Zespół ANH dołącza do sympozjum "Atak na żywność i rolników

wrz 19, 2024

Date:19 September 2024

Treść Sekcje

  • Watch Rob’s presentation
  • Listen to Rob’s presentation as a podcast
  • Obejrzyj prezentację Meleni
  • Posłuchaj prezentacji Meleni jako podcastu

Sophisticated psychological tools, some might say warfare, are routinely used on the public to control opinions and behaviour in ways that benefit entwined governments and mega corporations. These tools include distorting information, and creating illusions and lockstep global news that cements views that are favourable to special interests. 

ANH founder, executive & scientific director Rob Verkerk PhD and executive coordinator, Meleni Aldridge, joined over 30 experts, each giving short (20 minute) presentations that delivered insights into our food supply, chemical pollution and climate change. The presentations were part of the two day, 17-hour, second annual “Attack on Food and Farmers and How to Fight Back” on CHD.TV, hosted by Door to Freedom founder, Meryl Nass MD, which took place on the 6th and 7th September.

Rob’s presentation focused on breaking down the tactics of major institutions, governments and media organisations who are behind a strategic plan to undermine the truth about the food we grow, purchase and consume. He explores the attack on regen ag, livestock and the consumption of real meat. Taking the viewer through the social programming driving the attacks and unpicking the myths behind topics such as climate change and the use of ‘precision’ agriculture techniques.

Meleni shared how we can turn our food into powerful medicine, asking if you want to live and thrive, rather than just survive? Reflecting on our evolutionary history, she offers some practical lifestyle and dietary swaps that support vitality instead of chronic illness and explains the relationship between longevity, inflammation, nutrition, fasting and disease.

Other topics covered during the Symposium include the efforts to control our food systems, the difficulties faced by farmers as they navigate laws that are making it increasingly difficult to get their produce to market and the impacts of increasing pesticide use alongside genetically engineered plants and animals threatening the natural environment and human health. Speakers also explored farmer pushback, regenerative agriculture and the attacks on real meat production in favour of ‘alternative’ proteins.

>>> Click here to listen to all the presentations given as part of the Symposium.

Watch Rob’s presentation

Listen to Rob’s presentation as a podcast

Obejrzyj prezentację Meleni

Posłuchaj prezentacji Meleni jako podcastu


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