet that we’re all consuming and essentially our diet becomes alkaline if the majority of the diet that we’re eating is composed of vegetables. So again, you’ll hear that a lot of people are salt bashing. But if we look at the work that’s been done at McMasters University in Canada, which is the leading research, they’ve been working for two decades plus on the issue of salt. They’ve always said that what the human body needs is this very narrow range of salt because, you know, hey, we evolved out of the oceans we have evolved as terrestrial animals, consuming a lot of seafood that, believe it or not, has a significant amount of salt in it and the problem we’re suffering at the moment is an imbalance between minerals, and particularly between sodium and potassium. So when the if you reduce your sodium too far, particularly for women, we get below 4 grams a day. You can actually reverse and start creating the very symptoms you’re trying to protect against, such as hypertension, so it’s really important that we maintain our salt levels, but we increase our potassium levels and the simplest and most correct way of doing that will also alkalise your diet is by consuming more vegetables, so vegetables should be the basis of what we eat. And of course, our diets have changed so much that absolutely, when we consume highly processed meats and essentially highly refined seed oil vegetable fats. If we look at, say, polyphenols, the very important group of plant compounds that are highly protective against cancer. They are very, very necessary along with prebiotic fibres for our gut microbiota. In the US now, the single biggest source of polyphenols is no longer vegetables and fruits. It’s coffee, so that shows you how far the standard American diet has moved from a healthy diet. We’ve actually published a book it’s available readily out there called RESET EATING.

Charles Kovess

RESET EATING, who’s the author?

Rob Verkerk PhD

Myself, my colleague Meleni and my colleague Melissa. So Robert Verkerk and Meleni Aldridge and Melissa Smith called RESET EATING, and it’s widely available. It’s also available from our website, but it basically looks at all the fundamental dietary principles that help build what we call metabolic flexibility, so a lot of people say oohh, you gotta go low carb. Well, it depends who you are. Ultimately, if you are moving down the metabolic disease route, low carb can be a really critical part of the whole process. But then again, if you start to take more exercise and particularly if you take long periods of endurance exercise, being low carb all the time and starving yourself of food. There we go.

Charles Kovess

Wait, wait. We got 10 seconds to go. Keep coming Rob.

Rob Verkerk PhD

OK, OK. But so that that’s not always the answer for everyone. So basically check out RESET EATING. There’s a lot of information in there

Charles Kovess

Wonderful. Thank you for that, Rob. You’re a genius. I love your work. Alliance for Natural Health, everybody, Keep up the fight. I’ll have you back again because there’s so many areas we’ve gotta cover. I honour your work. Join the Alliance, everybody, and we’ll be back with you next Saturday. At the same time. Bye for now. Thank you, Rob.