ANH News Beat (week 49/2023)

Dec 6, 2023

Date:6 December 2023

Content Sections

  • In Brief (click on the links to read more)
  • Natural News
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News

In Brief (click on the links to read more)

  • Secure messaging app, Signal, revealed to be funded by the CIA and widely used by intelligence agencies
  • Supermarkets express concerns over EU’s relaxation of ‘new GMO’ regulation
  • Risks to health and environment from ‘new GMOs’
  • COP28 update
  • Calls for agroecological farming to be included in COP28 discussions
  • Big business hijacks regenerative agriculture
  • Threat to EU biodiversity from industrial agriculture
  • New Zealand fluoridation mandates thrown out of court
  • French threat to natural health therapies
  • UK Biobank shares data with insurance companies, while Big Pharma funds dataset development
  • Traditional Chinese heart medicine proven effective by RCT
  • News from ANH-USA
  • Covid News inc:
    • Natural infection before covid jab increases risk of adverse reactions
    • 50-in-5 launched to accelerate implementation of joined up digital systems globally
    • Covid injections…
    • Canadian Citizen’s Inquiry report published
    • Japanese regulators approve use of samRNA covid jab
    • Plus more…

Natural News

  • Secure messaging app, Signal, is facing collapse due to a lack of funds. What’s not included in the announcement made by Meredith Walker, President of Signal, is the shocking fact that the shortfall is, in large part, caused by the withdrawal of funding by the CIA and US intelligence funding, which financed its creation and maintenance for many years. Kit Klaenberg reveals the full story on his Substack, including revelations that many ‘Internet Freedom’ tools, like anonymising dark web browser, Tor, are in fact intelligence agency creations that give the agencies, both protection for their operatives and back door access to deanonymise those trying to hide from the very surveillance these tools are said to protect against. ‘Follow the money’ couldn’t be more true in this case.
  • Supermarkets across the EU are speaking out about the European Commission’s proposals to regulate gene edited products (known as new genomic techniques or NGTs). In an open letter, eight major German and Austrian supermarkets warn the proposals mustn’t jeopardise consumer choice, organic farming practices or food price stability
  • The unintended changes created by genetic engineering techniques, that wouldn’t occur with conventional breeding methods, are the focus of a new review published in Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. The thrust of the paper’s message is that the risks presented by so called ‘new GMOs’ to health and the environment, must be properly assessed
  • The topic of health is taking centre stage at COP28 with the announcement of a new declaration – ‘COP28 UAE Declaration on Climate and Health’ signed by 123 countries. The new declaration pushes the climate related narrative onto health issues such as “…extreme heat, air pollution and infectious diseases”, rather than focusing on the epidemic of chronic disease now affecting people globally. The declaration will benefit from eye-watering levels of funding from the likes of the Rockefeller Foundation, Gates Foundation supported organisations, such as GAVI and the Sanofi Foundation, amongst others
  • With COP28 in full swing the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) is calling for the inclusion of sustainable agroecological farming practices to be included in discussions aimed at dealing with climate change issues. AFSA is also calling for greenwashing techniques such as carbon credits, Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) and Nature Based Solutions (NBS) to be ditched. AFSA’s comments come as the ‘COP28 UAE Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems and Climate Action’ was announced. At the heart of such declarations should be the prioritisation of nature, people’s lives and livelihoods, not the furtherance of existing systems, disguised by greenwashing that will allow the continued degradation of the environment to the enormous benefit of large corporations.

>>> Biodiversity credits: profiting from nature’s last frontier

>>> Nature powergrab initiated in USA

  • COP28 continues the hijacking of the terms ‘sustainable’ and ‘regenerative’ as applied to agriculture, as greenwashing is adopted by Big Biotech and Big Ag in order to prop up failing systems. Multinational businesses share news of their sustainable and regenerative credentials, such as US food processing giant, ADM, or dairy giant, Danone, which has announced its collaboration with The Global Methane Hub (GMH), which focuses on reducing methane production by livestock. Whilst these types of initiatives sound great on paper, they often amount to little more than a tweaking of agricultural practices by their suppliers in relation to soil health, greenhouse gas emission and biodiversity promotion. Not for profit organisation, GRAIN, has more
  • The continued threat to biodiversity from industrialised agricultural practices, is laid bare in a recent study published in PLOS One. In the EU alone, 19% of species are under threat of extinction with plants and insects at highest risk
  • Attempts to mandate fluoridation of water in New Zealand have hit a serious roadblock after a judge ruled the decision to be unlawful because the Director General of Health failed to consider the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act (BORA), which forbids forced medical treatments. New Health, New Zealand has the full story
  • A proposed new Bill presented to the French Senate recently, could be used to target natural health practitioners if they’re perceived to have persuaded people to use natural therapies in place of medical interventions, particularly in the case of cancer. Such transgressions would be punishable by imprisonment and fines of up to €15,000. The wording in the new bill is deliberately vague using the term “…current medical knowledge”, which could be taken to mean it depends on what the ‘experts’ believe at a particular point in time. L’Express has more detail (article in French)
  • Despite pledges by the UK Biobank, that it would never share sensitive heath data with insurance companies, a Guardian Observer investigation has found that Biobank shared data with insurance companies multiple times between 2020 and 2023. UK Biobank has unveiled a new dataset that will be made available to approved researchers to aid Big Pharma’s search for, “…more targeted drug discovery and development”, as well as to investigate the role of ‘junk DNA’ in disease development, as part of so called ‘disease prevention’ strategies. The new dataset as apparently been financed by Wellcome and UK Research and Innovation, along with four biopharmaceutical companies: Amgen, AstraZeneca, GSL and Johnson & Johnson.

>>> Who owns your health data?

>>> Your health data – exploitation of the most precious commodity

  • A traditional Chinese herbal medicine, known as tongxinlo, used traditionally as a treatment for heart attack patients, has been validated by a randomised control study published in JAMA. The study found it to be effective in reducing complications and further heart attacks for at least a year following an initial heart attack when used alongside standard treatments.

News from ANH-USA

  • The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues its assault against natural molecules used in supplements as it turns its attention to peptides, which show great promise for increasing lifespan and improving health by beginning a process to categorise them as drugs. If successful, this will in effect block people’s access to them as dietary supplements. Find out more about the move to remove our access to these ‘miracle molecules’ and what you can do to push back the FDA
  • The FDA’s assault on homeopathic medicines, started in 2018, took another step in its attempts to ban public access to homeopathic remedies, after it sent warning letters to companies producing homeopathic eye care products due to the way they’re used. Take action against the FDA and support the continued use of homeopathic remedies.

Covid News

  • People who received covid jabs after natural infection are more likely to experience an adverse reaction to the shots than those who haven’t had covid prior to being jabbed, according to a Canadian study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases
  • Launched recently, 50-in-5 is a project to promote the introduction of a shared ‘digital public infrastructure’ (DPI) in 50 countries in the next 5 years. At the heart of the project is a new NGO called ‘Co-Develop’, funded by the likes of the Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Wellcome and Omidyar Network. Expectations of digital systems, such as digital currencies and IDs, are that they are discreet and separate between countries — however 50-in-5 describes how these systems will be connected or interoperable. Whilst our attention is diverted by crises and wars across the globe, the Great Reset continues to churn quietly and relentlessly in the background hoping that no one will notice
  • One in five patients prescribed the covid antiviral, Paxlovid, experienced a rebound case of covid according to a new study from Harvard Medical School, published in Annals of Internal Medicine
  • The final report from the first ever Canadian citizen-organised and citizen funded, National Citizens Inquiry, into Canada’s response to covid-19 has been published along with recommendations, which are scathing of many of the interventions and techniques used to control and coerce people through the pandemic. Despite being invited to participate, neither the government nor any regulatory authority was represented at the hearings
  • Texas State Attornery, Ken Paxton, is suing Pfizer for “unlawfully misrepresenting the effectiveness” of its covid jab and attempting to censor and silence those expressing safety concerns
  • Rioting in the Irish capital, Dublin, following the stabbing of multiple people outside a school, has handed the Irish government a golden opportunity to further censor ‘disinformation’ on social media channels
  • Japanese regulators have approved the use of the world’s first self-amplifying mRNA (samRNA), also known as replicon RNA, covid shot from Japanese manufacturer, Meiji Seika Pharma Co. Approval is based on a trial of 828 people who had previously received three doses of mRNA covid shots over a four week period. Guy Gin explores the approval and its lack of rigorous scientific support or regulatory oversight
  • Moderna has halted a trial of its Epstein-Barr mRNA jab after a trial participant developed myocarditis. Alex Berenson has the full story
  • A new preprint study describes the onset of a range of debilitating symptoms following covid ‘vaccination’, which it refers to as post-vaccination syndrome (PVS). In conclusion, its authors call for urgent investigations to help understand the problem and interventions to support those suffering as a result
  • Making children wear masks does not protect against covid. Publishing in The BMJ, researchers conducted a systematic review, which found that no randomised controlled trials had been carried out into the wearing of face masks by children. Six of the final 22 studies included suffered from serious risk of bias, and sixteen found no association between mask wearing and either prevention of infection or transmission!

>>> Visit for our complete curated covid content of the coronavirus crisis